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Guns n' Barrels - Double Combo Thread

c.mp as otg after Cilia Slide doesn't work on Parasoul, Fortune and Robo Fortune.

I noted this in the video.

This combo damage is actually 7887 if you get every hit from j.mp

Is this even possible?
There are 5 j.MP hits in your video not 6.
so not sure if this one is known but a really cool double corner combo is cr.lk, s.mk, s.hk, h luger, Fridge, cr.mk (OTG), s.hk, h luger, s.mp, s.hk, j.lp, j.mk, j.hk, barrel, s.lp, s.mk(2), cr.hp, H bomber, car
Only seems to work on lights
Note that the s.mp link is a bit tricky and is a restand
What do people do for high air burst bait followup combos? Hitting them out of the air with a dash jump j.HK xx barrel gets you a CH heavy + the first ground chain doesn't build undizzy but I'm still only getting like a 9K 1-meter combo in the end, partially because all the early lowish damage hits killing the scaling.

if it's midscreen and you have an assist that works for it, jHP + assist is the best because you can avoid skipping untracked/free combo stages.

jHK isn't just bad for scaling, avery can advance combo stages in weird ways that Mike doesn't want to change.

if it's in the corner and you have a DP/knockdown assist, sHP + Updo/Pillar/Horus?/Whatever ends up being better damage.
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Probably the most damage you can do from NCH c.LK and 1 meter.
Btw it's universal with some slight adjustments.
Hey there, I recently transferred from barrel loops and now want to go to more damage cilia slide combos.
If you know, could you please tell me what are those "slight adjustments" since I've tried swapping the cr.MP to S.mp but that one resulted more in being "lucky" than timing.
The characters I tried doing this combo for were: Filia, Parasoul, Ms Fortune & Squigly if that helps.
Thanks in advance.
Hey there, I recently transferred from barrel loops and now want to go to more damage cilia slide combos.
If you know, could you please tell me what are those "slight adjustments" since I've tried swapping the cr.MP to S.mp but that one resulted more in being "lucky" than timing.
The characters I tried doing this combo for were: Filia, Parasoul, Ms Fortune & Squigly if that helps.
Thanks in advance.

If they're heavy or tall do:
slide microdash sMP cHP step LP MK MK HK
sj/dj jMK jHK Barrel
cLK MK MK cHP Bomber

TBH I forget what the adjustment is for Squigly since I prefer my route/air-resets for her, but I know it stems for her hitbox being narrow on the two air chains.

Always delay the otg chain's MKs as much as possible for the lowest possible launch, it'll make or break the jMP jHK chain on heavies.
This version is completely universal and does 7.6k

c.lk, s.mkx2, c.hp xx Cilia Slide,
dash, s.lk, c.mp, c.hp xx Flesh Step,
s.mkx2, s.hk,
j.mp, j.hk,
superjump, j.mk, j.hk xx M Item Crash,
s.lpx2, s.mkx2, c.hp xx H Hornet Bomber xx Bandwagon Rushdown
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Is it always teacup or do you have to go barrel for lighter characters like Ms.Fortune in the beginning?
Teacup in the beginning is more damage and is easier to setup s.MK and relaunch into j.MP for 5 hits xx land xx SJ j.MK xx j.HK xx Barrel to an ender. But it really is just preference and difficulty. I'd think it'd be easier on heavies.

Universal anywhere BnB: cr.lk > s.mk(x2) > s.hk > hk luger > dash cr.hp > cilia slide > dash s.lk > s.mk(x2) > s.hk > j.mp > j.hk > j.mk > j.hk > barrel > s.lp(x2) > s.mk(x2) > cr.hp > hk bomber > car (7715-7832) damage is relevant to how many hits of j.mp you land.

This might be the most damage Double can get for 1 bar without an assist off cr.lk
just swapping smk for cmp in the front nets you a bit more (~7971). Also how do you otg filia / fukua in this combo? nvm I'm dumb
The issue is the hitconfirm. The way winnie wrote it is significantly safer. It is an issue in other character boards that people use the highest damage opener for all their combos instead of the best. It is refreshing to actually see it is not like that here.
that makes sense, although I'm not sure how much better smk smk is for hitconfirming since Hgun is the safest part of the string, and that point it's pretty easy to see regardless of the starter (probably safer at that point to use cmp to give them less time to pbgc?).
Yo, can anyone help me put more damage into this combo?

[Corner] [Universal]
Cr.lk Cr.mp St.hk
H Luger
J.lp J.hk
Cr.lk St.mk(2) St.hk
J.lk(1) J.mk(2) J.hk
St.lp(2) St.mk(2) St.hp
M Bomber
[7130 Damage]
[6750 Damage] [J.hp(2) Teacup Starter]
[9829 Damage] [Nightmare Legion End]
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This place needs more snapback combos.

I only found this to be SUPER awkward against Ms.Fortune, and that's pretty much it.
C.lk,c.mp,c.hp,cilia slide, dash forward, c.mp,s.hk, j.lp.j.hk, teacup, s.mk(2), s.hk, j.lk, j.hk, barrel, s.lp(2), s.mk(2),c.hp, h bomber, bandwagon

7.8 k #NerfDouble
Double updo combo

c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, cilia slide, c.hp, cilia slide, updo, s.hk, j.lp, j.hk, teacup, s.lk, s.hk, h luger, dash forward, s.lp(2), s.mk(2), c.hp, H bomber, Bandwagon
8.2 K
Yet again here is another combo I just found. Big band specific I think.
c.lk, c.mp, c.hp, cilia slide, c.mp,s.hk, h Luger, dash forward, s.mk(2), s.hk, j.lp, j.mp, j.hk, land, xx, j.mk(1 hit) j.hk, land, xx, s.lp(2), s.mk(2), c.hp, h bomber, car
7.8 k
here's a fun combo that i like a lot

second one is an easier version that deals slightly less damage. you can do them on double by swapping the s.hp with a c.hp or s.hk.

I too like this a lot.
this is terrible

notations in the video description for all weights incl big band. you can use h.luger instead of pillar for 8.1k.
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Double combo with H Bypass assist
Does almost 8.3k with barrels, 8.1k with teacups and 8.2k with the two. Doesn't work on big band i think