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Cosplay Skullgirls general cosplay thread.

I intend on cosplaying Val for UFGT and/or EVO. Will post pictures once I have it ready. I'm not going to do a modified version, like the guy in the video at the top of the page, rather I am going to dress as skimpily as mai waifu. Cause the world needs more of my legs, i think.
Haha i love showing my legs too.
I will be at EVO cosplaying as well; Vergil (Done), Parasoul(in progress), Lili Rochefort(in progress), and Kabal(nearly done)
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PJ and/or regular Peacock is on my wishlist, though I'd really want to figure out a way to make some convincing missing eye prosthetics for that. It can be done, I feel it in my heart. I've seen too many disappointing Peacocks to want to do it any other way.

My biggest one has been Black Dahlia, though. I've had the blueprints for making her gun drafted for a while. I've already assembled many parts I'll need for her--I have a hat, a veil, a wig, opera gloves, pearl strings, white thigh highs, shoes... It's pretty much the dress, cannon and the feathered jewel affixed to her hat I have to really concern myself with making.
PJ and/or regular Peacock is on my wishlist, though I'd really want to figure out a way to make some convincing missing eye prosthetics for that. It can be done, I feel it in my heart. I've seen too many disappointing Peacocks to want to do it any other way.

the only thing i've thought of would be black makeup to make the eye while wearing black sclera eye contacts
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the only thing i've thought of would be black makeup to make the eye while wearing black sclera eye contacts

There are "gouged out eye" prosthetic type deals you can get for Halloween costumes. I'm thinking that I could make one that uses a similar principle, but looks convincing instead of hokey.

If one did a plaster cast of their own face, edited that into a mold that would suit the prosthetic, and then cast in latex or silicone, you could make a "mask" of sorts which would then be applied over the eyes and blended in using makeup to appear seamless.

This is getting into like, film production special effects levels of going far with a cosplay, but my personal goal on any cosplay is to look as professional as possible. I wouldn't be happy with myself if my costume was anything short of perfect.

I'm not made of time and money, though so that idea will be put off for a long, long time. But I'd like to do it someday.
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I'm in the process of making parasoul's umbrella.
I still need to find a dress like hers though.
There are "gouged out eye" prosthetic type deals you can get for Halloween costumes. I'm thinking that I could make one that uses a similar principle, but looks convincing instead of hokey.

If one did a plaster cast of their own face, edited that into a mold that would suit the prosthetic, and then cast in latex or silicone, you could make a "mask" of sorts which would then be applied over the eyes and blended in using makeup to appear seamless.

This is getting into like, film production special effects levels of going far with a cosplay, but my personal goal on any cosplay is to look as professional as possible. I wouldn't be happy with myself if my costume was anything short of perfect.

I'm not made of time and money, though so that idea will be put off for a long, long time. But I'd like to do it someday.
I like how far you want to go with the eye effect. If you ever decide to put this in action, I'd love to see it. :)
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I like how far you want to go with the eye effect. If you ever decide to put this in action, I'd love to see it. :)

Haha, well it's nothing but an idea until it happens. Though it's a fun one to entertain. If I did that it'd be fun to make metallic teeth to go with the whole shebang, too.
My friends and I (I'm Brain Drain)
Skullguys at Anime Banzai Utah

I'd like to cosplay Brain Drain someday. You really nailed it, it's amazing.

How about this?

Source: http://rigaudon.tumblr.com/

Best Parasoul ever.
I'm still in the concept stages of a fem!Big Band cosplay that should hopefully be ready for a convention I'm attending in September. It'll be funny because I'm actually really tiny.

It's gonna be fun because big shoulder pads and hoop skirts. It'll also be painful because big shoulder pads and hoop skirts.
I got a wig a while ago which I got to slowly start off my Hive cosplay. I plan to make the whole outfit bit by bit (EXCLUDING Beezle Bomb because oh god no) as soon as I get a job. I still have to style the wig and get rid of that weird bump; other than that, I adore this wig! (P.S. Sorry for the terrible camera quality from my laptop.)
Do I see pyschonauts in the background? Also, good start! Can't wait to see the final product.
Do I see pyschonauts in the background? Also, good start! Can't wait to see the final product.
Why, yes it is! Milla Vondello that is! Surprised that you've spot it in the background, and knew where it was from. It's fanart though, so it ain't mine.

Thank you! It's gonna take a while to make, but the sooner I get cash, the faster I can make it happen! Mostly likely, I'll have to commission someone to make the actual costume. Of course, buying all the mats myself.
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I was at Project A-kon 25 last weekend and found 5 Skullgirls Cosplayers combined in 2 separate groups. The first were a pair of Valentine and Beowulf early on the second day. The second I found laer that evening and while the Painwheel was not with them I got the other three in a photo.

Why do I mention the Painwheel not being there? Well....


Second Place in the Open Division as a walk-on group will get some attention
Why, yes it is! Milla Vondello that is! Surprised that you've spot it in the background, and knew where it was from. It's fanart though, so it ain't mine.
For what its worth, my reaction was "Oh, cute wig. Yeah, she can totally pull off Hive. Oooo... Milla!"
Hmm,I might wanna try my hand at cosplaying Fukua.But,my family's dirt poor so there's no chance of that happening.
Heh, in addition to the above photo, here's where that Group of Skullgirls cosplayers went on stage:
Can't wait for someone to try cosplaying as Eliza. That'd be a real treat. I would love to do it myself but I have no creative bone in my body, unfortunately.
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When I will afford to buy some fake fur, honey
I plan to dress up as Beowulf next year
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Any SG cosplay that would look good on a plump guy? I find myself in that limbo size ( really tall and plump) where I'm too big for most characters, yet I'm not big ENOUGH for the big guys, like SSIV Rufus or Tekken's Bob.

Guess I could always go with this, but I dunno if I could even get in a building with it.
Big Band would be the best one, maybe Stanley, but he's kind of short.
If I ever got the funds to do so. I would not mind attempting Peacock or Fillia. Or, if I'm feeling brave, Valentine.
If I ever got the funds to do so. I would not mind attempting Peacock or Fillia. Or, if I'm feeling brave, Valentine.
Filia wouldnt be too expensive
Filia is actually pretty easy. Peacock is a mess. Valentine can be kinda changed. I always wanted to make an hijab version of her.
It's sorta sad that there are only 9 threads in the cosplay section... I'm not into it, but it's so cool to see!
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Zhao yun says: I bow to their skills