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Filia Encore Combos

i assume he means gregor because filia sometimes says banshee when she does it
and it's pretty situational if you can tag combo after it I don't know if it's even possible for most people

E: i tested with eliza and painwheel and they can't do it filia recovers from gregor too late, and if eliza/pw can't do it I don't think anyone can
OH!!!!!!! Gregor wall bounce!!!! Why would you want to do that when you can just DHC. I mean if you really want to try it I think Fukua, Eliza, Peacock, PW, Double, and Squig can do it. But you use up an OTG and your combo is gonna be scaled to hell
NOW I HAVE THE BEST CORNER COMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

7.66 k
Ah its kind of weird depending on the character actually.

Was easy on peacock and robo, but kind of off against filia and double.
Wait you can do c.hp after that air sequence? How tight is that link?

i was wondering that too so i just tried it, according to ingame frame data you're +19 after the j.hp and c.hp is 12f startup, since you don't have to dash at all the link is pretty lenient, i haven't tried it on everyone though

edit: yeah its pretty easy on everyone, the only thing worth nothing I found is that sometimes on lights if you're too high off the ground after the j.hp you have to be careful with your timing, if you hit hp too early you get hit with the trip guard and can't do the c.hp in time so be wary
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Wait you can do c.hp after that air sequence? How tight is that link?
i was wondering that too so i just tried it, according to ingame frame data you're +19 after the j.hp and c.hp is 12f startup, since you don't have to dash at all the link is pretty lenient, i haven't tried it on everyone though

Its not too difficult. the combo works on everyone to my knowledge. lightweights you MUST wait a bit before doing ringlet.

ALSO. This is not my combo. this is @WingZero 's combo. i only recorded it with the mind to show concepts of what you can do. due to ringlet's stun.

you can do c.mp into filia things. or s.lp into a low or overhead or you can even do j.mk since you're at stage 5 already and use that as a two hit burst bait.
winnie also did j.hp c.hp stuff in his counterhit combos just earlier on this page lol, but the tech is still appreciated
Oh if that's the case then you could probally do like 3 psyche loops with this combo to get some really strong setups. I'll test that when I get home
It is more reliable since it lifts them up first. Ergo you should do s.mk before doing s.mp.

Tldr you are right and josh is not accounting practical combo theory
I might get the most damaging Filia combo if I can finish this route. With assist it's super easy, but without, it's taking a lot of creativity just to keep it going.

I'm at about 5.7k with only half a dizzy bar. But it's difficult to find a way to continue it without using meter halfway through.
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Considering how I post my combos... do you really want me to post my route? All my notes use in game names for the moves. I'll put a video of it in about 1 hour if I can't figure out a link w/o assist. With assist and DHC, I can get 10k ez.

Considering how I post my combos... do you really want me to post my route? All my notes use in game names for the moves. I'll put a video of it in about 1 hour if I can't figure out a link w/o assist. With assist and DHC, I can get 10k ez.
Nice. I can get about 10k midscreen with assist and lvl 1 DHC. Probably looking at 12k if you go corner with a different route
-.- Still chiseling away at it

Current attempts SYCK
Main concept:

...Samson Boot
(otg) Chompadour > Tiger Knee H Airball
Leg Warmer > Queue Sting > Ringlet Psyche
Thinning Shears > Leg Warmer > Queue Sting > Ringlet Psyche

Secondary branch:

...Samson Boot
(otg) Chompadour > Tiger Knee H Airball
Leg Warmer > Queue Sting > Ringlet Psyche
Ariel Rave > ...lolwutdo

Tertiary branch: (This one is doomed without assist/meter. You burn otg AND adc in the first two strings)
...Samson Boot
(otg) Chompadour > Tiger Knee H Airball
Thinning Shears/Leg Warmer > Chompadour
Knee Sock > Buzzcut > Bounce and Volume > Airball H

Unexplored branch: (Couldn't find a decent aerial follow-up, but can maintain ADC)

...Samson Boot
(otg)Chompadour > TK M Airball
adc blah blah route that restands if you can figure that out

Current attempts STANDARD

Main concept:
(otg)s.HP TK H Airball
s.MK>c.HP>Ringlet psyche
s.MP>s.MK>c.HP>Ringlet Psyche

Secondary concept:
(otg)s.HP TK H Airball
s.MK>c.HP>Ringlet psyche
c.MP> ... ...

Tertiary Concept: (This one is doomed without assist/meter. You burn otg AND adc in the first two strings)
(otg) Chompadour > TK H Airball
s.MP/s.MK> s.HP
j.LK > j.MP > j.MKx2 > Airball H

Unexplored Branch:
(otg) s.HP > TK M Airball
adc ...
If you find anything that restands, this is ideal.
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