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Injustice 2.

video for more context on the infinite.

also fuck Deadshot. Just throwing that out there lol
A nice little MK easter egg for your pleasures, if you can spot it.

Wait, you mean the guy who uses guns in Injustice is annoying to fight against?

Who woulda guessed?
What? A netherrealm character with guns is the source of annoyance for many people?
Maybe Netherrealm should stay the fuck away from guns
Real talk, am I the only one who will watch the EVO finals for this game just for the hopes it gets booed because some guy is relying on projectiles?
Wasn't the first EVO finale of Injustice just a guy spamming heavy eye beams as Supes?
But now that top 8s have paid tickets, the boos are now justified.
If they're booing in the first place, maybe they aren't real fans and should move onto a different game/genre.
Yeah, everyone watching the finals there isn't a fan.
I did Brainiac's Story mode first trying to find the Arcade ladder as I was not sure where it was. I LOVED the twist at the end of it!

Turns out you were playing as Brainiac 5 from the Legion of Super Heroes having stolen a Time Bubble from his friends to stop his ancestor. He does not care that he just possibly did major damage to the timeline, just that his reputation and his Creators, the Colutan's reputation is no longer bad. He is still Legion loyal as well.
Static was set and ready to go for Inj 2 but he fell through the cracks or rather Raiden fucking murdered him arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh c'mon man

Apparently, the rights holder to Static tried to go back to Milestone comics, and it's very possible IJ2 Static was a casuality of this
Static is not wholy owned by DC Comics, sadly.
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Decided to pick up Green Arrow for online zoning, he is very fun. I use a variety of arrow types to keep the opponent off kilter, and his DB2 keeps rushdown fighters in check.
Red Hood Trailer

You know what I find kinda weird when you think about it.
Fighting scarecrow.

Without the fear toxin, he looks like this

But after, He looks like this

But as established in every DC game, Scarecrows toxin is all visual and hallucinatory.
(It's all in their head and all he really does is make use 'See' some scary junk)
Like the tsukuyomi

With that in mind, how exactly do battles with him work if scary monster guy doesn't actually exist and How is he even able to hurt the other player if all of this is just in there head?

Are the things they see from the green gas so realistic that they imagine the pain too?
Are they just off their head to the point of fighting off figments of their imagination while
the actual scarecrow just goes at them with a crowbar or something while there out of their heads?
Is all of this Metal damage, And we're just seeing how a peep either overcame or fell to it?
or did his toxin finally reach a point like with the sharingan where it's no longer an illusion but a reality and that is actually what happens to the world when the toxin is released?
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In Arkham Asylum, it was implied that you were battling for control of your mind, IE: If you lost, you went completely insane

In Arkham Knight, he used a much stronger variant of Fear Toxin, which drove people to strike out at each other, and also just harmed them in general, so presumably it's a mix of Crane and the Toxin hurting them
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In Arkham Asylum, it was implied that you were battling for control of your mind, IE: If you lost, you went completely insane

In Arkham Knight, he used a much stronger variant of Fear Toxin, which drove people to strike out at each other, and also just harmed them in general, so presumably it's a mix of Crane and the Toxin hurting them

500th post, Woo!
And that's pretty neat ╹‿╹)
Not the effects I mean but your take on it dood. So the whole battle could be going on in the peeps head but it's just not that alone since the gas could cause some pretty bad physical damage on contact. That would explain how he's able to clone himself, Suddenly spew the stuff he needed a gas mask at the start for and able to pull off this little stunt T ‿T)

Though you still have to say it's pretty darn weird when you think about this, Right?
I mean most fights in the game happens in a 2 dimensional type way where there are two peeps fighting it out, Case closed. But with scarecrow we might just be watching the character you just picked literally go insane for about 60 or so seconds before potentially losing their mind like the Joker (Depending on which canon you follow because I hear that there's about 5 or so for the guy ╹ ╹)
or breaking one if not thee most potent and dangerous illusion and forms of toxin that world has to offer.
Remember Painwheel's story, where she fights against... Brainwheel? For control of her mind?

Oh yeah... That was a thing, wasn't it. ╹ ╹)
So would scarecrow's toxins work the same way where the other peep would just stand there in real life when there exposed to the stuff but would fight for control in their own head, In their own head?

(Like with Painwheel?)
His Victory Pose is his infamous Spine Rip Fatality, but since it's first person and iced over, they get away with it.

Dood looks pretty darn cool ╹‿╹) (Pun not intended)
Like a balance character that's more suited for up close combat that has hits projectiles/mines for either mid-range pressure, long range harassment and to make it that much harder for other people to close the gap between you two without getting frozen into something wacky! Also his super looks so flipping amazing! ◠‿◠)

Though I really wonder, if the guy would be a bad match aginst brainiac or Deadshot since setting up clones, take times and those guys seem really good at chipping you out at a distance.
Now, who will be in Fighter Pack 2, will it be Raiden's group, or Black mantas?

Also glad to see someone else noticed a Bizzaro instead of Superman on the first Viewing.
Because that's how she looks in the comics.

Would you look at that, That is a thing =)

It's just growing up with the cartoon without actually reading the comics
I got kinda use to seeing her without the flames.


because Starfire wouldn't make much sense as a name otherwise

You got a point there.

Superman - He's a super man.
Batman - The guy dresses like a giant bat and spends most of his time in a cave.
BeastBoy - He's a beast Boy
Cyborg - Pretty on the nose
Robin - ...Well you got me there. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Jokers - Clown mack-up and everything.
So on and so on.
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Boon just said that the next pack will have "the most unexpected DLC character yet" in it.

He also tweeted a picture of The Atom.
Hellboy!? Okay, maybe I have to buy this now.
This means Atom will be in FP 3, but the other two people in it are really mysteries now.