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Fortune and teams?

I use Fortune with Big Band HP Brass Knuckle. I think its a good assist for her, but sometimes I wonder if MP or HP knuckle is better for fortune. What do you guys think? I plan on running three characters once Eliza's out. I want to play Fortune with a pressure assist and a DP assist with those two characters. I'll have to see what kind of special moves Eliza has.
Beat extend will probably be your dp assist. Brass knuckle is kinda a meh assist to me, its really easy to countercall and hurt BB really badly because of the armor and the huge hurt box. Most people use it to try and get you in blockstun and do a really bad mix up, and if the opponent makes sure to block knuckles in the air then you get almost nothing from it. It's ok against the average player but if you face someone with good neutral its a waste of an assist.
Beat extend will probably be your dp assist. Brass knuckle is kinda a meh assist to me, its really easy to countercall and hurt BB really badly because of the armor and the huge hurt box. Most people use it to try and get you in blockstun and do a really bad mix up, and if the opponent makes sure to block knuckles in the air then you get almost nothing from it. It's ok against the average player but if you face someone with good neutral its a waste of an assist.

I'm really starting to think this as well. I'm thinking it would be a good idea to play 3 characters anyway, so adding a character with a pressure assist and running Beat Extend with Big Band is a good idea. Whenever I call the assist it usually just gets bodied, I'm probably not doing a good enough job pressuring after it but besides that I just don't think its that effective as a pressure assist.

How does Fortune/Fukua (Drillationship)/Big Band (LP Beat Extend) sound?
Yeah that's basically my team only I run updo instead of Beat extend. Hk drill actually lets you get meterless conversions off of throw with fortune. You can also safely switch fortune out with a dhc against most characters as well.
fukua always use H drill.. its THAT good that fortune can dash and still get a c lk and big band you just need beat extend L and you're all set.
I wonder if you could convert off of fortune's air throw with h drill. Someone that isn't me should test that.
I have been using fortune with napalm pillar and H brass knuckles and so far it works out well. H brass knuckles is great for moving forward, beats single hitting reversals, and his size makes it difficult for the opponent to maneuver around him while giving you time to start mixups.
It's only difficult to move around him if your character doesn't have a double jump, and they have other ways to deal with it (and anyone can superjump it if they really want to). It's not a bad assist and honestly if you have parasoul as your 2nd then its probably your best option, but its like a worse version of hornet bomber.
Has anyone tried using other Fukua assist? I know h drill but what about L forever a clone.
Has anyone tried using other Fukua assist? I know h drill but what about L forever a clone.
its a cool assist....vs goddamn big band and only him. the rest of the cast treat the place like lava.....on top of that its just meh.
Lots of start up and no invincibility make clone assists tricky to use. You'll get standard use out of the high or low one, but nothing compares to drill, its fast and provides lockdown and reset potential. Clones aren't as good for resets (drill lets you convert off throw meterless, for example) and they have no lockdown.
Lots of start up and no invincibility make clone assists tricky to use. You'll get standard use out of the high or low one, but nothing compares to drill, its fast and provides lockdown and reset potential. Clones aren't as good for resets (drill lets you convert off throw meterless, for example) and they have no lockdown.
^ this.

besides the only time i found shadows to be useful is for squigs
If you're using Fukua there's no reason to NOT use H Drillationship. Its just so freaking good.

I'm gonna mess with Giant Step with Fortune, LP Beat Extend is obviously the way to go, and I'm gonna end up running that, but I think it might be an effective assist for her if its legitimate pressure and not a gimmick.
If you're using Fukua there's no reason to NOT use H Drillationship. Its just so freaking good.

I'm gonna mess with Giant Step with Fortune, LP Beat Extend is obviously the way to go, and I'm gonna end up running that, but I think it might be an effective assist for her if its legitimate pressure and not a gimmick.

drill is the only thing you should be using.

its specifically designed to corner carry and up back catch with fortune's ridiculously long range c lk.

as for giant step its better with headless as it can pseudo launch and you can s lp into el gato into cat slide reset into giant step again. its THAT annoying once you're cornered.
Has anyone tried using sing assist?
yeah and it sucks. there's literally NO reason to even run it.
not even vs peacock cause sing she's in front and she'll get bopped
c hp.
nothing more nothing less.

