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Cerebella Resets Thread

Something I had for a long time but I hadn't recorded and posted 'til last night. Refreshing up on my stuffs. Working on seeing if I can make a similar midscreen OTG, though it would have to involve a call then crossup.
M Item Drop Lvl3, as has been usual. However in corner it should work with all 3. As for a midscreen version, it will require a crossunder j.hp autocorrect Grab Bag; I need to find the right timing to link the two, then see what I can do to confirm from there.
M Item Drop Lvl3, as has been usual. However in corner it should work with all 3. As for a midscreen version, it will require a crossunder j.hp autocorrect Grab Bag; I need to find the right timing to link the two, then see what I can do to confirm from there.

I guessed M before you replied and came up with this, though I think I've seen a lot of these setups before on someone's YouTube, but why not reinvent the wheel.

Dash jump to get the momentum for grab bag to connect from the jLP.

Edit: Ah yeah, this is Taluda's stuff right? H though.

See, I thought about doing the Kanchou too, but I just couldn't seem to hit Fortune with a j.lp or j.lp j.lk and then go into the grab bag. Hrm. Thank you though. Also, pretty sure sev's has done a few things with SOID3 before, but she's super secretive and just lab monsters in this game, I guess

EDIT: Oh, wow, I never knew Taluda did that and came up with that concept way before I did, and way back in 2013, damn. Beat me to it by a year. Well, I still have to do a buncha work still to get the most out of SOID3 reset potential, it's a good assist, just unconventional
See, I thought about doing the Kanchou too, but I just couldn't seem to hit Fortune with a j.lp or j.lp j.lk and then go into the grab bag. Hrm. Thank you though. Also, pretty sure sev's has done a few things with SOID3 before, but she's super secretive and just lab monsters in this game, I guess

Fortune can be awkward in a lot of situations where you would ask 'why just Fortune?'
You can runstop sMP to extend the links you can do from the stagger it gives you after a jHK restand, that might be helpful to give you a different timing.
I suppose you could kanchou feint + assist at the same stagger to cross up and continue the combo into a grab bag reset, if that would do you any good.
Yeah, if I had to boil my frustrations with labbing things against certain characters, it's Fortune, Squigly, and Double for all their awkward and/or low profiles. But yeah, using s.MP is something I got on the mind. I just need to spend more time with the tech, heh. Thank you @gllt.
I guessed M before you replied and came up with this, though I think I've seen a lot of these setups before on someone's YouTube, but why not reinvent the wheel.

Dash jump to get the momentum for grab bag to connect from the jLP.

Edit: Ah yeah, this is Taluda's stuff right? H though.

I remember being so proud of myself when I found this out. I really should try to find more Bella stuff lol.

The double crossup version is useful because both crossups involve you getting into position before the opponent can move, which means it should work no matter what direction Band is holding. It gets beaten by timpani mash, but what doesn't?

You need to be very close for this to work, so it's probably not going to work past the first chain in midscreen. j.lp mash gets you very close by the time you reach the ground, but by doing that you're storing j.lp in IPS, preventing you from doing the crossup because it starts with j.lp. If you doubt your opponent is going to burst at any point during the hit stun, which is a very rare case indeed, it might be worth it to risk triggering IPS in order to try for a crossup anyway.

Also, the double crossup puts you in a much more advantageous position as you're actually on the ground and can chain into any normal that you'd normally be able to chain into from c.lk. This is not the case for the single crossup version.

EDIT: One more thing about the double crossup. As I did in the video, you can do c.mk after c.lk, naturally. This also happens to be how you set up the reset. It puts you close enough to Band that you're in the perfect position every single time. This means that you can do this reset multiple times very quickly against a calm band before they start to mash out DPs and supers, giving you free damage and slightly reducing undizzy every time you do the reset.
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Does the double cross up work if BB blocks the first part?

Whoops, forgot about that.

No, it doesn't work. However, I've found a few extra things:

1. If they don't pushblock, you can sometimes get grab bag. I don't know how to set this up consistently, but sometimes it works. You can also sometimes double jump.

2. You can do j.mk almost immediately after j.lp for a much easier crossup. You can't grab bag, double jump, or do any kind of followup after this, but you can use j.hk for a fastfall. It leaves you at about +2 once you hit the ground. You can use this minor advantage for anything you want, though a jab will probably work best since the opponent will have expected you to fall to the other side after a crossup. This only works if the j.mk crossup hits.

Goodnight, sweet Band.

This is probably universal with all characters (that is, every character can do it against Band), but I'm too lazy to test.
But it doesn't get you a crossup, only pushes the opponent out of the corner.

It allows for a wide range of new crossups without the use of c.mk. Kanchou can be pretty hard to predict if you're doing it after a move that doesn't normally allow for kanchou in the corner, like c.hp or s.hp or any other move.
It allows for a wide range of new crossups without the use of c.mk. Kanchou can be pretty hard to predict if you're doing it after a move that doesn't normally allow for kanchou in the corner, like c.hp or s.hp or any other move.
... cerebella's mixups don't all revolve around c.mk. There's a lot of other things you can do. It's just another reset tool, one that's a little easier to use than the rest of her stuff.

You also should avoid using Kanchou as a reset unless you have a slick setup or know they aren't going to block it (or have an assist backing it).
... cerebella's mixups don't all revolve around c.mk. There's a lot of other things you can do. It's just another reset tool, one that's a little easier to use than the rest of her stuff.

