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Cerebella Resets Thread

General thread for sharing videos and I guess text descriptions of resets with Cerebella (with and without assists)

I'll start of this thread because I've been waiting for skullheart to come back so I could share these videos I made about a midscreen reset that I use with a lot of success and haven't really seen anywhere else.

Didn't know that c.mk, j.lk, delay cross up also worked with j.mp. Usually use j.lk for the reset. Works on everyone and is a set up for a command grab if they learn to block it.
Didn't know that c.mk, j.lk, delay cross up also worked with j.mp. Usually use j.lk for the reset. Works on everyone and is a set up for a command grab if they learn to block it.
I use the crossup j.lk on the rest of the cast, but the j.mp is a lot more ambiguous, is easier to hit confirm and does more damage. Definitely some pros and some cons but the few characters it doesn't work on are pretty easy to remember so I just do it when I have the opportunity.
Here's a really simple one I did before.
One thing I forgot to add is that if they expect it and jump, you can catch them with an Excellabella, especially with the change in the pc version.
Simple reset that I doubt anybody is using:

st.lp (x 2), st.hp

That's interesting because you can cancel the st.hp into MGR for the grab reset or let the st.hp rock for the hit, which will catch jumps. From there, you can do:

st.hp x Run-Stop

Which makes it safe and let's you keep up the pressure on a bad guess. No need to throw out Excellabella and fuck yourself over if they don't jump. Works best in the corner, where the threat of MGR is greatest.

Off topic, but what's so great about Excellebella in PC version? Is it like Heat Knuckle now?
st.lp (x 2), st.hp
That's a better way then what i've been doing, which is lp, mp, sHp xx (realy fucking tight timing) xx MGR. I'll try to start using that.
Edited later on... OMG this is amazing. I love this!
Off topic, but what's so great about Excellebella in PC version? Is it like Heat Knuckle now?
I think it was the scaling to 50% instead of 33% damage (or was that already in SDE), the ability to super into it now and the increased window of catching people. Before, according to mike, the other character needed to be moving upward at a rate of 6 pixels or more for it to be unblockable, now it's 1 pixel. Don't know how much of an effect it actually is, but it sounds nice.
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Diamond Deflector is the most fun thing ever.
I like that! The level 3 is a big gamble but if you train them with command grab resets, it looks like a big payoff. Plus style points.
Anytime you do your j.lp(mash) j.hp restand, you can go for a reset. Command grabs as they come out of hitstun, instant overhead j.hp (whiffs on shorter character I think), or whatever else you can think of.

I like using HK as a reset point as well, midscreen cancelling after the first hit to qcb+throw works, in the corner, qcf+throw. You can mix it up by cancelling to excellabella to catch them jumping, or level 3 for a real surprise.

c.MK is the business, I made this video quite a while ago, but you can get some ideas from it hopefully.
I like that! The level 3 is a big gamble but if you train them with command grab resets, it looks like a big payoff. Plus style points.
The level 3 is hilarious because it covers a lot of options, but at the expense of well....3 meters. Your opponent cannot mash regular throw or normals, nor can they jump. They will either have to block it (+ on block, so you can continue pressure) or they have to do character specific nonsense to get out.

Can only escape using M or H Updo cancelled into a late Gregor Samson.

Diamond Drop, Merry Go-Rilla, Ultimate Showstopper, Kanchou, and Diamonds are forever all win. THE WHEEL OF FATE IS CHURNING.

Cannot escape as far as I know. Everything she does will lose.


Ms. Fortune
Fifth of Dismember wins. Fiber Upper can obviously be used to escape. :/

Buer Thresher wins. Hatred Install can be used, but Painwheel has to block afterwards.

Flatliner, Acquisitive Prescription, and Dead on Arrival all win.


Nightmare Legion wins. Both varieties of Republican Car will lose, since Cerebella will armor through it and you can punish it afterwards.

lol Daisy Pusher.

Diamond Deflector is the most fun thing ever.

