• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Introduce Yourself!

Hi, my name is Skulldemon (I know that my tag is edgy af but half of my name comes from Skullgirls), but you can call me Skull or SD. I've been mainly a SSB player (mostly playing SSB4 and Project M) but I've started playing Skullgirls. The game is fun :)
Hi, I'm MuneRoons. I've owned Skullgirls since a few months after launch, but I never really fell in love with it until recently. Currently a college student studying languages and medicine. I have been trying to get better at the game, luckily I finally have a nice little group to play with but I've also been enjoying online play. I wouldn't say I was extremely into any fighting game previously, but I did play a lot of Tekken, BlazBlue, Street Fighter, and Smash Bros. I mainly fell in love with the game for the character design and charm of it all, plus the hand-drawn work really made me feel for the passion of the game.
Hi, I'm Eeveeman15 also known as naughtydemon171. I have SG since December of 2016 but I started to play it since February of 2017. I'd like to improve myself in this game. I'm using Filia for know.

You can find me in Steam as naughtydemon171

I wait to have a really good time with you all.
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hello SG fans! names juan or just call me ponch I have been following skullgirls ever since my buddy got the game back in its early days I'm a fairly new player and always looking for a quick game my steam is highwaylord44 if u guys are up a game!
Hello hello, I'm a mechanical keyboard fanatic who enjoys dabbling in digital art, and I've recently picked up a newfound interest in fighting games-- specifically Skullgirls. Fukua's my girl, and I've yet to venture outside of my safety bubble and find someone else I like as much. :^]
Hello, I am a person who has always been in love with fighting games, but was never good enough to play them and even got scared of playing them, I tehn decided to leave my fear and bought skullgirls on steam. Sadly, I can't seem to find a character I am able to play and like to play, any help?
do you have the dlc?

it's okay if you don't. you can try em out in the endless beta.

but really you should give yourself some time to figure things out and to take a look at all of the characters
Hello, I am a person who has always been in love with fighting games, but was never good enough to play them and even got scared of playing them, I tehn decided to leave my fear and bought skullgirls on steam. Sadly, I can't seem to find a character I am able to play and like to play, any help?
Aaaaaahhh! I totally get you!
Skullgirls was my first fighting game after a lifetime of being afraid of them~
The only tip I can really give is this:
Find a character you REALLY like, character-wise or appearance wise. Let's forget about liking to play for a moment, and not really being able to play a character at first is normal.
Now, you just grind it out with this character.
Spend hours upon hours playing training, bots, and other people.
Your goal here is twofold; to develop general game-sense, and to learn your playstyle.
What I mean by "learn your playstyle" is exactly what it says: you can only ever know what you want in a character by playing and noticing parts that you hate and parts that you don't.

Keep playing until you discover what you like and what you don't like playstyle-wise.
This will steer you towards who you want to main.
Not really something we can help with unless you already specifically know your preferences and what you're looking for.
Hello fellow players, I'm AuraMaster. I just purchased Skullgirls because it seemed like a fighting game I could truly enjoy and I was impressed by how much work and support went into it. I have been plying since the beginning of June 2017, so I'm a rookie that's a bit late to the party, but I hope to get better with the help of others here online. If you have any advice, please let me in on it, as it would be fun to land sweet combos and maybe compete in tournaments for fun (and cash :p).
I play on PS4 (going by the name AuraMastr11037) and I "main" the characters Squigly and Fukua right now, but that may change.

Have a great day!
I'm a rookie that's a bit late to the party,
You're never too late! c:

If you have any advice, please let me in on it
Some general things I wish were written down for beginner me:
> Combos are not the most important thing.
Like, woah; I saw all the flashy combos and thought that that was what it meant to be a good player. But no.
I think I spent about 50 hours floundering around trying to do the cool stuff before giving up.
And when I gave up I just went straight to quickmatch with, no shit, this combo:
st.lk st.mk(2) j.lk j.mk(2)
And I grinded out quickmatch for 100 hours with just that combo.
Obviously, if you can learn a decent BnB early on that's good. What I'm saying is: don't be preoccupied with combos when you still haven't properly learned neutral and haven't felt the game out yet.

