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One Big Night! One Big Show! One Big Man! One Big Band! General Discussion

Scratch everything I said in my last post, forgot a lot of factors and said dumb things. Safejumps probably don't work the way i thought they do in sg
Oh, I see. So some of those post flash boxes I'm seeing in the frame data viewer are actually frames where my character can't move. That actually does explain it. Thanks.

So yeah there's probably only a handful of characters you can really safe jump. Peacock, Parasoul, Fukua, Eliza, Squigly (I think? Gonna check this one), and Double (lmao car sucks). Actually now that I typed it out I guess that's like almost half the characters in the game, so the safe jumps are still pretty worth learning. Uh most of those characters can level 3 but they'd need 3 bars obv.
I'm sure you COULD safe jump some of the faster reversals after HP Brass, but the setup and timing would be ridiculously difficult. I believe you can even safe jump Fenrir, but it is a 1 frame window.

SSJ is an obvious exception in the mirror, though.
I'm sure you COULD safe jump some of the faster reversals after HP Brass, but the setup and timing would be ridiculously difficult. I believe you can even safe jump Fenrir, but it is a 1 frame window.

SSJ is an obvious exception in the mirror, though.
If I can't safe jump Death Crawl I don't think I'm safe jumping Fenrir.
So I just found out that parried scalpels > SSJ will hit Val out of her recovery 100% of the time, even from fullscreen. Neat little thing that might be useful once a year
Just curious, what do people generally prefer as an overhead option, Giant Step or instant j.MK? Also why? Personally I usually use Giant Step because I have trouble hit confirming j.MK unless I do Timpani Drive, but I don't like that Giant Step forces me to use up my sound stun immediately.
I don't play big band but I like j.mk more as an instant overhead option. It's just safer and hits behind him too.
To confirm off of instant overhead j.mk you need to practice it a lot or use an assist to make it easier.
What assist do you use for peacock peanuts? Pretty sure you can confirm from instant j.mk with s.hp assist and you might also be able to make brass safe with it
I pretty much use giant step exclusively for pressure rather than an overhead, but that's because I use H LnL assist with it which is safe (really plus actually) as long as you aren't in grab range. I never have much success with using j.MK midscreen, but it's dang good in the corner.
Giant step and j.mk have almost completely different applications as far when to use them, in my mind.

I use giant step for staggered pressure or for canceling into from a chain. I always call an assist with it though.

I use j.mk as an overhead from untechble knockdown setups, or after i land a j.lk againsta grounded opponent in the corner.

So, yeah different applications equals both being good in said applications, but not outside them.

I use both in conjunction with an assist though.

When my BB is alone i try not to use giant step or j.mk, and instead rely on low/throw mixups, though i will occasionally take the risk and throw out a raw giant step out there if i really think it has a chance of connecting.
What assist do you use for peacock peanuts? Pretty sure you can confirm from instant j.mk with s.hp assist and you might also be able to make brass safe with it
I use HK Bomb. I messed around with it and it looks like there are some setups I can do where I hit them with instant j.MK and the plane hits them right after. Now I just need to remember to use this...
If you are too close to parry it and are blocking, you are too close to not block by pressing Fwd. So attempting it is always worthwhile. Same for all supers, really.
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What's the optimal BB combo? I used the one in the BnB compendium but two problems I noticed is that I think there's a dead zone or a zone on the stage that isn't quite the corner but not mid screen where neither combos work as one requires Big Band to tech roll forward and OTG while the corner one requires MP Brass OTG. I may be wrong though, or do people use a combo that circumvent these two problems and/or are OTG-less? I see people do Cymbal Crash combos.
Usually when I'm too close to the corner to do the midscreen combo I do these
Man I could have sworn I had these in the compendium already but I guess I don't =/ I'll add them now
I wish cr lk cr lp wasn't a 1 frame link, otherwise I would use it for confirms WAY more
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I wish cr lk cr lp wasn't a 1 frame link, otherwise i would use it for confirms WAY more

Good sir have you ever considered
getting gud
Has there been a guide posted somewhere in this thread?

Will remove this post if I find it before I get an answer.
Also I'm sorry for my tendency to post tl;dr's like all the time, but, in short, who wants a parry guide/practice guide? Just like this post or whatever, reply if you got questions. Also I will more than likely need help, especially in the video editing department because I'm poverty and all I have is OBS, VirtualDub, Avisynth, and a bumload of codecs and no fancy stuff.
I'm not gonna ask this in the parry thread, and instead ask this in here, and I ask this question because I know a few folks (@Dhoppler, @FuLLBLeeD) who would like to learn and actually do some nice parrying.

Who would like a guide to parrying, practicing parrying, reading for parries, and increasing skill in it all, the sum of it's benefits (Shout outs to all the folk having trouble against Peacock players in the SGC, your answer is here!) and cons, and some of the generally lesser known things and properties about it (as I describe below)?

Things such as! Frame Windows, parrying against Point+Assist High/Lows, Parry Strings and how/when they are safe or unsafe, knowing when and how to make safe reversals in situations, especially when parrying certain multihitting normals that will trade (against Beat Extend) and will kill if at low enough health, Charge into Parry+[A-Train or Brass], PBGC parries and "Pick up notes", and Crossup/Crossunder, 50/50s, and Frame Trap Protection ([!!!!] I haven't seen it come up yet in these threads but I can tell you it exists, I just need to make a video sometime to show it off! Poverty video editing and having time is a hassle!)