I am terrible at this game.

You know Diamond Deflector is punishable on-hit right? None of those actually work on anybody with an air-super unless you catch your opponent sleeping.

Edit: Actually it probably works on Fortune too since Feral Edge is 9f startup and Deflector is only -8 on-hit. Filia, Valentine and Painwheel punish it for free though.

Edit #2: Never-mind, the reset is legit but the frame data is wrong.
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You know Diamond Deflector is punishable on-hit right? None of those actually work on anybody with an air-super unless you catch your opponent sleeping.

But that's why its called... a reset lol
But that's why its called... a reset lol

Obviously resets work better if your opponent is caught off guard but but a proper reset will actually create a mixup that will force your opponent to guess even if they know the reset is coming.

In that video, every time Filia/Val/PW sees you hit them with Diamond Deflector they can mash super and punish you, which is not a mixup.

Edit - Well looks like there's some mistake in the frame data (or it has changed since SDE) and Diamond Deflector isn't actually punishable on hit. Now I feel silly.

It wouldn't work if it was actually -8 on hit though.
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Almost every reset is punishable by mash air super lol
Key word: Almost. There are totally Mash specific resets, aimed at Fortune or Valentine or whoever mashing air super.

The level 3 is hilarious because it covers a lot of options, but at the expense of well....3 meters. Your opponent cannot mash regular throw or normals, nor can they jump. They will either have to block it (+ on block, so you can continue pressure) or they have to do character specific nonsense to get out.
Cannot escape as far as I know. Everything she does will lose.

Mmm... It's plus on block, but they can pushblock and get away. The only way to guarantee pressure is to have your back to the corner (and there are ways to put yourself in the corner, but I don't have time to share).

Can she teleport?

How does Pillar into lvl 3 do?
Oh they can definitely pushblock, but I'm just thankful that it's safe compared to insta throwing the game.

Peacock cannot teleport unless I'm a scrub and I'm just doing it wrong.

Pillar into level 3 gets armored through and beaten.

It wouldn't work if it was actually -8 on hit though.
I think it's +3 now, but I've never actually bothered to record it properly to make sure.

Pummel Horse is sometimes +4 though. lol
Interesting. I would never go for grab resets after a Pummel Horse if I already used stagger. I'd always either do J.HP or Cr.LK as a mix up with double assist. To be more exact if I'm fighting double or painwheel I'd risk going for that "reset", because J.HP hits them both when crouching.(Don't know if its the same vs others haven't checked cuz I'm lazy). I think going for the Cr.LK is best because people tend to upback in this kind of situation.
The Pummel Horse resets are neat. A non-stagger s.MP is +5 on hit, gives you most of the same reset options.

Its harder to buffer the 360 properly though, since s.MP is so fast.
Still going for command grab in that situation is going for the hardest of reads. They can just hold up, so would it be better to go for something like jab -> command throw instead during this situation?
Here are a few neat ones I haven't shared because I've been lazy. Or they may be in the guide. I don't know.

Against Painwheel and Valentine: c.hp, j.lk, j.hk, c.lk, c.mk, j.mp, j.hk, c.lk

Against Squigly and Valentine in the corner: c.hp, j.lk, j.hk, c.lk, c.mp, s.hk

Everyone not in the corner: c.hp, j.lp mash, j.hp, c.lp, c.mp, c.hp, j.lk, j.mp, j.hk, c.lp

Everyone in the corner: c.hp, j.lk, j.hk, c.lk, c.mk, s.hk, cerecopter, lvl 3 (I don't remember if that's exactly how it goes. Tricky part is you may be facing left or right sometimes, which will change the super input. Probably loses to air super, but put yourself in the corner for safe lvl 3 (if they don't double jump))

I have another really good one... but it may be a glitch. I'm not so sure sharing would make it stay in the game.
Still going for command grab in that situation is going for the hardest of reads. They can just hold up, so would it be better to go for something like jab -> command throw instead during this situation?