> Pressure is easy.
So, after finally stepping up my combo game my next priority was pressure.
And boy, was I intimidated. It took me, like, another 100 hours just to finally understand how to do it and that it wasn't the overly complicated beast I thought it was (unless you get into the deep end).
For pressure it's all about mixing up your approach. Your options are attacks that hit low, attacks that hit high, grabs, attacks that come out quick, and attacks that come out late or that you delay.
That seems like a lot, and it definitely was for beginner me, but effective pressure begins with the simplest and purest approach:
The high/low mix-up.
Which is basically what it says, you either hit with a high or a low. And even then, you're gonna be using the simplest form of the simplest pressure thingy: Jump attack / Empty jump. Either you hit high with a jump attack or you land then hit with a low.
tbh, this is really all you need as long as you're able to stay unpredictable. And the best part? It's so easy to expand on it.
high/low becomes high/low/standing high high/low/standing high/grab then becomes high/low/standing high/grab/wait then becomes high/low/standing high/grab/wait/empty jump into instant overhead which then becomes... you get the point.
You don't need combos because you play PeaBand. :V

The first full-undizzy combo I learned got me to the point where I could press buttons reasonably fast. I'd say it helps stop mashing... but then, I'm still terrible at scrambles, so what do I know.
You don't need combos because you play PeaBand. :V

Notta gang up on you dood but @Fumako got a point. Playing Pea/Band is harder than it looks.
Pea would pretty much be on point all the time and make sure she doesn't mess up a single
string in order for the wall to have the proper foundation and to make sure the both of them don't in up getting trapped in a combo together

And BB's assist calls in that team are especially risky and vital at the same time. If you call him too much the odd of him dying on assist punish skyrocket but if you don't call him enough the Pea/Band main dynamic of "The wall to end all walls" Comes apart since the bricks aren't being put there but BB ya know? (Tl;dr: You would have to figure out that perfect middle ground of assist calls where the bombs Pea would throw would stop the other player from beating the heck outta BB since he's a Reeeeeeeally big guy and anything with start a combo with that dood.)

Though I gotta say, The peeps that have figured out the massive game of keep away are the peeps I dread the most to run into in quick matches - -)
I Just Can't Get In! > <)

Again, Not saying this to be a jerk face. Just wanted to say =)
Heyo! This technically isn't an introduction since I joined back in 2013 (but mostly lurked), but had a long time away from the forums. Indivisble has really kicked me into high gear with Lab Zero again (and I'm still playing Skullgirls!) so I wanted to write this up to get me formally back into all this. See you around!
Hello! I'm Sinasi, I'm kinda new to fighting games. I've played some when i was a child but i was just mashing buttons xd
I really like skullgirs but it's really too fast for me :D. Nice to meet you!
(steam id: sinasi01)
ok, wow, so I reread my statement and it turns out I actually forgot to put in the thing I was trying to convey, which was:
Don't get so hung up on combos when learning neutral is so much more valuable for the early stages. or something

And I was a solo Band / FortuneBand while I was using that weak-ass 2 button combo, so it's not like I didn't need combos because I was zoning.
Humu >:c

and to Salty and Sinasi...
Whoops, sorry you had to see this :P
Welcome and Welcome back!
Hi, I'm NoDice and I've been playing Skullgirls for a while now (almost a year) but I've only just now made an account on here after I realized just how active these forums are. I'm in the process of trying to develop a comfortable team for myself but it just so happens that the two characters I consider myself "good" with (Valentine and Eliza) appear to be (based on my limited understanding of team-building) highly incompatible on the same team based on what each character needs. Otherwise I played Squigly for a good while and was "good" with her to the point where I think I could pick her up again if the time called for it.

Tl;dr - Hi I'm NoDice and I'm joining the forum to refine my SG team. My best characters don't particularly like each other. I am always open to advice on how to team-build and generally be a more refined player.
I'm traveler-san!

Tbh, I haven't played this game in years! ;-;
See, I'm an artist, and learning has taken up all my spare time, since I'm self-taught.

I'm going to be selling at my first artist alley, CEOtaku, and was hoping to learn about the community a bit!
I actually saw this site mentioned on the reddit, and it looks like an awesome place for me to get my head on straight, and learn from the FGC!

....because I'm a filthy, outdated casual that needs all the help he can get....
Hey all! New returning player here. I first bought SG on the PS3 when it first came out and fell in love. But I stopped playing, probably a few months after i bought it, eventually for a variety of reasons.

