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Double Tips and Tricks


New Member
Personally I don't know any, but was hoping that others did.
Best I got is the J.Roundhouse shenanigans on wake up. Knockdown, J.RH, then you can do her command dash for more left right mixups.
what is the gameplay plan with he? i'm trying her out on my team, but sometimes all my characters are dead and I'm just left with double, and I'm not sure exactly how to make things work. her parasoul projectile feels slow, and i guess u can j.hk backwards and hope they run into the projectile or something, or maybe j.hp at them since it has good range? getting in feels hard without random qcb k (forgot what it's called)
Solo Double is really bad now but if she has an assist to help her get in then things get real interesting. She now has a high low game using teacup and cross up mixups using her command dash. Over all still a strong character.

Simple trick with Double during the barel loop after jump Hk if you wait till they hit the ground you can throw them before the second part of the j. Hk hits them or go for a high low.
Tips and tricks for double?

I have many:

1. St.hk xx double jump throw (reset which is more ambiguous than a simple delayed jump into throw, and allows an actual frame trap mixup with double jump into j.lp into barrel loop)
2. J.hp Has 2 primary ways to be used on offense:
First way is to try and anticipate a clean hit and let it hit 3 times for the confirm into full combo. People however have gotten so used to this that they pushblock the 3rd hit on block and push double out...

So the second use is to j.hp then cancel into j.hk which won't come out but will fastfall double to the ground and allow for an easy throw if the opponent tried to pushblock a 3rd hit that never came. The way to defend against this is to jump in the air and block, or pushblock early (which "loses" to full jump in j.hp) or throw tech when double lands.

Double has ways around all these things though so she's just basically a character that is stupid hard to block against. Cats is generally primarily used just to get double in... Even in sde. But with her new parasoul dash she shouldn't need cats nearly as much as she used to.

3. "New" reset:

St.hk,J.lk (1), j.mp (1),j.mk (2), j.hp (full) land rejump airthrow or frame trap j.lp xx barrel loop

There are more but seriously these are all that's really needed. Double is a low/throw monster imho, use her accordingly.
3. "New" reset:

St.hk,J.lk (1), j.mp (1),j.mk (2), j.hp (full) land rejump airthrow or frame trap j.lp xx barrel loop

There are more but seriously these are all that's really needed. Double is a low/throw monster imho, use her accordingly.
another thing you can do after the full hp when they're at a decent height to the ground is a c.mp, this is a cross under that will connect to St.hk and be able to do a full combo.
2. J.hp Has 2 primary ways to be used on offense:
First way is to try and anticipate a clean hit and let it hit 3 times for the confirm into full combo. People however have gotten so used to this that they pushblock the 3rd hit on block and push double out...

So the second use is to j.hp then cancel into j.hk which won't come out but will fastfall double to the ground and allow for an easy throw if the opponent tried to pushblock a 3rd hit that never came. The way to defend against this is to jump in the air and block, or pushblock early (which "loses" to full jump in j.hp) or throw tech when double lands.
I've started using this technique and it's surprisingly effective. People aren't used to Double suddenly being on the ground after 1 hit of j.HP.
So can we talk about how fantastic j mk is for double chasing down upbackers, or jumping in with if you can manage that especially when it gives you just enough time to chain into j hk for more pressure. You can also cancel the first hit for a fast fall as well, it comes out pretty fast, and I think the hit box is pretty good(for its speed.) Just don't whiff that shit
That teacup video is all ME. Damn.


Launch, J.LP, wait, LK teacup, cross up overhead teacup that if you do it right does the stun. It crosses up on everyone(?) cept maybe dubs.