If they're holding up+back expecting a throw cr.LK leads into a full combo.

In fact you actually WANT them to up+back all the time because you get way more damage out of a cr.LK then any of bella's command throws.
That's the gist of it basically.

If you KNOW they're gonna block, you throw. If you KNOW they're gonna jump, you cr.LK. If you're not sure, then you can just cr.LK anyway because it's safe and covers a lot of options. (Unless your opponent is mashing a reversal, but you can just block it if you know it's coming.)

The Deflector and Pummel Horse resets are basically gimmicks, but having pocket gimmicks is a way to open people up. Nothing beats solid play, but having silly crap like this can catch people off guard once in awhile.

Also, the Diamond Deflector reset is definitely the better of the two. Diamond Deflector reset into Level 3 is hilariously boss if you have a huge meter lead for some reason.
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I play against a lot of Filias who mash Gregor Samson during combos, as it can't be blocked on reaction and it stuffs a lot of resets in the air and on the ground.

It turns out that it's not that hard to beat it by resetting her with assists or command throws. Here are a few examples:

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360 resets are great but most of the Filias I tend to fight like to mash Fenrir Drive or Updo when they're on the ground rather then Gregor, which gets them out of those.
I play against a lot of Filias who mash Gregor Samson during combos, as it can't be blocked on reaction and it stuffs a lot of resets on the air and on the ground.
I like how at :07, it looks like cerebella's saying "just fall into my hand. That's a good girl."
If you see air gregor coming out, grab bag will get them. You need to have the active frames for grab bag going before though, it'll lose if you do grab bag right when gregor comes out (i think)
360 resets are great but most of the Filias I tend to fight like to mash Fenrir Drive or Updo when they're on the ground rather then Gregor, which gets them out of those.
For some reason, a bunch of the random online Filia players I've played against recently have been mashing Gregor on the ground too, especially if it's right as they land (e.g. c.HP, j.LP x3, instantly land and 360). But you're right; Updo and Fenrir beat the ground resets there.

For what it's worth, their mashed reversal inputs won't autocorrect if you time the kanchou feint crossthrough reset at 0:12 correctly. There is, however, a risk of eating a counterhit level 3 if they're mashing Fenrir with 3 bars. There's also a chance that they'll accidentally block the reset if they're mashing a DP motion and happen to be holding forward when your assist hits.
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Idk if this was posted before on the old Skullheart back when it had burst baits listed, but here's one:
stagger, upback hp

For some reason I can only land it consistently on only Double. (Haven't tested Big Band) Got it to work on Parasoul and Bella once, but it's hard to replicate.
And if they don't burst, they're in the perfect range for a MGR. BWAHAHAHAAHA there's no escape!
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Double aside, does the HP wiff? Or does it put you within burst range?
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it just puts you in burst range. It might be a spacing issue that I keep running into. When testing Parasoul I could take a step or two back and upback hp and it would work, but that would make the burst bait attempt obvious.
That still doesn't sound totally worthless though.

If they burst, then you destroy them. If they don't, well, at least j.hp is + on hit, so at least you're in an advantageous situation.

I found that for some, cMK at the edge of the opponent's hit box will move bella out of range of bursts.
Time to hit the lab.
btw for you val/bella players out there, there's this. Timing is strict though.

For some reason you can't dhc until the character card/filmstrip thing slides away. So either learn the timing perfectly or mash it out i guess.
btw for you val/bella players out there, there's this. Timing is strict though.

For some reason you can't dhc until the character card/filmstrip thing slides away. So either learn the timing perfectly or mash it out i guess.

you might wanna check if you can jump out of that. i havent played the new version but in all the previous versions if you DHC into bella grab then you can just hold up and be able to jump out of it every time. theres extra startup frames when DHCing into command grab or something.
You can do stuff like that with scalpels too.

Super jump -> Savage bypass -> Scalpels -> DHC to show stopper right after if you think they'll block the scalpels and not jump.