It's funny how certain things and events in our lives lead us to where we are. Why am I back playing SG and on Steam? Well, I've had a bit of a fighting game "midlife crisis" the past couple months and if you like uninteresting stories, I got one for ya!

I don't own a PS4/XB1 and my main fighters have always been NRS games and the Soul series (as well as a little BlazBlu since the Renaissance), so for the past couple years, I've been limited to PC and Wii U for fighters, but it was a pretty a solid lineup of MKX, Brawlhalla, Smash 4, and Pokken.

So NRS failed its PC fans and did not release Injustice 2 for Steam. I was suddenly in a scramble, looking a fighter to play on Steam! Voila, Tekken 7 was just about to come out and it was an old favorite series of mine as a kid, I played the heck out of Tekken 2 and 3. So I got Tekken 7, played the heck out of it. But realized, just last week, that my heart truly lies in 2D fighters.

So my options were GG Xrd, KoF14, and Skullgirls (I avoid Capcom, don't have W10 for KI, and just wasn't feeling BB for some reason). I was also wanting to check out Rivals of Aether and Brawlout, a couple of arena fighters like Smash. So a few days ago I decided on KoF14, SG, and RoA.

Now, I should've been more meticulous in my research. Ppl had said KoF14 was still an ok experience online in terms of activity. But those ppl were apparently referring to consoles as it is || close to true "dead" status on Steam online (but as a side note, I absolutely love KoF14's gameplay and mechanics). And RoA doesn't have 4P FFA online (just 2v2 and 1v1), which is what I was really looking for. So I get on SG, go to online matches, and even at 11pm PST, there's a room of 5 ppl playing, and I was also able to find a ranked match instantly.

So, Skullgirls takes the cake =)

Now, I'll still be playing T7 for the 2k match unlocks, and KoF14 for art, movies, etc. And I may still dabble in Brawlhalla since it has a surprisingly big online scene and tourney circuit. And I'll probably get GG Xrd eventually as a warmup to DBFZ. But for now, my training time will now be spent on Skullgirls. It feels kinda good to be back. I'm really looking forward to improving in this game and hopefully going to some tourneys down the line.
Heyyy dude..

Been playing fighting games for the better part of three years now, compared to the rest of y'all I must seem like a greenhorn but there's just something about being in a tight enclosure with your opponents character, where once you get them in that combo there's nowhere to run. I'm not trapped in there with them, they're trapped in there with me. And no teammates to hold me down. No matter what I do I keep coming back to these games.

I played Smash originally but I moved over to the more traditional Street Fighter IV and then V. I really like the rushdown style of V but with capcom's poor management I've been getting a bit restless, so I'm on the road again trying to settle down on another game. I tried Mortal Kombat, Injustice, Jojo, Third Strike, Guilty Gear, UMvC3, and Blazblue.

But none of them stuck. I liked Injustice and Mahvel but the characters just weren't delivering for me. I want to get into anime fighters but I can't stand anything with a Japanese only dub (arcsys) and yes my anime purist friends hate me.

So Skullgirls is my final venture to another game. And it looks really promising. I wasn't around for the game in its initial stages, but like an archaeologist digging up dosssils, memes and videos from the era display a loving and dedicated fan base.

The art is cute. I really love the style and the story is better than nothing which is more than you can ask for in a lot of fighting games. SG is oozing charm and flair with every voiceline, song in its soundtrack, and piece of art.
Never played mvc2 upon which I read this is based. So I'm here to find resources and fellow newbie training partners. Skate straight!

I'm relatively new to SkullGirls, and I'm kind of a terrible fighting game player (I seriously struggle with the tutorials; I am not good). That being said, I couldn't help but love the visuals and music of this game. Makes me kinda wish it was a style of game I AM good at, honestly...thank goodness for the Sleepwalk difficulty setting!

...yeah, I even had trouble with the game on the easiest setting. I think maybe I just don't think quick enough for 2D fighters nowadays. So twitchy, so reactive. And so precise!! Still, it was worth it. The game clearly has a lot of effort put into the creation of its style, and I wanted to be able to enjoy it. Hopefully I'll eventually get better so that, I dunno, I can move up to the easy setting. (sigh)

EDIT: I meant to ask this before, but can anybody tell me where to find the Digital Art Compendium? Is it on this site? I see forum posts about it, but I couldn't actually find the thing anywhere. I'm sorry if it's a dumb question, but I'd love it if someone could point me toward it. I love the art in this game, and I'd really like to look to see what's in there.
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Hello all, my name is iDraekios. Drae or Kio for short. I've been familiar with the existence of Skullgirls for quite some time now, and even spent a short couple of weeks on the mobile version before landing myself a copy for the PC a few days ago.

