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Ms. Fortune's Encore Combos

here @Dolfinh example on painwheel I guess, though this hows how inconvenient doing it is lol

maybe IAD jMP MGato is a good nom followup! or IAD jLP jMK2 MGato

I dunno why you aren't resetting from nom honestly the scaling is so bad on it. Also you kinda need to specify how far too because a midscreen nom combo gives you tons more time than a fullscreen one.

Either way the most I get is 4.8k but I could probably do more I don't feel like doing this though.
So from fullscreen nom: LK MP MK HK jLP jMP jMK 214LK LP LP LK MP MK HK jLK jMP jMK 214 MK 214KK

You lose 100 if you omit the MP on the final ground chain or get 4.8k theoretically if you do 2MP.

A 5k one?

fullscreen nom non corner: MP MK HK 623LK jLP jHK HP dash LP MP MK HP dash LK MP MK HP 236 MP 236PP <----- you can probably squeeze in more damage here maybe (like a jump in)

I dunno how people do the 2HK ender so that's where more damage would happen if you can do it.

I tested these on bella so you should test them on other characters. If you nom in the corner you have full access to the head as soon as the cooldown ends so do whatever there I guess.

I dunno I'd say reset instead.

My friend wanted an easy combo to do for a beginner (well, someone who knows how to adc at least) and this seemed to do pretty decent damage for a fairly simple execution. Tested, seems to be universal with some timing changes.
Hello fellow fortune players and the rare few that play fortune/pw uh I made a tag combo but I'd like to optimize it if possible and was wondering if I could've done more on the fortune side of things I'm also going to ask on the painwheel combo thread (I hope that's not an issue.) because they know much more about pw than me.

So here it is:

For the record I know I can do fortune pw tag combos head-on but I want this specifically because I use cat slide assist.

From when pw hits with her tag I am at 80 undizzy and stage 5 ips with no normals tracked.

Any help would be appreciated.
No time to check right now, but I don't really get why you Nom; it deals no damage and scales? Can't one just Launch-Tag?

Will look into this sometime tomorrow probably
Uh I have now gotten to 8.2k

with pw chain: jMK 5HP 236LK 6jLK 2LK 2HP 236LP LP LK 2MP 5HP 236LK 236PP

Not sure if I can go higher than that.
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Hey guys, beginner fortune player here (I have some basic combos down, starting to learn headless now though). Do you guys have any tips for a beginner fortune player? I've read through forum posts, etc. but I feel like it's drinking from a fire hydrant haha
I think the most I can bring to the table is that you have an amazing low an amazing jab an amazing dp and when headless you have amazing stagger pressure and more or less fullscreen punishes.

We also have a compendium and a few players here and there like @Dolfinh @CaioLugon among others. @KhaosMuffins might still be around? But I'm sure these guys would know a thing or two.

Be sure to watch skippy Mcyay's headless guide it's really good it's also in the compendium thread.
I can type something more helpful at a later time but the biggest mistake new fortune players make is spending too much time in the air. C.lk, s.hp, and s.lp all give fortune an exceptional groundgame. Abuse the range of c.lk to catch people with a surprise low, and s.lp is the best jab in the game. Use it to catch people pressing their much-slower buttons!
I think the first thing to know is your blockstring. Try to get into the habit of ending a blockstring with qcf. lp, as it is +-0 and the only thing really safe on block. Fortune has an amazing standing lp at 5 frames startup which is among the fastest normals in the game. Use this for pressure game and hit confirms.

Crouching lp and lk can low profile under certain projectiles (like Parasouls Napalm Shot) Do this if you want to avoid blocking but be careful if she decides to throw out a random sniper shot. It's rare and super risky on Parasouls part, but some people are crazy enough to do it, so don't get too spam happy.

Crouching lk has really good range and is 90% of the time your go to combo starter. Learn to start this combo starter first.

Learn to cancel a Fiber Upper into her jump cancel. I usually just double tap when I do a Fiber Upper. Works every time, but it won't work if it's blocked or the first hit misses but the rest hit. If the first hit connects or you completely whiff, you can cancel into her jump. Good for mobility and cancel recovery, but still somewhat risky on whiff.

Avoid ending any blockstring with cat slide. You can get away with it online but most any competent player will punish you badly for it.

Fortune's Instant Airdash game is godlike. Learn to do this to open people up downbacking. You can go with j.lp, j.lk, j.hp, or j.hk (if headless mostly.)

That's all I can think of for now that doesn't get too overwhelming. I can go further like fast falls and resets but I think that might be going a bit too fast paced, so start with this.
1) You guys are freaking awesome! Thanks for the tips!
2) I play every week at a game meetup in Columbus, OH and it's helped my game a lot but now I'm kind of in that point where I'm not too scrubby but I'm getting bodied online. I need to practice so hard.

I'm hoping to get in the habit of practicing more often, and I definitely need to stop sliding during rekka and start doing axe kick because it's plus on block and slide is like, -9 or something. I get punished for that allll the time.

*Seriously thanks for the advice, going hard in the practice labs tomorrow and Saturday!
I'm hoping to get in the habit of practicing more often, and I definitely need to stop sliding during rekka and start doing axe kick because it's plus on block and slide is like, -9 or something. I get punished for that allll the time.

