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Fate/Grand Order: Does anyone play this game?

Beat me to it. Well played. I took things pretty easy during Valentine's as I had surprising few chocos to actually get. Had me a giggle at the memorial quests too as Caesar (I now officially have the highest one in all of NA) 2 turned most of them.

Made a good effort for Moriarty, but only got NP2 Yan for my troubles. I'm ok with it though since Yan is a cool guy.
I'm holding off on making my pulls for Moriarty until tonight. At Login I hit day 150 and get 20 Quartz, add that to what I have and I'll be at 187 total. That'll give me 6 chances for the nemesis of Holmes.

Also I used the 8 Sigularity Signature Tickets going for Medb/Alter Cu on their rate up from that. No dice.
Well, I started with 199 Quartz and One ticket (Login one I forgot I had) to go for Moriarty.

First 30 Roll was Trash; Golden Millennium Tree (GMT) with 6 other CE's and three 3* Servants.

Second 30 Roll was much better: GMT, Gentle Affection (third Copy), Second Copy of Imaginary Around and a Gold Sparked Yan Qing/Assassin of Shinjuku.

Third 30 Roll was mixed: GMT again (Max Breaking my original copy) making me think it's my Mapo Tofu of the 4* CE's, Third Copy of Angel's Song and First Copies of Room Guard and Gem Magecraft: Atumbra.

Was figuring I'd not get Moriarty at this point but at least I was not going to be Empty Handed.

Fourth 30 Roll Shattered my expectations: Imaginary Element, Berserker Lancelot and TWO of Moriarty! Lancelot & the first Moriarty did not even spark, just Gold Card when the three rings & summon pillar ended and the Second Moriarty Goldsparked.

Stopped my rolls there and I'm saving the remaining 79 Quartz for the C.C.C. Banner in a few months!
Glad to hear that worked out so well for ya. Hopefully that kind of luck comes my way when it's time for me to try for Schez.
SE.RA.PH. has come and gone and, 3 days now after it has ended we are working on Hunter missions and the 6 mil bonus.

Did you manage to recruit BB, the only Moon Cancer Unit (until the Summer 2020 Event when you can go for her 5* form) and therefor the unit who shreds Avengers?

Did you try for the first Alter Ego Units in their Limted Gatcha banners? Is Meltrylis/Meltlilith now dancing around your enemies? Is Passionlip now Crushing them with her hands? Or is Kiara trying to corrupt you and resume her Beast III/R form and take over Chaldea while you resist her?

Speaking of Kiara, did you Risk it all for the long grind and take on her Giant form for the final battle? Or did you decide to by some (or even all) and take on her weaker Heaven's Hole self just so you could get through it all?

Someone else report then I'll summarize how it went for me.
It's nice to see someone else taking up my mantle. Life gets in the way too much sometimes for me to do this kind of stuff.

I passed on both of the banners to help bolster my Schez funds, but I did make at least a 10 roll for some CE's and maybe a Suzuka (just gonna get her with the ticket). My rate testing account, aka the "meme account", wasn't far enough in the story to do the event. It did get the Gil CE though, so I just logged onto it when I needed to borrow it's rulers. Otherwise, I cleared the event no issue, and just farmed Phoenix Feathers for the rest of it.

Rashomon should be a joke this time around, and I expect to just be quartz farming until the next chapter.
Your Storyteller will be coming in late June if everything keeps close to the JP as usual.

I went for Lip as the Limited SR will be harder to add to my Chaldea in the long run than the Limited SSR's will (that and I don't care for Kiara while a lot of people wanted the Nun who makes Double look reasonable with her deception). I had 10 Tix and at the time 257 Quartz. I will say before I go any father there were no Gold Orb Spins and no Cards Sparking from Silver to Gold.

Ticket 7 came out of the Summon Pillar Gold, spun to show Saber...and revealed Mordred.

Third 10 Pull had a card come out of the Pillar Gold...and spun to show Ruler! I was cussing out Jeanne for that stunt

Sixth 10 pull gave me my only copy of the 5* Event CE and one copy of Passionlip. I stopped there and kept the rest of the Quartz for Summer 1 repeat.