I do have some tech that can make Sliver chord work but its REALLY REALLY annoying to set up and its not exactly applicable outside of. meanwhile DNB keep pressure and so does C hp except it has disjointed hitbox AND its a low
s.MK, MP.Nail, HP.Nail
Taluda uses Throw which I think is pretty terrible, but who am I to say Taluda makes bad choices??
Bonus secret tech is Dash assist for the best Alpha counter in the game

Try out all of them, none of them are any great.
So... Fortune can convert midscreen throws with Eliza m sek assist... Yep. This just might be fortunes new best assist or if not... Is at least on par with updo/pillar just below copter.
With how much every Fortune player whines about her losing air to air encounters against everybody, I wonder when the first one is going to seriously try out M.Shadow/H.Bomb/M.Tearshot/Whatever
With how much every Fortune player whines about her losing air to air encounters against everybody, I wonder when the first one is going to seriously try out M.Shadow/H.Bomb/M.Tearshot/Whatever

Or Beat Extend which is far easier to convert from than any of those.
I picked up SG a few weeks ago and I'm really liking Ms Fortune. I'm going to main her for the time being and I want at least one other girl, but I'm having trouble figuring out which one(s), and which assists I should be packing. Fukua, Filia, and Valentine are the short list and I'm leaning toward a pair, but haven't ruled out a trio. I tend to sub a lot in tag team fighters, which probably affects how my roster should look. I'm really looking for a starting point, not setting things in stone.

I've seen Filia's Hairball and Fukua's Drill mentioned a lot, but I haven't seen as much chatter about the assist on Fortune herself, even when I poked around on those other characters' sub-forums. Fukua's fireball and Val's shuriken were attractive as a security blanket, but I can tough it out with something else if they're just not that effective.
I picked up SG a few weeks ago and I'm really liking Ms Fortune. I'm going to main her for the time being and I want at least one other girl, but I'm having trouble figuring out which one(s), and which assists I should be packing. Fukua, Filia, and Valentine are the short list and I'm leaning toward a pair, but haven't ruled out a trio. I tend to sub a lot in tag team fighters, which probably affects how my roster should look. I'm really looking for a starting point, not setting things in stone.

I've seen Filia's Hairball and Fukua's Drill mentioned a lot, but I haven't seen as much chatter about the assist on Fortune herself, even when I poked around on those other characters' sub-forums. Fukua's fireball and Val's shuriken were attractive as a security blanket, but I can tough it out with something else if they're just not that effective.
straight up..... just use fiber. EVERY fortune player has to use that asisst cause its the only one
you can use s.hk for an assist if you don't plan on going headless ever since it's a decent lockdown assist (not cerecopter good but it's there)
I've seen Filia's Hairball and Fukua's Drill mentioned a lot, but I haven't seen as much chatter about the assist on Fortune herself, even when I poked around on those other characters' sub-forums.

I am about as biased as it gets since I've never played a character that didn't have crazy air mobility (or at least a double jump in Double's case) but I really, really, really dislike Hairball.

It doesn't have the hitboxes to command respect on the ground, and it's a non-factor against a lot of the cast's aerial mobility, and while head-off has some tools for protecting assists it's not the deepest kit for it. Against more advanced players, I feel that it's not unlike Cerecopter where if it's used as lockdown/pressure-extension it's just setting your point character up to get AG'd at best or PBGC'd at worst.

If someone can tell me why it's great, I would love to hear. This has been one of those "good players use it and I don't know why" things for me for a long time. In Fortune's specific case, I'm guessing something to do with head-off movement?
Khaos used hairball because he liked having a lockdown assist that he could call from midscreen. Eventually he was forced to use updo (dunno what he used at evo) because updo is God, no one uses hairball anymore. anymore.

Fortune's primary assist is fiber upper. Characters like Valentine and painwheel can convert off it. As an AC its great because you can punish a ton of normally unpunishable supers and as long as they can't/wont DHC you get a full combo punish which is great.

If you already use updo then try s.hk. It's a lockdown assist but it's head on only.
Hi guys. I picked up SG 2 days ago (I'm coming from an SFIV, SFxT, and GG background) and I have to say that this game deserves the FGC's full support. I'll reserve the compliments for some other thread, however.

So, I'm running Fortune/Parasoul/Double. The dreaded Fortune/Parasoul (or Parasoul/Fortune) that never gets commented on is what I'm about to inquire some opinions. After reading a bit here and there, I quickly figured out that playing Parasoul without Double in the back is suicide. LK Hornet Bomber definitely is a must for Parasoul's pressure and neutral game. What I'm trying to figure out is that by putting Fortune on point and Parasoul second (Napalm Pillar), what sort of synergy can I produce?

NOTE: I know that Fortune/Parasoul (and vice versa) is not the most synergistic shell in the game! However, since I like these two characters the most, I really want to make them work somehow in any little way possible.

