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New Meridian (Role Playing Thread)

Meanwhile, Painwheel is flying over Maplecrest, and with the Skullgirl in very far proximity, PW is at most in control of her thoughts. (I wonder if I can still go to school, I'm bored.)
I wonder if I can still go to school, I'm bored.
Oh it's Carol from Mrs.Victoria's class. I have the permission slip from your mother saying you can participate in the archaeology internship. My assistant is..."unavailable" at the moment and decided to give a deserving student the opportunity to see what it's like being an archaelogist for a while.

You are still coming?
[Isaac notices Painwheels odd attire are giant wheel on her back while flying but has seen weirder and just assumes it's just a fad]
My...mother? Who?
you know, tall lady, a bit pale, walks around with no pants, kinda looks nothing like you...is she your step mother or something?
very well then hop on
*opens time portal*
we're going up close and personal with history
No nothing like that today we will be going back in time to the medieval times of the canopy kingdom to witness the birth of the Renoir family's most prized possessions passed down through the generations. The umbrellas
Not really. Besides I have an inside connection, but first we have to find him
(pst Chaos Master42 I need Sir Darian Vize) he should be somewhere around here
Oh that didn't take long. Darian we're here to assist you with guarding the blacksmith as he makes the royal weapons. We all know weaponless, the royal family is in grave danger of attack from anything and with the skullgirls rampage coming in this direction you don't have enough people here to help you.
*whispers to painwheel*
and with this Carol we get to see what the original weapons actually looked like before all the modification that were made to them over the year. And get to help out a future friend (win win all around)
*turns back to Sir Darian Vize*
what do you say buddy? You know my skills and I don't think I have to tell you what this lil' lady is capable of. Seriously look at her she's got a giant blade on her back
giant blade on her back
*whispers back to painwheel*
about that thing on your back. I know piercings are all the rage now a days with young people but don't you think that's a bit excessive?
"The words you speak doth ring true. Mayhap a trek down the days long past will give me the insight to the disposal of the current time monster we have now."
might want to have a talk with your parents about that but later. for now let's go to the blacksmith, Darian, lead the way
Nothing going on, just cleaning Broseidon's bar, checking on the barrel pressures, spitshining the glasses. Can't see whether people have drank their drinks this dronken day.
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*isaac remembers what happens earlier and is somewhat surprised by "his" appearance but goes along with it*
nothing to worry about this the past version doesn't even know about me
...Darian...please don't tell me we're here at a bar cause he's the blacksmith
Although Broseidon has selective hearing spanning the eons, no he's not in the past seeing cool weapons being made. He's still in what is considered the present, just cleaning his bar. Oh, better go check on Eliza's beer shipment.
(Wanders off into the back where he will remain silent for a bit of time)
Time machine apparently is still a tad out of wack, but hopefully won't cause too much trouble.
But more importantly, where the heck is this blacksmith? This is gonna be very boring field trip if we don't get to see what we came her for right Carol?
Look up at the sky. It's a tunnel cloud...a bunch of them (they're different time zones, now we have to find out which one leads to the blacksmith)
  • Do not have an overpowered character.
  • Do not auto hit.
  • If Work, School etc. are in the way and you cannot respond immediately you will have three days to respond on the fourth day without reply a check in message should be sent to see if you still plan to rp. If eight days pass with no word the role will be relinquished and up for grabs by the general public.
  • If you want to make an out of character comment, please use parentheses
  • Do not dodge all hits
  • If you wish to have it be NSFW take it to PM please
Lore: The lore/story of the roleplay takes place during the events of skullgirls.


Filia - Dengoan
Samson - Free
Cerebella - Free
Peacock - Free
Parasoul - Free
Ms. Fortune - Benji-Blacksky
Painwheel - Free
Valentine - Free
Double - Free
Squigly - Squigly
Leviathan - Leviathan
Big Band - Free
Eliza - Free
Beowulf - Free
Robo Fortune - Free
Annie - Free
Ludec - Number 13
Hive - Free
Adam - Rothy
Umbrella - Sonicfox5000
Molly - Free
Panzerfaust - Free
Brain Drain: - Caleb
Issac: - Jam1220
Sir Darian Vize (OC) - Chaos Master42
Shipwreck (OC) - Saxton Hale
(If the character you wish to roleplay as is not present you may request one to me)

Note: Original Characters are also acceptable if you can put down the character's information and they fit the lore of the story.

If you and your partner wish to roleplay in a major area of New Meridian (Ex. Little Innsmouth)

Use color font of the name of the place at the top of your post examples down below:


Little Innsmouth

River King Casino

Anti-Skullgirls Lab


Black Egret's Base

Cirque Des Cartes
I think I'll be an OC.
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