Meaty F.HP from a fair amount of distance will almost ALWAYS hit, seriously, try it next time you play, it doesn't really lead anything except them being closer to the corner, so it gives you spacing. I just find it funny.
Okay so if you're in a situation where Doubles on point with an assist. Lets say Napalm Pillar, and you do J.HP, call Napalm pillar, and they block it all. Jump up and air throw, they will probably jump because dem fools is scared. It's not guaranteed by any means but fuck man it works when I do it sometimes a lot of the time feel me?
I've started using this technique and it's surprisingly effective. People aren't used to Double suddenly being on the ground after 1 hit of j.HP.

It's great but I wonder if also learning to cancel j.HP on the second hit will make it even more effective.

Any good way of taking advantage of the new 50% meter gain catheads?
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Lol I'm liking the flesh step crossup:

cr.lk,st.mk xx flesh step +pw cr.mp assist

And mix it up with cr.lk,st.mk delay mp fireball + pw cr.mp assist... If they hold back anticipating the crossup they get frame trapped by the fireball. The thing to watch out for is people that hold up unless your timing is perfect or against people that pushblock.

Still a good mixup for those special occasions. Also:

Can be done in the middle of a barrel loop combo with the same inputs and can't be pushblocked out of.

This along with j.hp shenanigans makes double an offensive wonder and makes the double/pw shell even more potent.
What do "xx" mean in notation again? And I'm guessing you're saying do flesh step while pressing the assist at the same time right
What do "xx" mean in notation again? And I'm guessing you're saying do flesh step while pressing the assist at the same time right
xx means cancel. So in this case, do s.MK and cancel it into Flesh Step.
What do "xx" mean in notation again? And I'm guessing you're saying do flesh step while pressing the assist at the same time right

Yeah, whenever I refer to a special move plus assist I'm basically saying to do the special move like this... Lets say that we are using flesh step as an example, it is a backward fireball so the input for it plus assist would be:

214 or qcb + lp and mk

But there are 4 assist button combinations, you can do it with any of them as long as your team is setup for it. As an example lets say you run my team of dubs/squig/pw

Well you can flesh step plus pw assist by doing backward fireball motion + mk and hp or hk and mp.

This works for all characters but when moves overlap certain specials will have priority... Like peacocks bombs and bangs overlap input wise, but her bombs have priority so if you qcf plus assist you will always get a bomb out instead of a bang with the exception of special cases which I won't go into.

Yeah, special plus assist is something that I always look at with my teams...there can be incredible synergies.

One that I've found recently is fortune rekka special with a lockdown assist such as hairball or drag and bite... This is really good.

Something to keep in mind, at least.
tips? once theyre in the corner jump and press hp while calling tear shot assist, when they pushblock dash and jump and press hp while calling tear shot assist, when they pushblock dash and air throw them, when they tech dash jump and press hp while caling tear shot assist

(her corner pressure is brainless good)
tips? once theyre in the corner jump and press hp while calling tear shot assist, when they pushblock dash and jump and press hp while calling tear shot assist, when they pushblock dash and air throw them, when they tech dash jump and press hp while caling tear shot assist

(her corner pressure is brainless good)
That's the only thing I still don't like about this character. There's a lot of situations where it feels like j.HP is my best option regardless of what I'm trying to do.
Seriously double has a lot of posts but the tips and tech section is seriously lacking.......any help here? I wanna learn more stuff :p
Seriously double has a lot of posts but the tips and tech section is seriously lacking.......any help here? I wanna learn more stuff :p

Low/throw, random teacup. Done
Seriously double has a lot of posts but the tips and tech section is seriously lacking.......any help here? I wanna learn more stuff :p

Everyone's a critic... Have I not posted enough stuff? Where's your contribution?

Anywho... New theory stuff. Perhaps has already been explored but wth we have people asking for more tech:

Midscreen st.hp mixups:

Basically easy stuff here, just end your combo with st.hp and cancel into flesh step to gain ground, after flesh step recovers dash forward, wait a bit then jump over the opponent while calling assist, to crossup just do a regular jump, to mix it up just jump over them then double jump back at the last second.

