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Changes to Eliza's win costume


New Member
One of Eliza's win "poses" received a major change recently. Specifically, her :MK: (now :KK:) pose.

The old one:

The new one:

It strikes me as odd that LZ would change a character's costume to be less revealing, especially that character. Thoughts?
It's still like that for some palettes. Pretty sure.

Also does it really even matter? Like this is a serious question.
If I'm not mistaken, they made a lot of similar changes to other characters. Especially along the lines of removing many of the gratuitous panty shots.

I don't really know the details, but I'm sure they had a good reason. Otherwise they wouldn't bother doing the work.
Not really, it just seems like an uncharacteristic decision on the team's part.

What's characteristic about being half naked? She's the character with the least amount of fanservice in that she has no panty shots for like every move ever. (She probably has like one or two unlike the rest of the casts' double digit number) Plus her hit stun animations are all gross. Sure she's supposed to be a sexy character but why would that equate to wearing less clothes?
If I'm not mistaken, they made a lot of similar changes to other characters. Especially along the lines of removing many of the gratuitous panty shots.

I don't really know the details, but I'm sure they had a good reason. Otherwise they wouldn't bother doing the work.
The previous ones they changed, they said something along the lines of their opinions changed on those specific things and were able to update it so they did.
I and the majority of the team thought it was really tacky and not fitting at all for the game. The original concept was a joke to begin with; I personally felt it shouldn't have been included in the first place.

Just because we have a cast of attractive women does not mean that we don't have a standard for fan service.
It's the second-guessing that seems uncharacteristic. If LZ had included the current palette in Eliza's original release, nobody would raise an eyebrow. It's the fact that they put the costume in, looked at it, and then said "Eh, that's too much." If this change had been made in the beta, it would have made more sense, but nope, it was made long after Eliza was actually released. This is especially strange considering the fact that that's far from the most fanservicey thing in the game.

What's characteristic about being half naked? She's the character with the least amount of fanservice in that she has no panty shots for like every move ever. (She probably has like one or two unlike the rest of the casts' double digit number) Plus her hit stun animations are all gross. Sure she's supposed to be a sexy character but why would that equate to wearing less clothes?
Peacock, Painwheel and Squigly say Hi.

PS: "Gross" is relative.
It's the second-guessing that seems uncharacteristic. If LZ had included the current palette in Eliza's original release, nobody would raise an eyebrow. It's the fact that they put the costume in, looked at it, and then said "Eh, that's too much." If this change had been made in the beta, it would have made more sense, but nope, it was made long after Eliza was actually released. This is especially strange considering the fact that that's far from the most fanservicey thing in the game.
They haven't been shy about things they felt weren't up to their standards.

The guy above you is from Lab Zero.
Peacock, Painwheel and Squigly say Hi.

PS: "Gross" is relative.

do I really have to log these? I really rather not prove you wrong but peacock is always showing bloomers which are indeed underwear. Squigly sure but that part doesn't matter when you still haven't said why you feel it is characteristic that eliza be half naked. I'm legitimately curious.

Gross may be subjective (which is the better word to use) but I'd hate to meet the guy who is attracted to this:


or any other of eliza's 'graceful' frames.
you're still dodging the question I see.

ah well my curiosity will just have to eat me
I feel like the fan service in skullgirls was something moderate, like: hey, if the girl has attractive body, something will happen. And not like some animes where is: Here, butts, panty shots, breasts, panty shots, etc. I think the change fits eliza more as a character. And i still want to take drawing lessons from some artists at lab zero, xD
If this change had been made in the beta, it would have made more sense.

But... that winpose was changed in the beta. It's not a new development. It was altered before Eliza was even released, it just took you 10 months to notice.
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It was, huh? Damn, I just keep digging myself deeper. Truth be told, I haven't actually done much with Eliza; I'm just basing this off what my friend said. She was pretty upset about the change, too...
Gross may be subjective (which is the better word to use) but I'd hate to meet the guy who is attracted to this:


or any other of eliza's 'graceful' frames.

I, uh, kind of think it's cute, actually. In a "messed up bed hair" kind of way. Hence the profile pic...

Oh, if I could ONLY tell the stories.
Maybe 10 years from now or something.

Hey, a "Making of Skullgirls" book where you complain about the crazy fanbase and development cycle would probably sell. Just sayin'.
pretty sure I remember mike seeing that winpose rough and uncolored at salty and audibly vomited on stream.

A lot of eliza's stuff was changed before release too, like her "being thrown" animation was also toned down as well. Its not a thing to get super upset about.
I'm just basing this off what my friend said. She was pretty upset about the change, too...
It wasn't me it was just my friend! Honest! :P

Personally I can't remember when they made the change, but I'm pretty glad they did! I always hated that design and it really did feel out of place.
One of Eliza's win "poses" received a major change recently.
According to version control, the last time any of her win pose art changed was September 2nd, 2014.
I am fairly certain this does not qualify as "recently", so I question the premise of this thread. :^)

And considering she was released on September 30th, 2014, she never had anything except the final version in any retail build of the game.

So...what's the problem, again? (^.^) Nothing? Thought so.