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Alternate Unused Story Endings Discovered in Skullgirls Game Data

Medici Mob Boss said:
Tonally wrong and just plain lame.

They need to sing from the soft palate, not the throat! The "mask", not the nose, god dammit!
I think the Bella one threw everyone for a loop de loop
Honestly that's what I expected her wish to be from the start. The SH is a classic monkey's paw idea and there was a wish to be with a loved one in that too.
Honestly that's what I expected her wish to be from the start. The SH is a classic monkey's paw idea and there was a wish to be with a loved one in that too.
It would not surprise me if Bella's wish is what would have happened if the dead guy in the original Monkey's paw story got in the house.
Re-reading all the alt endings, I noticed in Peacock's, the skullheart says this:
Skull Heart:
My power has limits, girl. You'll have to wish for something else.
Does this mean that there is a limit to what you can wish for? That a certain criteria must be fulled to make a wish? Aside from being female of course.
Well turning all of the world's oxygen into chocolate seems a little ridiculous doesn't it?
yeah but one member of the trinity can distort and change space. I think the skullheart denied it cause it wouldn't make good skullgirl material.
yeah but one member of the trinity can distort and change space. I think the skullheart denied it cause it wouldn't make good skullgirl material.
I think there's a bit of a difference between making portals and turning air into chocolate.
The Skull Heart isn't all powerful and neither is The Trinity, at least as far as I can tell.
I think there's a bit of a difference between making portals and turning air into chocolate.
The Skull Heart isn't all powerful and neither is The Trinity, at least as far as I can tell.
Probably not but Venus can, and I quote:
The lady is only the central part of a much larger creature. If the rest of her is visible, the observer has already been engulfed. There is no safe place when fighting her as the very fabric of the universe unravels into mouths, claws, and locusts devouring her prey’s flesh from every angle.

Venus’s own body tantalizingly distorts to reveal monstrous elements. Body parts bloom from seemingly nowhere, sometimes releasing swarms of locusts to assault opponents from every angle. She can open holes in space, move and teleport in unexpected ways, or even distort the playfield itself. Even her own attacks may be displaced and modified.

Even tho she might might be able to be beaten doesn't mean she isn't dangerous.
Most of the wishes granted by the Skullheart just coincidentally work with the wisher becoming the Skullgirl. I mean all Skullgirls raise the dead uncontrollably, so when Squigly's mom wished for her family to live it was an easy wish to fulfill because they'd come back from the dead when a Skullgirl was near.
Possible alternate ending path:
A: Become Filia
B: Be with Filia.

Fukua:...Hey. Maybe I should learn more about this 'Filia' before attempting to take over life. Might as well go over and say hi, I guess. Sir, requesting permission to engage in target in person.

Brain Drain: You realize you couldn't even wish that plan of action into a good idea. If you aren't willing to complete your mission, Fukua, return to-
*flash of...someone*
... What the hell. I was young and naive, once. Even fell in love... *Flash of someone* once upon a time. Go on, then. Permission granted to engage the target. Consider it a Christmas gift of sorts.

Fukua: But sir, it's nowhere near-

Brain Drain: Did I stutter?
*Filia and Fukua meeting*
I have to say, things went... surprisingly well after that. Although at first I was irritated by my lost creation,
*Fukua and Filia in a cafe, drinking and laughing*
She infiltrated the target's personal life perfectly. Perhaps a little to perfectly, one would say. But when the time came to give the order...
*Fukua crying over Filia's bed*
I couldn't.
*Fukua, Filia and Carol at high school prom photo-shoot*
Eventually, once the Skullheart had disappeared, I even relinquished control of the other one. Carol, she said her name was. I said nothing.
*Fukua/Filia wedding photo, framed*
I felt nothing.
*Two letters on Brain Drain's desk, wax sealed with Fukua's symbol*
But, if she's proud of me...
*Zoom in on photo of Christmas on the desk*
I suppose it was the right thing to do.
*Walks out of office, smiles, turns off light*
I laughed my ass off at Peacock's ending; chocolate oxygen and the skullheart being a dude? Priceless. Wonder they didn't go with the endings of Parasoul, Filia, Cerebella, and Valentine. Imo, those were way better than the game's final endings.
I laughed my ass off at Peacock's ending; chocolate oxygen and the skullheart being a dude? Priceless. Wonder they didn't go with the endings of Parasoul, Filia, Cerebella, and Valentine. Imo, those were way better than the game's final endings.
The endings they went with paint a distinct personality for the cast though, so they're probably more accurate to the character's intentions.

Valentine is willing to do anything to even just find more information on Marie's bosses
Cerebella is capable of doing horrible things for the sake of her love of Vitale, and she is not happy when she realizes that.
Filia is just a big softy.
Parasoul is willing to give herself a death sentence to save her sister.

Going the other route gives us very different interpretations of the characters.
OK so those are real per persona's reply on page two... But TBH most of them are quite terrible and ill-thought of... Though some of the original story was also quite arbitrary, I guess still the original stories were a kind of better.
I wasn't ready for that alt cerrabella ending. I personally would've like the story for cerabella a lot better if it ended that way.