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Recent content by Cattfish

  1. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    This is a GREAT idea- I just ask if we can archive current endless beta as a launch option ie ireallyfearchange so people can still play/lab pre-Annie sg thanks I still load it up to this day.
  2. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    A bonus, large shoutout to Ram for crunching the numbers early on and helping show that decap's damage changes were important to revisit. This one definitely comes down to giving her a little more time. Two small, but noteworthy purposes: An addition to the starter chains after resets causing...
  3. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    My observation to the quoted bit is that it'd be difficult to force a more headless-centric Fortune, given the tools that Head-On possesses. How Ms. Fortune is designed is different from other puppet characters. The tuning knobs are nice, but it would take some pretty substantial hits to head-on...
  4. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    This post might not have a great deal of poise. Just a couple things regarding Fortune discussion. I think these are conflicting. Headless nerfs aimed to hit her neutral (cooldowns, ability to hit the head) were very warranted, which you agreed with! But especially now you would have to make...
  5. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    I agree with you! I wanted to include that I was aware of the mixup, in case there was a fringe rule that somehow it couldn't be blockable while rising only on first jump. The primary point is intended for the IOH vs tall characters.
  6. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    With the gradual removal of rising overheads, is it perhaps time Robo loses rising jLP as well? I understand 5HK was buffed as nice compensation to the removal of idj jLP. Rising jLP works on characters that, let's be fair, she already decimates (such as but not limited to Beo, Bella). She...
  7. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    This has been a fun first patch to tinker with, so as always thank you for letting us try things out. Personal note, thank you for listening to the change that lag vial disappears on hit oh my god its happening. While on the subject, I'll echo others in that I don't think the vial-strength...
  8. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    Thanks for your post! I appreciate the feedback. Re:H Hurl specifically, I'm more than happy to give it to L & M Hurl's cooldown if H Hurl sounds too volatile for players. To others as well, please keep in mind at its core this is is a concept to experiment with his hype gain. I'm not...
  9. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    More Beowulf navel-gazing, refining the idea of getting hype from assists somehow. If Beowulf hype mechanic stays as it is, I'm curious what Beo players think of this: Currently, H Hurl assist has chair cooldown, and during that state Beo cannot throw it again. What if during that cooldown...
  10. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    oh god oh god oh god I personally would not prefer this and I understand why people would be more than happy to say no to it. If Fortune players do  not want the sandwich please let me know, other Fortunes. I get you can do CSF 2 bar meter dump and that penpen/others do silly jLP...
  11. Cattfish

    Marie Alpha/Beta Gameplay Discussion Thread

    This thread is to keep tech, questions, bugs, feedback, and miscellaneous discussion about Marie's ongoing gameplay development in one accessible location for HVS. >>>>> This is NOT a thread to discuss balance changes or feedback for characters other than Marie. <<<<< Marie's Alpha release was...
  12. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    Hello, thank you for an excellent writeup! The only thing I'm gonna touch on is this. I imagine Lex's changelist was a tidy overview of potential tweaks. One big characteristic of Nom is which direction the head goes, and how you can influence that by crossing behind the opponent. Adjustment of...
  13. Cattfish

    The Unofficial Official Beta Discussion Thread

    I'd like to suggest that there could be a hitbox rework on Robo 2MK. Robo is in a great place balance-wise (beam assist discussion elsewhere, not this post), however this move is perhaps too good. Proposition: Adjust the hitbox to be lower to the ground ala L Buer. The main reason for this...
  14. Cattfish

    Archiving History: Not Quite Version Select

    I wouldn't have much faith in the legitimate retrieval of old builds and the legal framework involved. At best, I think of it as a foregone conclusion but something to learn from. And to emphasize it so it's not like an unviable request, it isn't an ask for a Street Fighter-style "version...
  15. Cattfish

    Archiving History: Not Quite Version Select

    Before Dahlia ships out, I wanted to raise the topic of preserving prior builds of Skullgirls. This game has gone through many formative changes throughout the years. There are only few ways for players to experience these. -Owning a console that contained the Vanilla or SDE version. -The...