You also should avoid using Kanchou as a reset unless you have a slick setup or know they aren't going to block it (or have an assist backing it).
Noob question but setting Cerebella with Kachou assist, will it actually create a hard-to-block or it doesnt cross up? (i'm not getting the visual/sound cue in training mode that it crosses up when used as assist.)
Assists hit based on where the player is. So even if an assist hits behind an opponent (e.g. jump over the opponent before assist hits), it can still be blocked as if it hit normally. I think Kanchou just does the finger prod when it is an assist as well, don't think it dashes forward.
Assists hit based on where the player is. So even if an assist hits behind an opponent (e.g. jump over the opponent before assist hits), it can still be blocked as if it hit normally. I think Kanchou just does the finger prod when it is an assist as well, don't think it dashes forward.
It doesn't just do the finger prod because the assist doesn't work at a certain range only up close within sweep range.
Noob question but setting Cerebella with Kachou assist, will it actually create a hard-to-block or it doesnt cross up? (i'm not getting the visual/sound cue in training mode that it crosses up when used as assist.)
It does not cross up as an assist, no. Any time any assist is on the screen and you have to block it, you block away from the point character.

Cross up sparks only show when the move hits from the wrong direction. They would only show on kanchou if the finger pointed away from the enemy and it still hit.
It does not cross up as an assist, no. Any time any assist is on the screen and you have to block it, you block away from the point character.

Cross up sparks only show when the move hits from the wrong direction. They would only show on kanchou if the finger pointed away from the enemy and it still hit.
Thanks, well I guess i've been wasting my time with this assist.
Thanks, well I guess i've been wasting my time with this assist.
I wouldn't go that far. I actually think it's an interesting assist that someone will figure out how to use right one day.

Things it has going for it:
-high damage combo extender. There's a reason why most high damage combo starts have this at the beginning.
-harder to happy birthday. How you gonna hit both after blocking kanchou?
-long period before hit. I can imagine tricky frame traps and grab/kanchou setups with this.
-deceptive range.
-alpha counter shenanigans. Am I gonna let kanchou rock, cancel into US, cancel into Dynamo, or cross up then Dynamo?

Try and use it without thinking of it as a cross up tool. Like, use it on someone jumping in at you.
Though, it can put you a nice block advntg to continue pressure but I think there's better assist for that

I wouldn't go that far. I actually think it's an interesting assist that someone will figure out how to use right one day.

Things it has going for it:
-high damage combo extender. There's a reason why most high damage combo starts have this at the beginning.
-harder to happy birthday. How you gonna hit both after blocking kanchou?
-long period before hit. I can imagine tricky frame traps and grab/kanchou setups with this.
-deceptive range.
-alpha counter shenanigans. Am I gonna let kanchou rock, cancel into US, cancel into Dynamo, or cross up then Dynamo?

Try and use it without thinking of it as a cross up tool. Like, use it on someone jumping in at you.
Hmm i'll mess around with it and maybe work something out. Thanks for your suggestions!
Though, it can put you a nice block advntg to continue pressure but I think there's better assist for that

Hmm i'll mess around with it and maybe work something out. Thanks for your suggestions!
Not many work the same way. Kanchou is an interesting case is all I'm saying. Most blockstun assists scale heavily, are huge targets, and/or cause otg.
Try and use it without thinking of it as a cross up tool. Like, use it on someone jumping in at you.

I used Kanchou assist for quite awhile. It does have its uses, but because of the lack of armor it just gets stuffed by everything. It's more useful in combos and in resets because of the delay, the damage, and the control. In neutral, it just gets stuffed by even the shortest range attacks. Considering Bella's other assists, you really may as well run those instead because they do very similar things and can support you in neutral.

I think you really need to play someone quick and dominate to use Kanchou assist effectively. If you aren't on your opponent all the time, it's going to be stuffed. Usually, the point character calls an assist and then relies on it, but with Kanchou, you call it and then it relies on you to protect it.

The point about it being difficult to happy birthday: that's really only in a specific case where the opponent is either in hit stun or block stun up until a certain point, after which Kanchou hits and is blocked. Nine times out of ten, the opponent isn't going to be locked down like that from when Kanchou is first called to when it gets to the other side. It's much more difficult to happy birthday a lockdown or a rush punch, because they start throwing out active frames almost immediately. You throw down Axe, you get just that; Axe. You throw down Kanchou, you don't get Kanchou. You get a vulnerable assist that's running directly into the opponent, which can be easily hit by any attack in the game. And then you get Kanchou. The delay is great in resets and combos because it offers unique timing opportunities, but in a real match it's nowhere near useful enough to warrant being used.

Again, the only time, I think, that you're going to be able to safely call and use Kanchou, is if you're constantly locking down the opponent yourself. You need to play a character that can lock down the opponent for a long period of time without assists. You can use Kanchou as a big, punishing reset, but you need to be able to act as your own lockdown assist, because you're not getting any help while Kanchou is out. If anything, you'll probably be in a 2v1 situation, because the opponent and their assist can both be out while you're by yourself trying to help Kanchou cross the road to get to the other side.

I switched to Battle Butt, myself. It's not great, but it works in a lot of situations (even midscreen sometimes) and does similar damage to Kanchou while being infinitely more useful outside of niche situations. You can't do anything to make Kanchou more versatile. The only thing you can do is try to create those niche situations yourself, so that Kanchou can reach its full potential.
I gave up on it and just picked up a different team. I realized there's no point in NOT using fully invincible assists or atleast with nice amount of armor.
any tips on the c.mk runstop mp reset? Seems pretty inconsistent to confirm it into something.
The only consistent confirms for cross under sMP are kanchou and devil horns (but you have to either be confident you'll hit, or be quite good at confirming since sMP has very low hitstun).
Or you can delay the sMP a lot to make sure cHP won't whiff, but you have to delay so much against lights, I'm pretty sure the reset becomes reactable/avoidable with a double jump or an air jab.