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Dolfinh vs The World - Part of an SGDQ Fundraiser Stream


Formerly Dolfy
Hey everyone,

As some of you may already know, I will be Speedrunning Ecco: The Tides of Time at SGDQ 2015. Since it's for multiple days, very far from california, and right after EVO, the trip is going to be a big financial sink. I've been planning for that since February, saving a lot of extra money, covering extra work shifts, and doing everything I can to make this trip happen. However, after a trip to the emergency room last month followed by the realization my rent is due immediately after I return, it's going to be a lot more difficult than I anticipated for me to attend both this event and EVO 2015. Because of this, I am asking for help in funding my ability to attend both events and still have money for rent leftover.

I feel reaaaaaallllllyyyyyy weird about doing this.

My goal with this fundraiser is $175 $250 Still $175. That should be enough to ensure I am not starving at SGDQ / EVO / Whatever and will be able to pay my rent the following month.

The event will begin on Sunday, July 5th at 10:00AM PST. The Kumite Section will happen before the Speedrunning Section.

The event has two halves. The first half will be your average run-of-the-mill Kumite. First to 5 with 7 Skullgirls players who I am going to pick out / invite on my own. I would try and order them so that each one would get progressively tougher. The second half will be a run-through of all the games that I'm "okay" at speedrunning.


Okay here's our cost breakdown of the July Craziness for me:

Flight - $485.20 Paid for it!
Hotel - $169 Paid for it!
Food for 5.5 days - Assuming i'm paying around $10 for each meal, close to $165. I might want to re-calculate this and adjust the goal as needed once more information becomes available.
EVO Hotel - $110
EVO Food - Difficulty calculating because vegas is unnaturally expensive. I'm hoping it'll be under $120.
EVO Gas - Depends on how much Beamsprouts wants.
Rent for July - $100
Groceries / School Books / Other academic expenses - IDK lol, shouldn't be too bad.
Medical Appointment / Medication Refill - Somewhere between $35-$50 unless some weird shit comes up like it did last time


Around ~175 in my account right now. Another paycheck incoming, but I'm not sure how much it will be for. I'm working less hours now b/c of summer classes, but I also got a raise.


  • Any Amount - Decide my steam name!. If someone pays $1 for my steam name to be "poopdick," then my steam name will be poopdick for the reminder of the Kumite. If someone else donates $2 for my steam name to be "Socks Is A Bitch," then that will be my steam name. But if the person who donated $1 for poopdick donates $2 more to make my name poopdick again, then I will change it back to poopdick.

  • $20 - The Lion King Sing%! I will sing my way through The Lion King; each stage (minus one or two) is a song from the movie. DONATE FOR THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK. I AM NO LONGER A GOOD SINGER.

  • $20 - Aladdin Sing%; a couple of stages are songs from the movie. DONATE FOR THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK.

  • $20 - Add Mega Man 2 Any% No Zips. Be warned that I am awful at this game and know absolutely zero strats for it, but hey give me an hour or so and I can plow right through it! Will be played on actual hardware :D

  • $30 - Add yourself as a "Secret Boss." Become part of the Kumite (and ex-boyfriend of ShadeMoneh?) Limiting this to two extra people.

  • $35 - Add Sonic 3 Casual Playthrough. This would most likely be taking place BEFORE the speedruns.

  • $45 - Shovel Knight Stick%. I will Speedrun Shovel Knight on my arcade stick, Hand cam hopefully included.
When you put in your donation, write what you want it to go towards in the description, and I will add it to that. When it reaches said amount, I will fulfill the said incentive.

All extra money is planned to be donated to SGDQ. Unless there's something else you guys would rather do with it (refunding is also an option). If something comes up and I need some extra money I would probably use it, but not without letting you guys know and getting the OK from everyone.

As I said I feel kinda shaky about running this haha.


I would probably have a donation incentive so one or two more people can add themselves.
1. Dapurplesharpie
2. Kai
3. Beamsprouts
4. Socks
5. Yaya
6. Skarmand
7. Lawnba
8. DekillSage
(We could say this is me trying to defeat @ShadeMoneh 's 7 evil ex-boyfriends / girlfriends or something)


For sure so far:
  • Disney's Aladdin (Sega Genesis, #5 on the rankings list for Any% currently)
  • Ao Oni (PC, Former WR holder for this game)
  • Disney's The Lion King (Sega Genesis, I have the best recorded single segment WR for the Genesis version but I'm trash at this game)
  • Shovel Knight (PC, Run would be around 1 hour 20 minutes with rust)
  • Ecco: The Tides of Time (Sega Genesis, the game I am running at SGDQ)
Again, I feel really really weird doing this. But I really DO want to attend both events, and I know a lot of you guys were really excited to see me get in to SGDQ. If you have any feedback about this event or anything, let me know <3
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Okay this is a lot of words and stuff and very nice but where is the donation link so I can give you some cash.

Do you have Paypal? :^)
Okay this is a lot of words and stuff and very nice but where is the donation link so I can give you some cash.

Do you have Paypal? :^)
I'll link it when the event is closer!

Putting me as one of Shade's ex. I feel slightly appalled.
i definitely cant play sunday morning. 90% of the time i'm at work or about to go around that time

(We could say this is me trying to defeat @ShadeMoneh 's 7 evil ex-boyfriends / girlfriends or something)
ok now for sure fuck that shit
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Okay go to work and watch Duck Dodgers. You're good at watching that show!

@WarpedEcho @ElkyDori @Domo this kumite needs some painwheel. Either of you down?
I dont have any money to donate, but im totally down to play in the kumite!
weird, skullheart didn't give me a notification for thislol
@Dolfinh, You should have a stretch goal to send you to Summer Jam, I know I'd donate to that.
While nothing would make me happier than to see Sage/Warped/Munoz/Friends again, I feel bad enough trying to get you guys to help me with SGDQ. Having you guys fund an extra trip for me would make me feel awful, especially if I didn't place well. Plus I am going to NEC this year (about a 90% chance so far) so I will be attending an east coast major. Also getting the time off would be really hard.

But thank you for that Caio <3
Tagging some more players who might be interested in playing. @Lawnba @Saske @Yaya

Also as awful as I feel, I added $75 to the donation goal. I'm hurting a bit more than I thought, gonna post a cost breakdown in a bit.

NVM, $175 should be good.

Okay here's our cost breakdown of the July Craziness for me:

Flight - $485.20 Paid for it!
Hotel - $169 Paid for it!
Food for 5.5 days - Assuming i'm paying around $10 for each meal, close to $165. I might want to re-calculate this and adjust the goal as needed once more information becomes available.
EVO Hotel - $110
EVO Food - Difficulty calculating because vegas is unnaturally expensive. I'm hoping it'll be under $120.
EVO Gas - Depends on how much Beamsprouts wants.
Rent for July - $100
Medical Appointment / Medication Refill - Somewhere between $35-$50


Around ~175 in my account right now. Another paycheck incoming, but I'm not sure how much it will be for. I'm working less hours now b/c of summer classes, but I also got a raise.
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