I think that Fortune can definitely benefit more from Napalm Pillar than Parasoul would from Fiber Upper or any other Fortune assist. And according to what I've been reading, Parasoul and Fortune are at their best when played on point. However, based on those same readings, it seems that Parasoul definitely fairs off better than Fortune when played in the secondary slot. Then again, Elda Taluda (forgive any misspelling if it occurred) proved that Fortune can manage in secondary position at EVO 2014. Sooo.... matchup specific lineups?

I think that Fortune can benefit from Double's LK Hornet Bomber assist as well. A corner-pressuring Fortune with a lock-down assist is definitely something to think about. So, running Double as anchor really isn't something that I would need to switch out.

What do you guys think? What position is better for the Fortune/Parasoul shell and is this shell viable in the simplest sense? And since it definitely isn't an amazing combination... how bad can it really be?

Thanks in advance! :)

P.S. : I also asked this question in the Parasoul forum to gather some advice from Parasoul specialists. (Same reason why I posted in the Fortune forum; to see what the Fortune mains have to say about this question.)
ok if you REALLY want para in point then do this.

double=m butt

and fortune=Mk fiber.

mk fiber allows you to combo WAY MORE consistently.

fortune can convert off of pillar almost all the time (except when some shithead calls in big band and it blocks you). the shell is viable but you need to be very good at your assist calls if you plan to use it.
ok if you REALLY want para in point then do this.

double=m butt

and fortune=Mk fiber.

mk fiber allows you to combo WAY MORE consistently.

fortune can convert off of pillar almost all the time (except when some shithead calls in big band and it blocks you). the shell is viable but you need to be very good at your assist calls if you plan to use it.

Thank you! I will take that under consideration for sure. I received a reply from the Parasoul forum regarding the same question and gllt was kind enough to suggest Fortune/Double/Para or Para/Double/Fortune. I think Fortune does better off alone than Parasoul does. Plus, Parasoul benefits extremely well from Hornet Bomber and a Parasoul to Double midscreen viable hard-tag combo (which gllt was kind enough to share as well) can be experimented with.

Only one question remains that case: What Fortune assist would benefit Double more. (I'm guessing MK Fiber. As Emuchu suggested in the Parasoul thread, however, Fortune's 3HP is a great neutral assist for Parasoul. I'm relying heavily on Hornet Bomber to cover Parasoul at this point. So, I really need to start worrying about Double as a character instead of purely an excellent assist and dead-weight character.)
You absolutely should put fortune on point, as you said fortune benefits from the assist a lot more and having parasoul second will also give you a safe dhc if necessary. The key thing about taluda having fortune second is that painwheel can easily convert from the assist without even using the otg and parasoul could have a bit of trouble with that .
You absolutely should put fortune on point, as you said fortune benefits from the assist a lot more and having parasoul second will also give you a safe dhc if necessary. The key thing about taluda having fortune second is that painwheel can easily convert from the assist without even using the otg and parasoul could have a bit of trouble with that .
if someone does not use M fiber
I mean, the only fiber that has decent invincibility is hk, mk is just gonna get stuffed half the time...
really? maybe just me but MK fiber if called right helped me alot.

Hk has more coverage though. it all depends on your set up and with bomber you can just use mk fiber. same with updo
double can convert from any fiber.
I dunno about parasoul
you can also do what europe does and use napalm shot assist i think it's kinda neat because on block or hit the shot lingers for a while covering you messing up or sometimes slowing down an advance.
Fortune can go anywhere. if you're head-on only then s.hk is decent lockdown and it'll sometimes stuff things if you plan on going headless then s.hk will turn into launcher which kinda sucks
Parasoul should probably be on point
Double I dunno lots of people enjoy either m or l bomber they're nice for getting in although I don't think they're good enough for lockdown (that's just me though) double is usually an anchor

Might I suggest Parasoul (Napalm Pillar or Napalm Shot H)/Fortune (fiber upper H or s.hk)/Fukua (H drill)

That seems like a decent get in and lockdown type of team but I dunno.

Uh I forgot to note that headless and parasoul can actually be eh because pillar can hit the head making it a projectile as it moves forward a tiny bit.

Good luck with the game.

EDIT: Just so you know I'm still pretty inexperienced so don't hold this on me if things don't work.
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Thank you for the writeup. If there's any other team that I'm going to mess with, it's Painwheel/Fortune/Parasoul.

Please suggest anything but Filia/Fukua. I'm sick of seeing those two characters everywhere... EVERYWHERE! (Yes, I prefer personal character preference over tiers.)
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