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[May 28, 2015] Momocon 2015 (Atlanta, GA)


New Member
Apr 22, 2014
Reaction score

Momocon is hosting a lot of tournaments this year, including Skullgirls Encore.

All tournaments are $10 to enter, and have a 70/20/10 split of the entry fees. Some of our tournaments have a guaranteed pot amount, with the Skullgirls Encore tournament being one of them.

https://www.facebook.com/events/353706378164758/ <- You can find all of the rules for the Skullgirls Encore tournament here.

http://www.momocon.com/video-games/ <- You can find all of the other tournaments running at Momocon, along with links to their rules sets, here.

For any information about Momocon directly, please go to http://www.momocon.com.

If you have any questions, please email tournaments@momocon.com.
Well I plan on making the tournament this year. Last time my family refused to leave on time and then we got caught in traffic due to other events that may or may not have involved scantily clad women dancing in the streets; naturally I arrived too late to enter.

Fortunately I managed to get some casuals in.
Anyway, I cant wait to see you all again!
Bumping with some relative info and a reminder that the tournament in THIS THURSDAAY!

Tournament Bracket - http://challonge.com/momo15Skullgirls


- There will be a warm up period for contestants.
- Depending on the number of participants, tournament will either be round robin or double elimination, best of 3.
- If needed, the tournament will be broken into double elimination pools.
- All Semi and Finals matches are best of 5.
- Brackets will be generated from Challonge.com
- Bring Your Own Controller
- All macros available via the in-game controller configuration menu are allowed.
- Hardware programmable input entry, rapid-fire, or other hardware assisted mechanisms are strictly forbidden.
- Accidentally pausing the game at any time during the fight may force you to forfeit the round (solely at a judge’s discretion)
- Any player using “Random Select” to pick their character, must “Random Select” again if they win the match, provided that there is no way to pick a certain character in the random box.
- Show up on time to the tournament. I will be locking the brackets the minute the official time starts.
- Tournament will be $10 (cash) to enter
- Winnings are split 70/20/10

- PS3 Version
- Round timer: 99 sec
- Winner cannot change character
- Loser can change character
- No game breaking exploits, bugs, or anything that causes the system to crash

Can't wait to play those who are going!
wth, Justin Wong play SG? didn´t know that lol
I entered thinking "This will be a good learning experience. I may even stand a chance!"
.....and then the Wong Nation came.

I had fun though and Justin seemed cool. I didn't win a single match but I learned a lot. Practicing combos and tech doesnt mean shizzle if you forget to use them or dont convert stray hits. I definitely need to play online more so I can get more experience converting hits in actual matches.
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