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Playing Ms.Fortune without Fibber Upper

Banana Bandana

Not a- What?
Nov 25, 2014
Reaction score
Somewhere Amazing
Unknown Squigly Fukua
I picked up Ms.Fortune recently (Last week) and I have to admit playing her has been absolutely Purrr-fect!
(I had to make at least one given the subject matter.)
Cat puns aside,
I've made this thread to help me improve on mine and hopefully others who read this thread Ms.Fortunes.

These are the combos I was able to come up for her so far
I would of added Fiber upper to the combos but, doing this: :DP:
on a keyboard isn't all that easy or practical for that matter.
To be honest I could and probably would pick up a way of doing that input over time without it
completely destroying my fingers with repeated use but,
for the time being I decided to just play around that one incapability instead of pouring
all my time into learning the one purr-ticular move.
Stretching Ms.Fortune's battle capability to see if I could learn and/or do any worth while combos without it.

How did I do?


It's been a year and I still haven't gotten the hang of fiber upper lol
But, I did work on my combos that didn't involve the move
And to be honest I don't even think I'll need the move at this point =)
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Try and find a way to make sure that more of the Feral Edge hits 'hit' the opponent, mainly for the first few combos.
There's some good damage to be had from hitting the opponent multiple times in the air with it all the way down to the ground.

After Feral Edge there's a lot of times where you could have gotten a longer combo if you did Nom Nom Nom after the opponent hits the ground, so try and play around with that.
Also it would be helpful to be able to see the damage of these combos.

Speaking of damage, try not to start every combo with a jHeavy ADC jHeavy starter in a combo showcase video as it's a little bit of an unrealistic starter :P

This is some cool stuff though, I would totally show this to a new player looking for simpler combos that don't involve Fibber Upper Loops!


Fibber Upper is a pretty important move even outside of combos.
It's Ms.Fortunes strike invincible reversal and useful for getting out of sticky situations or punishing telegraphed offence.
You should practice it and try and get comfortable with it. I played on keyboard a lot and I never hand a problem with it.

If you can do :QCF: easily, then :DP: is just a simple as :Arrow::QCF:.
Walk forward for 5 seconds, then do :QCF: and you should be getting Fibber Upper correctly. Once you get comfortable with how that input would be executed you can do it on demand without needing to hold forward for a long time first.

If you still have trouble with it you can always turn on your inputs in a list and try and see the problem.
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I would of added Fiber upper to the combos but, doing this: :DP:
on a keyboard isn't all that easy or practical for that matter.

It's not that hard, just spend some time in training doing dragon.

Assuming you're WASD it's just D > S > S+D which is very much doable, and I'd go as far as to say it's easier on keyboard than on a D-pad or stick. Practice makes perfect!

EDIT: Actually, doesn't the autocorrect system allow for D > D+S > S > D+S? If so you can just roll your hand left to right then back
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I would of added Fiber upper to the combos but, doing this: :DP:
on a keyboard isn't all that easy or practical for that matter.
Keyboard is the superior input device compared to Pad/Stick and as such everything doable on either of them is a thing on keyboard.
It is more than practical to do DPs on Keyboard; it's easier and faster than elsewhere.
If you can do :QCF: easily, then :DP: is just a simple as :Arrow::QCF:.
Huh, Go figure.
It is that simple, Thanks for that trick @Skarmand
I'll get the hang of fibber upper even sooner now

Actually, doesn't the autocorrect system allow for D > D+S > S > D+S? If so you can just roll your hand left to right then back
I use the arrow keys for movement since I use "QWE" and "ASD" for my P's and K's but, the principles are basically the same.
I'm not sure, I haven't experimented that much with Dragon until today.

Keyboard is the superior input device compared to Pad/Stick and as such everything doable on either of them is a thing on keyboard.
It is more than practical to do DPs on Keyboard; it's easier and faster than elsewhere.
That's more of an opinion.
Before this (By this I mean before I played SkullGirls) I played a lot of BlazBlue with Carl.
Just like Ms.Fortune he too had a lot of moves the tied together with his Dragon input that functions
almost exactly like fibber upper. (Move in question http://prntscr.com/7i1zca) I got the hang of
it pretty fast because of the fact with pad you only using your thumb for the inputs making it pretty simple for inputs like that like that imo. My way being alternating from forward to down quickly and up to two or three times for good measure. Though when I came to SkullGirls and decided to go with Keyboard since playing with a controller at the point would have a steeper learning curve due to SG having a lot more buttons for attack then Blazblue. Picking up Dragon again wasn't as easy due to the same tactics I used for Dragon I used before in BlazBlue not work here. Moving like that would utterly destroy my fingers since I'm actually pressing the buttons for movements now and not sliding them from on another in BB.

