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USA Organizing Skullgirls' Event Calendar 2016-2017

There's a lot of good that's already been done for people to pay attention to us this coming year. I'm trying to keep that perspective moving forward. I'm really excited for us to pull together and make this big.

Again, if anyone has any ideas about promotional avenues, or if they know any friends that could help us out or know any higher up anyone who seems interested to work with us, let me know.
Okay, so, the team of people helping seems pretty solid atm. This "SG Series" team consists of @keninblack, @Dolfinh, @Kazmer, @Hawt Salsa, @dapurplesharpie, and of course myself. Not against bringing more people on, but that's the current team. I don't currently have official titles for everyone, but these people appear to me to be dedicated to growing the Skullgirls community, and that's what's important now.

Also, while he isn't on the team, I'd like to give special thanks to @Kai. He has been actively putting in a lot of work for the community, and I know his time is a little less easy to part with considering his family and career. While he won't be on the team, I'm considering him a member in spirit due to his starting this "SG Tour" conversation. Some of us may not have considered organizing in this capacity without him starting that conversation, and despite any misgivings people may have had about him or internal conflicts community members have had with him in past threads or in private, I personally consider him an important part of where we are today and where we are headed in the future. Thank you for the work you've put in, Kai.
In the great hall of the skullheart forums there are assembled the world's 5 greatest posters. Shockmaster. Spicy Yiff Lord. Perm Scrub. Yung Squeegee Board. Wet Sushi. Their mission: to fight injustice, to right that which is wrong, and to serve all of the SGC.

I am so tempted to remix this with SGC faces :P



a lot of people didn't like branding/naming it as a "tour", myself included, so if I HAD to pick one of the three it would be the 3rd but i really don't like any of them, im more inclined to go with something like "skullgirls community series" or "skullheart approved event" or something like that
i really don't like any of them, im more inclined to go with something like "skullgirls community series" or "skullheart approved event" or something like that

the name literally has nothing to do with it. if you notice, literally all three have different names because NO ONE HAS GIVEN ME A NAME TO USE YET.
these are logo concepts.

edit: if it makes you feel better, pretend each logo says "insert name here" instead of the different event names I used.
Most of the people who don't like "tour" don't offer good alternative names to consider, so I don't really know what to do with most of that criticism. More people know it as a tour, just because it went up on SRK, so I'm defaulting to that right now.

Currently, it's "The Skullgirls Tour", or "SG Tour", just because we need something. I'm moving forward with this because moving forward at this point isn't a thing I can do anymore without a name and a logo, so something is better than nothing.

I also think the third is the best idea, but I think it's missing something.

Edit: Oh. I forgot to tell people, but the TO for Revolution is open to helping us out, featuring us on his advertisements, and more. I can write this up a bunch on SRK and get us a good chunk of spotlight, but we need a logo and a set name to move forward with. I probably have like a week or two to get this up there, so if anyone doesn't like what is provided, please post your ideas for names and/or logos here. I'll pick whatever is best and run with it, cause we need a thing to run with.
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If you want a name then.

The five wonders of skullgirls

Or something like that. Make it a name that makes people feel the magic of the community when they arrive to that event
okay, so I cleaned up #3 and #4/#5.
here are the side by side comparisons of the logos and the specialized event logo


Decision for which logo is going to be used is going to be made tonight, so lemme know thoughts.
if anyone doesn't like what is provided, please post your ideas for names and/or logos here. I'll pick whatever is best and run with it, cause we need a thing to run with.
Skullgirls community series (thanks pickles)
Skullheart approved event (thanks mike z/pickles)
Skullgirls hype train series (thanks mike z)
Skullheart seal of quality
Anything at all that doesn't contain the word Tour, because we don't have rankings and playoffs, which is what I think a lot of people will associate with the term thanks to Capcom Pro Tour, and it's not the same group of people touring to all the events, which is what I associate with the word tour (and what Mike mentioned in an earlier post in this thread)

(Also, pleeaaaaaaaase leave logo and other mockups to artists?
Also this. But I'm aware that getting an artist is easier said than done.
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Skullgirls community series (thanks pickles)
Skullheart approved event (thanks mike z/pickles)
Skullgirls hype train series (thanks mike z)
Skullheart seal of quality
Anything at all that doesn't contain the word Tour, because we don't have rankings and playoffs, which is what I think a lot of people will associate with the term thanks to Capcom Pro Tour, and it's not the same group of people touring to all the events, which is what I associate with the word tour (and what Mike mentioned in an earlier post in this thread)

Also this. But I'm aware that getting an artist is easier said than done.
I think community series is the closest to what we would run with. I still don't really see the difference personally.