If you're worried about safety just go for a regular rekka, not the overhead. Even though the overhead is safe, its slow and you're leaving yourself open to get punched in the face. The light rekka and I think the others too at varying distances are safe as well and less prone to getting jabbed out of.
i would add too that st.HP (head on) is a fugging amazing poke, and if you call assist at the same time and cancel into L cat scratch you can convert off it easily depending what your assist is.
Hey everyone! I'm playing MF point and I'd like to find an assist that allows me to combo off her throw midscreen. I want to be able to go for more throw resets and conserve meter on the conversions. I'd really like a universal combo with Robo ( Theonite Beam), as she's 2nd on my team. Throw > call beam > rekka doesn't seem consistent, and it's reeeally hard to time.

The only other assist I've found is Squigly's Silver Chord and BB's MK A Train. Help please!
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I've been able to use a few. Cerebella's cerecopter, Fukua's H Drill, Eliza's Butcher blade, big band's beat extend. There's probably a bunch.
L and M Beat Extend work, dunno about H but don't use H unless you're a weirdo. Robo SHp will probably work or be weird if you're okay with ditching beam. shp is a decent assist but its not super amazing. H-bypass might work as well.

If you're having trouble timing the assist call, I would suggest just doing qcf+assist macro. That should almost always work, and if you have trouble getting it I would suggest negative-edging that, cause I've been told thats what you're supposed to do to get assist call + special in the first place.

I'd also suggest not looking for assists to convert off specific things. Look for assists you want to be able to call throughout the entire match first, then see which of those actually work to convert off throw.
Hey everyone! I'm playing MF point and I'd like to find an assist that allows me to combo off her throw midscreen. I want to be able to go for more throw resets and conserve meter on the conversions. I'd really like a universal combo with Robo ( Theonite Beam), as she's 2nd on my team. Throw > call beam > rekka doesn't seem consistent, and it's reeeally hard to time.

The only other assist I've found is Squigly's Silver Chord and BB's MK A Train. Help please!
throw > qcf lp+hk ~ lp > dashjump j.hp, adc, j.hp, M axe kick seems pretty consistent while head-on and leads into the standart bnb, on some characters you can do j.hp j.hk H axe kick and do some fancier stuff, headless you can just do the regular conversions with the head.

edit: oh the j.hp j.hk H axe kick looks universal if you do it quick enough...
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Thanks for the help dudes. @Fizzxwizz thanks, but I'm not so short-sighted that I would use a combo only assist. I'm asking for possibilities and seeing what options I have. My team would suffer if I sacrificed the strong assist I need for neutral / defense, hopefully I can find conversions that utilize my current assists rather than replace them (Theonite Beam / L Beat Extend). I've tried the macro but it doesn't allow me to make minute changes in timing to get the combo (e.g.: with LBE, I've now found that I can call BB a bit before I throw xx rekka and easily combo). Thanks!

@CaioLugon those confirms have been working for me with Robo's laser. I'll keep toying around, thanks

I think it's universal, need to double check on peacock/squigly. Could proooobably do better with LnL.
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on lights you can do:

c.lk, s.mk, call LnL, s.hp,
superjump forward, iad j.hp, M el gato,
s.hp, L fiber,
j.lp, j.hp, H el gato,
dash s.mp, s.hp, H rekkax3,
otg s.lpx2, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, s.hp, H rekkax3, super.


or you can switch the second to last chain with rejump j.lk, j.hk, H el gato to save the otg and make the combo not reqiure the corner on the last chain.

Also a universal version that works anywhere:

c.lk, s.mk, call LnL, s.hp,
superjump forward, iad j.hp, M el gato,
s.hp, L fiber,
j.lk, j.hp, M el gato,
dash s.mk, L fiber,
j.lp, j.lk,
dash s.lpx2, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, s.hp, H rekkax3, super.

What's the combo to followup after Feral Edge sneeze midscreen? I used to always get halfway through it in matches but never to the time to practiced it because I'm bad. I checked and it's something like sneeze> superjump j.LK>j.MK>adcj.LK>LK axe kick? I lunno
You can just do anything into axekick and otg after (j.mk > axekick for example), but I like this one:

Air throw xx Feral Edge xx sneeze,
superjump, j.mp, adc, j.lk, j.mp,
rejump, j.lp, j.mk xx M El Gato, Zoom,
dash, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, Headbutt,
dash, s.lp, s.lp, s.lk, s.mp, s.mk, c.hk(1 hit) xx M Cat Scratch xx Cat Scratch Fever.
alright so this might be a horrible combo but whatevs

(without head) s.lp, s.mp, s.hk, jump, j.lp, j.mp, j.hk, fifth of dismember*

* = can be replaced with feral edge
Probably would be better to replace s.lp, s.mp with cr.lk s.mk (cr.lk has great range and is a low, s.mk has good range and doesn't scale your combo too badly). Other than that, it looks like a pretty decent short combo to me. If you wanted a head-on version, just replace the s.hk with cr.HP. :)
Are there any ways to combo into H Gato midscreen as Headon Fortune? The only ways I've been able to find are:
L Fiber, j.LP, j.HP, H Gato which works on Filia, Fukua, Squigly and Painwheel (as shown on the previous page by Gllt).
L Fiber, j.MK (1), j.HP, H Gato which works on Bella, Parasoul, R.Fortune and Beo.
L Fiber, j.HP, ADC, j.HK, H Gato which works on Big Band.
You reminded me that there is an anti big band combo that starts with j.hp j.hk H.gato that does a lot of damage