So for the most part I skipped skills that involved the moment since I couldn't think of a way of performing them in a practical way at the time. (In my defense I've never really put my self in a spot where I've needed to learn it until I picked up Ms.F. Squigly, Fukua and Val being my A team at the moment, only have one move out of the three of them that uses a Dragon and I have that move set as an assist set to an assist.)

In Short:
It's harder for me to get the hang of doing dragon with two fingers when I use to do it with one.
Easy way to do a fibber upper on keyboard:
alternate quickly down/forward key (or a quick forward/down/forward) and then press kick (it s like a piano input).
Here's what I use:

jHP adc jLK jHP 214MK
jMP jMK jHP 214MK
dash LP LP LK MP MK HP 236HP P P 236PP

no fibers and it does 7.3-7.4k I forget

Also fiberless otgless (I'm not sure about the otgless part) combos exist for fortune you know. Gllt made one.

Also don't nom after headless feral scaling is dumb all you need is headbutt or zoom or sneeze and then you press nearly any button you want so long as ips didn't track it yet

Edit: or maybe caio made the combo and gllt recorded it I dunno. just note that it might be character specific.

I rarely use fiber myself I like to think I do fine without it but people should use it.
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If you want a combo to start using fiber try this one:

c.lk, s.mk, s.hk xx L Fiber Upper,
j.hp, adc, j.hp xx M El Gato,
c.mp, s.mk, s.hk xx L Fiber Upper,
j.lk, j.hp xx M El Gato,
dash, s.lp, s.lp, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, s.hp xx H Cat Scratch x3 xx Cat Scratch Fever.

It's pretty easy once you get the hang of using specials in combos, also it's 100% universal and does very good damage.

Check out this thread if you haven't yet (specially the videos).
That's a pretty awesome combo, Thanks!
I wasn't able to get the whole combo down pat but,
I was able to get enough of it to make a noticeable differences
in Ms.Fortune BnB's Power.

I'll probably using that combo as an outline since I'm
just starting to learn Fibber upper and since it's universal
if I do end up learning the whole combo it could use it as my default
since it doesn't require a special set up like some of my others and
can (From what I can see and assume) be done from practically
anywhere so that's just icing on the cake.

Thanks for the help and I'll take a look at the thread to see if
I could pick-up more great combo outlines like that one.
Sorry about the double post but,
Recently came up with some updated upper-less combos that are
waaay better then the ones before =)

Still open to tips so, what do you think?
You didn't do Fiber Upper but you used sneeze in your combos which is the same input with a different button lol
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You didn't do Fiber Upper but you used sneeze in your combos which is the same input with a different button lol

Weird right? =)
The sneeze imo is a lot more bearable since there's a waaay bigger input window, windup to the attack and zero chance of me screwing up by doing a jump instead since I'm stuck in the super's animation and all I can do from that point is sneeze.

Long story short:
I could mess up the inputs how many times I like from that and still get a sneeze out of it.
It's fiber upper with Training Wheels.
Lol =)
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I'd just get an arcade stick or controller dude. Playing a character without one of her most important tools probably isn't worth it.
I'd just get an arcade stick or controller dude..

Ah, I would If I could but:
I don't have the funds right now to build my own Hitbox like I planned
and I do have a controller but that'd mean I'd have to learn 'All' my combos over again
since I main with the keyboard in this game.

And Learning this again
Won't be fun n_n;

Playing a character without one of her most important tools probably isn't worth it.

You got a point there, Playing Ms.F without her fiber upper is like:
Playing Parasoul without her Calls,
Playing Peacock without her shadows of impending doom,
Playing Big band without Giant step
or playing Squigly without her stance cancel.
You'll manage but, you could play better with them.