As far as artists, I feel like sharpie qualifies. She regularly does this for stream layouts and such. If you don't like them or think theres somewhere we can improve on them, please speak up on that, but I don't think I question her ability to make something that looks nice.

Unless we were supposed to have someone draw the logo? Which... I don't know. But that's not what we did. We have a month until the next two events, so we need to get started in one way or another. We already missed doing anything with ceotaku (other than of course showing up, heh).
Okay. So. This name stuff is really bothering me. The reason I think Tour is fine is because everyone who hears about it outside the community has responded positively to the name. The only time I hear anything about there being any expectation because of the name, it's coming from inside the community. No one outside of the community is expecting Capcom level stuff from this. Everyone from the srk staff to other TOs to to streamers to readers on srk all either like the idea of a "sg tour" or they aren't offering opinions (or they hate sg regardless).

That being said, I really can't stand having to fight with people in the community on this. It doesn't feel good, and I hate confrontation. So, what I'm gonna do is set up a straw poll on names. Multiple choice, pick all the ones you like. I will use my best judgment, and may not pick the most popular one, but if the overwhelming vote is not tour, I'll most likely reconsider.


Keep in mind what you want when voting. If this is just for us as the SGC, the name literally doesn't matter. We could call it Skullheart's Beating Enchilada. That's not the case, though. What we are doing here, what my job is on srk and with the tour/series, is branding this series/tour to peoples outside the community. I'm selling this idea to them, and it needs to be palatable. It needs to sound good, and it needs to look good. My job is to attract attention so people see how great we are. If you think there is a name that will do that, or do that better than tour, vote for it. I'll close the poll in a couple days, probably before Saturday.
I gave that to him before I decided on the poll. If the poll is convincing enough, I'll just change the name. We have to move out of the "idea phase" and actually start putting things into action.

If it's worth anything, the TO told me the reception has been positive.
alright uh tour is okay? idk. maybe if there was like a movie term that fits then that would be better, but idk.

look i'll sketch something up using bella or something. I kinda want to use something other than an actual frame from the game for the logo. but that's juuuust me. [so i'll just pm some ideas to you Zids. also the whole "Let's take Capcom Tour's logo" with the DP and shit is really freaking lazy and it just ticks me.]

if time's a huge factor then we can just settle with Sharpie's stuff.

this is for GUTS right? or is there another event that's happening?
"Let's take Capcom Tour's logo" with the DP and shit
Sounds like a meme. Sounds like it fits this community pretty well.

I'd say that if it's already out there, just go with it.

But maybe boost the contrast on bella (make lights whiter). If it's on a webpage and tiny, I think it would be hard to make her out.
Time is kinda a factor, yeah. We are actually by all measures running behind schedule, since we were supposed to start this with ceotaku. So, being generous, we are 3 weeks late (more like 5). So, that's why we hunkering down on ideas and running with stuff.

Thanks for the input about the Bella contrast. We'll see if we can improve it any.
also the whole "Let's take Capcom Tour's logo" with the DP and shit is really freaking lazy and it just ticks me.



Ok, look. I get it. You don't like the logos, but don't insult me by not even referencing the proper sources I used to make mine.
For your information, I actually used the Pokemon Region Championship logo as insperation for the design that was chosen.

Other designs I looked at included the following: League of Legends, Halo, ESL, MLG and a few others.

Just some info so you don't think that I just slapped something together over the course of 5 minutes.
Its fine.

I would actually invite other people to make logos if they don't like these.
I'm not a professional logo maker, so it'd be nice to see some other ideas people have.

Sorry for freaking out.
So, looking at the poll results, it looks like people like Tour. 7 votes for Tour, 6 for Series, 2 for Hype Train. I'll leave it up for another couple days, but I think we're going to stick with Tour.
Alright, Saturday's here, poll's closed. 10 votes for Tour, 9 for Series, 2 for Hype Train. Leaving it as Tour.