So yeah, these are my SR/SSR servants currently:

Also had Lancer Liz hit Bond 10, and all 12 Event Summon tickets went to Rintar but no dice.

And yeah, I had to get all the KP and had to use a Quartz (seals were recharging from a stubborn Type X) to take out the Heaven's Hole. Worth it though. I also completed all 100 Missions and got a large chunk of the Shop emptied. Ember farming for now to try and get Servants leveled while the Great/Super is on boost.

Speaking for Great/Super being on boost, during the event I had Two Supers and a Great hit while I was leveling Lip on the shop embers, with a regular happening in between each one. Had me flabbergasted but it did make her more viable for beating on Kiara.
I'm glad you're enjoying your story, and getting 2 5*, even if off rate up is still great, especially Jeanne with the interlude now. I still have to get a single Ruler on my main, so the BB fights were the roughest for me during that whole event. I may take a shot at Holmes since he's up soon.

The little bit I threw at CCC wasn't for nothing though. I did get a Nurse and 2 2030's, so all things considered, I can live without an Alter Ego until Halloween.
For the BB fights I borrowed Ruler Martha from 2 different friends. It was the much easier option. And yeah, while getting Jeanne was nice, cussing out the game while wanting to scream WRONG EXTRA CLASS was not. Still the Ruler class art is cool, same with the double Jesters of Alter Ego. I wish we had somewhere to see the Class Card art anytime we wanted.

Hopefully Nightingale will not amputate anything while treating injuries in your Chaldea. and Yeah, Holems at the Year 2 Anniversary in a couple of months is one I would like as well. Though Summer 2, the Dead Heat race is immediately afterwards.
Summertime has gone...and oddly come again, for such is the way of things in this game. Have you all had your full of swimsuits and sun, or has it just begun? Coming off the mind numbing grind that was the anniversary, I tried to take it easy, but such was not to be. Caesar demanded gold fous, and my new Nightless Caster demanded grails. Hopefully those who are still playing got off a bit easier than I did, but I can't complain too much when I got exactly what I wanted from the coveted "GSSR". As for this coming summer, I'm not too worried about it. I'll get who I get at this point.

In case we have newcomers, how did you like the first summer event? Did the changes in personality for some of the servants make them seem more interesting to you?
I was unable to play the GSSR, and went through the nightmare of nearly losing my account when my Transfer code did not work and I foolishly stated I played on a Emulator to a recovery e-mail.

I got off Lucky as all getout with a Warning.

Holmes did not come to my Gacha, and after 240 SQ spent total on both Summer 1 Banners I managed to NP 1 Ruler Martha and Caster Marie (and no other SR/SSR Servants). 10 Tickets on Banner one failed to yield anyone from there.

I hit 300 Login Days at Login Monday night and the bonus 20 SQ will put me at 120 total to use on Summer 2, waiting to make any Banner pulls until then. Have also gotten NP 2 Mordred from the Holmes Character Quest Ticket (but no Holmes).

Summer 2 is up now, best of luck to everyone who rolls on it.
Yeah, you gotta be careful with those mails. They very understandably don't like emulators, but it's good to see they didn't just flat out kill the acct.

I washed out on both Holmes and Martha, so I am still Rulerless....somehow. All I got for my troubles was a second Nitocris, which is great but not the "ruler" I wanted. I guess since I just got assassin Nito, I'm kind of obligated to try and get the last of the desert trio (and maybe a foreigner).
I rolled last night as I said with my 120 SQ, with a couple of rules in place:
1. If any Summer 2 Servant is rolled at 60 SQ or less, Stop and save the rest for Banner 2 for Raikou & Maid.
2. If No Summer 2 Servant comes at 60 SQ or less, Spin until SQ is gone or a Summer 2 Servant is pulled.