Though with Ms.F it's different since you can still break the 50% damage mark easy without the move. The only thing I've notice you miss out on without fiber upper is some cross up options.
(That's just what I've noticed)
Besides that, Ms.F is still one of the more agile characters in the game and able to do a heck of a lot when I start thinking outside the box =)
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The only thing I've notice you miss out on without fiber upper is some cross up options.
(That's just what I've noticed)
You also miss out on her best resets, one of her two meterless reversals (as head-on), an amazing anti-air and one of her biggest mobility tools. All because you are unwilling to learn how to DP consistently (something which is useful for other characters and fighting games, I actually picked up Ms Fortune so that I could improve on my DPs).
Not saying that the idea of making combos without a move often used in combos isn't a fun idea, just that, for actually playing the character in a match, if you are unwilling to use Fiber then you are losing a LOT.
Also, if these combos are meant to be practical combos that are for other people to learn if they don't want combos with Fiber in them, then might I suggest using cr.LK, MK as the starter for all of them and having attack data set to simple? That allows the damage and meter-gain of the combos to be better compared. If it is just making combos just for fun and showing off what Fortune can do then never mind.
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You also miss out on her best resets, one of her two meterless reversals (as head-on), an amazing anti-air and one of her biggest mobility tools. All because you are unwilling to learn how to DP consistently (something which is useful for other characters and fighting games, I actually picked up Ms Fortune so that I could improve on my DPs).
Not saying that the idea of making combos without a move often used in combos isn't a fun idea, just that, for actually playing the character in a match, if you are unwilling to use Fiber then you are losing a LOT.
Also, if these combos are meant to be practical combos that are for other people to learn if they don't want combos with Fiber in them, then might I suggest using cr.LK, MK as the starter for all of them and having attack data set to simple? That allows the damage and meter-gain of the combos to be better compared. If it is just making combos just for fun and showing off what Fortune can do then never mind.

Whoa it's not that I'm not willing to pick it up, It's more that I haven't been given a serious reason too. Yes, fiber upper is a absolutely spectacular reversal that can lead to some devastating mix-ups and not using it would be a huge handicap.

Now that reason alone should have made me put in the time to actually get the hang of the move.
Why haven't I; Because in most cases I'm not using her solo but with Squigly and Fukua there backing her up and covering the bases Fibber Upper would.

Dragon punch is a great reversal assist imo since it has a bit of invincibility and strikes fast and Shadow H is an awesome way to rush someone since it has a delay and I could try to get them to hit me before it comes out and counters them!
(I can not tell you how many times that strategy save my angle side side lol n_n)

So it's not that I refuse to learn the move
(Because one of these days I will and I will be Terrifying! >=)
It's just that at the moment I have a pretty solid dynamic with my Ms.F team Already without it.
She goes first, runs in with some j.lk or c.lk to bug them and look for openings. Squigly to take her place if she get's knocked out with Fukua in the background dropping surprise over heads whenever she can. =)

And yeah, This video was just for Fun n_n
To show what she can do without the move
and the awesome ways you can branch out from the norm. =)

I save the teaching stuff for the tutorials ( ̄▽ ̄)ノ

Still great tip btw,
Just worried if turning the info on next time will make things too cluttered =P
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Dragon punch is a great reversal assist imo since it has a bit of invincibility and strikes fast
Pretty sure it only has invincibility if you have a punch charge stored.
Pretty sure it only has invincibility if you have a punch charge stored.

I really should have phrased that better but, you get the point lol. =)
Still un-charged it's a great counter and follow ups after you jump for aerial back-up.
Say your fighting Double, You jump and she counters you jump with the one Jumping painwheel saw move. (I don't know her inputs ~ u ~)
Anyway, With dragon punch Squigly will be there to slap a huge 'Nope' on the situation all together and send her flying!
Though the down side with uncharged is that moves beat extend are just the worst. =P
Ah, I would If I could but:
I don't have the funds right now to build my own Hitbox like I planned
and I do have a controller but that'd mean I'd have to learn 'All' my combos over again
since I main with the keyboard in this game.
If you're struggling with inputs on keyboard, a hitbox won't help you. Relearning everything from scratch on a new control scheme is rough, I know, but if what you're currently doing isn't working out for you then maybe you should consider a switch.

I just made the jump from pad to stick a few weeks ago, not even because I had trouble with pad but simply because it was hard to take my trusty ol' Wii Classic Controller Pro to tournaments (especially for 3S since they just use real cabinets). At first it took some getting used to, but it was actually faster than I expected to reach the point where I can again do everything I was previously doing on pad. And now I can kara throw in 3S and pushblock in VSav, which I could never do at all before!