I'm slowly getting the hang of things when it comes to the game, and I like to think I'm no stranger to fighting games. Soul Caliber was one of my favorites when I was a kid, and I was at least half-decent with Scorpion on MKX.

My siblings refuse to fight me on SSB, because they know I'll just pick Zero Suit Samus and clean house. I'm currently planning to pick up Valentine, as I absolutely love her appearance and that EKG Flatline makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

So yeah. I'm pretty easy going, so if you wanna talk or get to know me or whatever just shoot me a message.
I meant to ask this before, but can anybody tell me where to find the Digital Art Compendium? Is it on this site? I see forum posts about it, but I couldn't actually find the thing anywhere. I'm sorry if it's a dumb question, but I'd love it if someone could point me toward it. I love the art in this game, and I'd really like to look to see what's in there.

The digital art compendium is in the store on the skullgirls website right next to the soundtrack.
hello, i like to go by takkun. ive been playing skullgirls for about two years, but its mostly just been messing around with combos. after discovering that there is a local scene where i live, i decided to start taking the game more seriously.

i picked up ssbm a few months after sg and im starting to enjoy that game less and less, which gives me another reason to want to play skullgirls some more.

i main valentine, but im torn between solo valentine or if i should pick up a second character for a double team
Haven't been playing for a while, but iirc getting another character with Val doesn't cost you that much damage on her side since she doesn't deal a great lot herself.

Given some of her air combos, I'd say Beowulf's chair throw would be a good assist and help you set up chair combos with him, but at this point we're talking more about Beowulf than Val.

Still, try other characters to see who else you like. I always suggest trying Beo because of how fun his grabs are.
Hello Guys

I'm Liem my psn is Lighters210 just bought skullgirls 1 month ago very new to this fighting game i'm looking for somebody can play with me beat me off so i can learn some thing from that because when i searching for online match it's took me so long time and the ping very high by the way i'm playing ps4 hook me up if you thanks :)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why hello there. Been in a love affair with fighting games all my life. I love them but I'm just bad. Was huge into the soul caliber series, I got good enough to stand toe too toe with friends and family but nothing outside of my comfort zone. I got really into MvC2 with a group of friends but eventually all of them grew out of my skill level and I backed away. Really love the Street Fighter series, always loved it but always just sucked lol. Was actually debating buying Street Fighter 5 and while doing research on my purchase I came across this game, after more research I learned about the Tutorial. The choice became even clearer with the price. Ended up getting SkullGirls & Mortal Kombat XL for $20 cheaper then the SFV version I wanted. So here I am. Attempting to learn another fighter.

Gamepad player, PSN is SkadMatrix, Don't have the best internet so idk how much ill play online, but planning on going to my families house to play online here and there.
cool we have guides here to help you out. and there are plenty of beginner tourneys online.
Sup yall... I'm Lulu. I'm a DoA Player. I actually have little intetest in playing Skullgirls. I do however consider it to be a very well designed fighting game, Considerate to Both newcomers and Seasoned veterans. So yeah... just came here to say its Awesome. Its just not my thing... right now. ;)
It is 1:55 A.M. on my end. I go by the gamer tag Shibito, Shibito08, Shibito117. (hopefully the original isn't taken or I use the alts) I am a Pad player. I first learned about skullgirls through steam. It just drew my attention so I get it there. The game grew on me and Ended up buying a full complete copy of it on the Xbox 360, PS4 and fully upgraded it on the PC. I love 2D fighters with a untimely passion. Back from Street fighter II and Mortal Kombat to this day on Guilty Gear Xrd 2 and Street Fighter V. If I can acquire it I do and play it. My gaming library is huge so hopefully there is something we all can play together with. I do play more then Fighters. But I'll end it here. I am a Decent player that thinks he is a scrub but I will always love a Good fighter.

Edit: I also Hail from Florida :V forgot to mention that
Hello, Just call me Vali. I've always wanted to get into fighting games and I saw Skullgirls as an opportunity to get better at them.