Could be unsafe against filia when doing the double jump version if she fenrirs just as double is double jumping backwards, but against every other character should be completely safe if they wakeup with something invincible. How ambiguous it is completely depends on your timing.

Biggest problem is getting st.hp to hit and not corner the opponent and the fact that this can't be done if otg is used which means can't use it off of a throw midscreen. A cool thing though is that it can be done assistless with cats... So that's always something.

Now go and have fun, and stop whining for new tech :)
yo... that's like, exactly what I do...

random teacup is pwnzzzzzzzzzzzz
random teacup actually sucks ass against good players.
Crossup barrel is where its at
random teacup actually sucks ass against good players.
Crossup barrel is where its at

Haha, it was... Sarcasm. Though yes I do random teacups and barrels against mofos once in awhile... Is funny when it hits and usually only done when I'm being completely toasted... But it's funniness is what is pwns... Lol nothing like being down 3-1 and coming in with random teacup and getting the stagger... Not that it will actually work against even the mediocre more than once...
cross up teacup > cross up barrel
and the only snap back combo that maters is frig loops :p
Everyone's a critic... Have I not posted enough stuff? Where's your contribution?

Anywho... New theory stuff. Perhaps has already been explored but wth we have people asking for more tech:

Midscreen st.hp mixups:

Basically easy stuff here, just end your combo with st.hp and cancel into flesh step to gain ground, after flesh step recovers dash forward, wait a bit then jump over the opponent while calling assist, to crossup just do a regular jump, to mix it up just jump over them then double jump back at the last second.

Could be unsafe against filia when doing the double jump version if she fenrirs just as double is double jumping backwards, but against every other character should be completely safe if they wakeup with something invincible. How ambiguous it is completely depends on your timing.

Biggest problem is getting st.hp to hit and not corner the opponent and the fact that this can't be done if otg is used which means can't use it off of a throw midscreen. A cool thing though is that it can be done assistless with cats... So that's always something.

Now go and have fun, and stop whining for new tech :)
Whether thats a joke or not, I'm not whining for anything. And I post so many tips & tech over in squigly & filia I could've written a guide on them by now (which I actually will be doing soon). I'm just saying, knowing something can be canceled or linked into something else that no one would guess helps. I'm sorry if I'm asking for help or stuff that'd really be helpful to know instead of taking hours upon hours to learn something that's common knowledge among double players...
Isn't there some vulnerability on tech recoveries? Some frames where the opponent can't block?
Isn't there some vulnerability on tech recoveries? Some frames where the opponent can't block?


But how are they going to block that shit consistently? It's quite ambiguous.

Yes, it loses to mashed reversals, but I'm wondering how the tech auto-correct plays into that as well. I'll definitely be using this to conserve meter after a Double combo. (cr.HK xx Fleshstep > Dash ender, I was already not doing Car ender to save meter for DHCs)
... Seriously? You guys like this?

The math on tech roll chasing is terrible. If they mix up between forward and backward tech you have a 25/25/25/25 mixup... If they start staying in place as well, it gets even worse.

Which is why UNTECHABLE knockdowns are all the rage in sf4 and teachable ones are pretty meh...

They do look cool though, and a tech chase once in a blue moon when you know your opponents tech direction, is good, but absolutely can't be relied upon as a go to mixup...unless you like getting blocked or chasing techs in the wrong direction.

Well yea I agree that these arent better than regular resets. imo the only times these are kind of viable is if they are extremely predictable (or you are psychic) or if you are in a serious need to reset that undizzy, but this would probably be something for the back pocket. I never really intended it to be a go to mixup anyway

EDIT - Plus now that I think of it Dubs' reset potential in the corner is pretty limited unless someone can prove me wrong (please do) but people (esp scrubs) seem to have particular patterns in their teching. Combine this with what ever you can come up with for teching out of corner with this http://skullgirls.com/forums/index.php?threads/the-super-secret-tech-thread.380/ (character specific) and you got yourselve a kind of servicable mixup
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