Cause it NEEDS to be more than something that it seems like not enough people do, and something where someone just looks at and says "OH HOLY SHIT THAT'S HYPE.", ESPECIALLY the Big Band players I see who don't use parry that say that. :| It's certainly encouraging to hear from other players and those that hear it, yes, I'm sure we've all felt a sense of pride, but, I want to help folk really get this thing and take it up a notch. But, I'm more than likely gonna need some help with it.

Also, tossing this out there, crossup/crossunder, 50/50, and Frame Trap Protection? Saves you in frame traps and some nasty resets, I can tell you that. You would hate Fukua, Double, and Squigly possibly less!
Who would like a guide to parrying, practicing parrying, reading for parries, and increasing skill in it all, the sum of it's benefits (Shout outs to all the folk having trouble against Peacock players in the SGC, your answer is here!) and cons, and some of the generally lesser known things and properties about it (as I describe below)?
If you're confident enough in your tech that you think people would benefit from it then you should post it.
as bb? you just do his normal inputs to get samacho with out doing the horn first. so lp, dwn lk, lp, lp + mp. Demon IT.
as bb? you just do his normal inputs to get samacho with out doing the horn first. so lp, dwn lk, lp, lp + mp. Demon IT.
Thx, I was doing it too slow.
Ending on the last hit of a 1 bar optimized combo is the best thing and I understimated the solo health.
Because with as busy as I am I'm never gonna complete a full guide, so, I'm going to make little tech videos instead and then maybe I can write a guide later
Big Band's Non-String Parry Crossup Protection.

Copypasted from Description
tl;dr If you input a parry in the direction of where your opponent is then, and they crossup and hit you within the 17 frame time span of the parry buffer while you remain in a nuetral state, you will parry the crossup.
Small commentary:
I was wondering how the hell I was gonna show off how parry crossups work and thought maybe Nightmare Legion would be a good way to show it off. It ended up being yeah, it was. I turned off the music to emphasize the sound effects and the sound of my stick tapping in my Mic. The thumbstick tapping turned out pretty low in volume though, still.

If you notice I never parry with the hits, but on the downbeat of the hits (In music terms that's the Ands of "1 And 2 And 3 And 4", in the opposite direction of where the parry is going to be, or rather, in the direction of the opponent at that point in time, the direction that Big Band is facing within the time frame of 17 frames prior to the crossup and change of directions.

It kinda seems like I'm parrying in reverse, and well, yes, I am.
I tap another left parry after parrying the second hit of Nightmare Legion, which then crosses up and is parried without me having to press anything as it happens, then I parry right after I get hit in that direction, and Big Band will parry in the other direction, provided it is within the 17 frame time span of the parry input.
USAGES: A better option on ambiguous 50/50 Flesh Step crossunders and an option against assorted ambigous crossups, and quick crossups such as with Filia, Valentine, and Ms. Fortune, parrying Double's Luger into Behind-You-Swag-Wagon at full screen (or rather when you're in a corner) otherwise-unreactable.
Next up on my list of things to do. Supers you can parry -after- the superflash. (Alot of them)
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Updated the Big Band compendium with the changes from the latest patch. There wasn't a ton to change since most of Big Band's adjustments were bug fixes, but if you see anything that's off let me know.
did you make an intentional mistake like in the peacock compendium? you baked a 7-layer yomi cake and I don't know what to believe anymore
did you make an intentional mistake like in the peacock compendium? you baked a 7-layer yomi cake and I don't know what to believe anymore
No, I just said that so people would check more thoroughly for errors. Hopefully none of the Peacock players see this post.
When someone has undizzy and they mash super, I can block on reaction, but am I allowed to parry on reaction? I've been in training mode for the past hour and I can't find the timing to do it, and parry makes a shitload of otherwise safe DHC's totally punishable (SSJ -> SBO comes to mind) so I thought it'd be pretty great if I could do that.
When someone has undizzy and they mash super, I can block on reaction, but am I allowed to parry on reaction? I've been in training mode for the past hour and I can't find the timing to do it, and parry makes a shitload of otherwise safe DHC's totally punishable (SSJ -> SBO comes to mind) so I thought it'd be pretty great if I could do that.
The way it's currently implemented? No, you cannot. Blocking is a modifier on your current frame (standing idle, say) and parry is a transition away from it. You are still in the same amount of hitstop, you are just allowed to modify your block type.
The way it's currently implemented? No, you cannot. Blocking is a modifier on your current frame (standing idle, say) and parry is a transition away from it. You are still in the same amount of hitstop, you are just allowed to modify your block type.
Couple of followups from this:
1. If you were to allow it so that you could parry on the first frame you're out of hitstop vs supers mashed with undizzy, would that also allow for the aggressor to counter super them? Or would you implement parrying on reaction to undizzy supers in a different way? (I presume this is not a change you want to do since if you wanted to do it you'd have done it already, but I'm just asking for future reference and sake of curiosity)
2. Is this also why I can't dash, see super when they have undizzy, block?
Couple of followups from this:
1. If you were to allow it so that you could parry on the first frame you're out of hitstop vs supers mashed with undizzy, would that also allow for the aggressor to counter super them? Or would you implement parrying on reaction to undizzy supers in a different way? (I presume this is not a change you want to do since if you wanted to do it you'd have done it already, but I'm just asking for future reference and sake of curiosity)
Yes, if I allowed parries as they are now, it would also allow counter supers. So I wouldn't do that.
If I did it a different way I could allow parries, but I don't WANT to allow parries. I'd like to let you defend, but they still spent a bar so I would not like to allow you to completely counter.

2. Is this also why I can't dash, see super when they have undizzy, block?
No, that's intentionally not allowed. You're limited to being able to block when you haven't committed to an action, and I count dashing as an action.