I ended with Three Copies of the 4* Event CE, and Saber Fran appeared out of Gold Orbs on the 3rd Spin (one 4* CE for each 10 spin). No Copies of the 3* or 5* Event CE oddly. I only have enough for one 10 spin on the Second banner left (plus login tickets for these 3 weeks & the Shop tix we are about to get), after that it's saving for Halloween 2 re-lite for one more shot at Cleo.

Ah, forgot to add, congrats on getting Nightless Caster, you going to go after Medb again now that you have your storyteller?
you going to go after Medb again now that you have your storyteller?

Well, since I'm now free from being locked into caster nonsense..well..forever (Tamamo had her chance), I'm not sure. I was going for her originally because I needed a good ST rider, but Ozy kinda filled that void for me. I'll probably be rolling on any Rider only rate ups though (mostly for NP5 Columbus), so I may get one yet. She does get that costume in a week or so too, so there's that as well.

Also, not gonna say a grailed Caesar makes for good Cleo bait, but if it worked for me...
Summer 2 has Come and gone, while Summer 4 Is in Full Swing on the JP Side, bringing new Swimsuit clad Female Summer Servants (and some interesting summer duds for the males in JP)

Have any graced your account good masters of Chaldea?

I had Zerker Nobbu join my Summer Fran from the DaVinci Shop tickets restock, and 0 luck on the little (30 SQ and 4 Tickets) I was able to toss at Banner 2 for the Summer Servants.

Use this down time wisely, and power up your servants who need it....for soon the call of the UMU will ring, as Nerofest NA 2019 is coming...
I ended up skipping summer part 2, simply because I just didn't care for the servants in the end. Did get a copy of the neat Enkidu CE though for the few tickets I did throw at it. The rest went to the rider day, which I washed out on (Not a single Columbus!).

I could very well skip rolling on Nerofest as well, since I am fortunate to have both Bride and Bryn, but the base form of Nero still eludes me so I may try a bit. I am excited for the mirror match I'm gonna have in the event though. There's a Caesar/Cleo/Schez node, which is hilarious considering who I've grailed.
Is anyone besides me and Sorc who still come to this forum playing F/GO?

Kinda lonely just being the two of us talking now.
I am going for Majin Okita before I go for Skadi, I'll have over 20 Tickets and Six 10-pulls worth of SQ ready for GudaGuda 3.
I am going for Majin Okita before I go for Skadi, I'll have over 20 Tickets and Six 10-pulls worth of SQ ready for GudaGuda 3.
I respect that.

Just remember-Skadi is Merlin and Waver level.
Came back to this site since I picked up SG again. Definitely a FGO player. In Ember and Mat hell atm.

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I waited until Sat night Login to roll for Majin Okita, as the only others on rateup would be Izo for R and Lancer Li for SR. Li over Emiya as Li is story gacha locked and I don't roll that trap of a Gacha. Took in 32 Tix and 180 SQ.

7th ticket I thought my luck was now shot, as I nospark pulled NP 3 Jeanne. Then the 8th ticket Goldsparked and revealed Majin Okita. I actually stopped rolling for about 10 min from the shock and thought hard.

Finally went with 22 of the 32 Tix and Two 10 Spins (60 SQ). Walked away with NP 3 Jeanne, NP 1 Majin Okita, NP 3 Izo, and 5 Event CE Copies (1 SSR, 2 SR, and 2 more R). No Li but I'll have another shot at him later.

Now I have to decide on what to spend for Skadi on the other side of LB 2.
Maintenance for Lostbelt 2 and the Game Engine Update for NA begins in a little over an hour. Make sure you have a New transfer code.

Banner for Bryn, Valkyrie and Sigurd Starts as soon as Maintenance ends, and 3rd Anniversary starts on the 25th.

Make sure you have a new transfer code ready as a just in case should the engine update not download right.
Summer 3 Starts Tonight, good luck to everyone who is pulling for Archer Jeanne, Assassin Ushi and/or Lancer Ibaraki on Banner 1 and Dantes on Banner 2.

In a week, good luck on Summer BB, MHXX, and Saber Medb.