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Relationship Chart - A Visual History of the Skull Heart Conflict


When's Adam
Sep 2, 2013
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Where the sky's been tainted red
Cerebella Painwheel Unknown
Found a web app that lets you draw up connection maps and thought it would be fun to make one for Skullgirls. Not sure how useful it would be but I think it's fun to visualise all the relationships between the different characters in the universe, and might be a useful reference for later. Anyway, here's the link:

The map is pretty huge so it's best viewed on its own website which allows you to zoom and focus on certain nodes to highlight their connections, but I'm including a back-up screenshot too below. It is supposed to represent the situation right at the start of the event of 2E, so it doesn't include the technically non-canon events happening in the different scenarios of each character's stories.

Please let me know if there are any comments or feedback. I might still update it in the future for layout and add new characters and connections if it makes sense.


EDIT: Map raster updated 30/12/2021
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That's a pretty epic job.
I only wonder why Delilah isn't there.
And, if I remember correctly, SGM clearly states that Panzerfaust fought Queen Nancy alongside Big Band and Ileum.
But that's a minor nitpick.
Abd then, there's a question about Painwheel's connection to the Skull Heart. Is it stated in canon besides a short remark?
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That's a pretty epic job.
I only wonder why Delilah isn't there.
And, if I remember correctly, SGM clearly states that Panzerfaust fought Queen Nancy alongside Big Band and Ileum.
But that's a minor nitpick.
Abd then, there's a question about Painwheel's connection to the Skull Heart. Is it stated in canon besides a short remark?
Nah, not nitpick at all I think that's very helpful feedback. Yeah I think Delilah is worth adding, and I'll add Panzer fighting Nancy too.

For Painwheel's connection to the Skull Heart, I didn't think of it at the time but you're right, since she does have Skullgirl blood and in her story it was clearly shown that she got more powerful the closer she got to the Skull Heart. The connection didn't feel as direct as Umbrella, but if I added it for Umbrella then I think I should add it for Painwheel as well to be consistent.
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Nah, not nitpick at all I think that's very helpful feedback. Yeah I think Delilah is worth adding, and I'll add Panzer fighting Nancy too.

Maybe, adding Grendel would be important too?

I just hope this map will become more detailed as the story modes multiply.
There's some interesting moments, that were alluded in the supplemental materials, but are not canon per se. At least, yet.

And we still miss some information. For example, there's no mention if Annie and D. Violet were fighting Nancy. Or who exactly is Geiger, and what sort of connection he shares with Black Dahlia.

I'm happy that Zane got a mention. He's a big mistery of a character.

For Painwheel's connection to the Skull Heart, I didn't think of it at the time but you're right, since she does have Skullgirl blood and in her story it was clearly shown that she got more powerful the closer she got to the Skull Heart. The connection didn't feel as direct as Umbrella, but if I added it for Umbrella then I think I should add it for Painwheel as well to be consistent.
I hope this storyline would make another appearance in the newest story modes. It's too intriguing to leave hanging.
And that's why we need playable Brain Drain in a maid suit.
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Maybe, adding Grendel would be important too?
Yeah absolutely.

Also, I forget to put it in the OP but my own (very loose) criteria for including characters as nodes are meeting at least 2 of the following:
- Named characters
- Has some story dialogue
- Important to the plot somehow

I decided to exclude the other Circus characters, ie. the Ringleader, the other strong man and the joker because of that. Although I also excluded the Last Hope nurses even though they technically fit the bill, but I feel like the "Last Hope" group node already cover them enough that they don't need their own individual nodes.

I just hope this map will become more detailed as the story modes multiply.
There's some interesting moments, that were alluded in the supplemental materials, but are not canon per se. At least, yet.
Yeah new 2E stories can also reveal prior relationships so I would definitely add to it as we get more stories where it makes sense.

If we ever get a canon story for Part 1 then this map would need to be expanded significantly, although I would probably make a new version and keep the old one as a time capsule.

And we still miss some information. For example, there's no mention if Annie and D. Violet were fighting Nancy.
Yeah it would make sense but since it hadn't been directly confirmed I don't wanna add them yet.

Actually, I even feel that the connections where prominent Skullgirls fighters battle previous Skullgirls might be too obvious and it makes the map look very confusing (you can see that the majority of links that travel very far across the map are these).

The reason I keep them is because I feel like it's important for a certain relationship, which is Squigly having met Big Band, Annie, D. Violet and Panzerfaust before because they all helped fight her mother. But I might rework it completely if there are too many "xxx fights Skullgirl" connections in the future.

Or who exactly is Geiger, and what sort of connection he shares with Black Dahlia.
It was confirmed that Geiger was the one who rebuilt Black Dahlia so I think that's probably good enough. I think each connection just shows 2 particular nodes' most prominent link rather than having to list all aspects of their relationships.

I'm happy that Zane got a mention. He's a big mistery of a character.

I hope this storyline would make another appearance in the newest story modes. It's too intriguing to leave hanging.
And that's why we need playable Brain Drain in a maid suit.
Lol yeah. I'd just like it to be confirmed at least if Zane has always been Double, or there was a real Zane at some point and Double killed him and took over.
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I clicked on this thread expecting a shipping chart
I feel like Double has a deeper connection to the Skull Heart than merely being its keeper, but there's nothing substantial to support this beyond her having Skullgirl eyes in her story. We'll have to see.
Also, the Last Hope was apart of the ASG Labs. They were part of Lab 7.
Could probably add Aileen in there, too.
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I clicked on this thread expecting a shipping chart
That's the next project :P

I feel like Double has a deeper connection to the Skull Heart than merely being its keeper, but there's nothing substantial to support this beyond her having Skullgirl eyes in her story. We'll have to see.
Yeah due to the vague nature of her relationship I am just putting the most obvious relationship description there. If more is ever revealed in future stories then I may update it to a better wording.

Also, the Last Hope was apart of the ASG Labs. They were part of Lab 7.
They were originally part of Lab 7 yeah but by the beginning of 2E, Lab 7 had already been destroyed/shuttered and they were a part of Lab 0.

I thought about adding nodes for the shuttered Labs with significant history (like Lab 3, Lab 4 and Lab 7) but it just added too much clutter and didn't seem to add much value, so I just linked everything that were to do with those to the main ASG Labs group, e.g. Ottomo originally being part of Lab 4.

I could connect Last Hope to the main ASG Labs node and say that they were originally part of Lab 7 before being moved to Lab 0, but then to be consistent I would need to connect all the Lab members that were originally part of a different lab like Stanley, Brain Drain and Val, and I felt that was a bit too much. Their connections to their current labs seem to be sufficient to give a good picture I think.

Could probably add Aileen in there, too.
Aileen only met Annie and gang after the start of 2E so I feel like there wasn't enough to justify adding her yet since this chart aims to focus on established connections. If the canon story ever comes out and I make an updated one though I would definitely add her.

Having said that, I did make an exception for Robo and Fukua who were supposedly made after the start of 2E, but them being playable characters I feel justify them being on the map. I debated with myself whether to add Fukua for a long time because she is so dubiously canon lol.
Lol yeah. I'd just like it to be confirmed at least if Zane has always been Double, or there was a real Zane at some point and Double killed him and took over.
It would make some sense, that Double was using Zane's disguise to spy on Annie (it is confirmed that they know each other, after all).
But that's just a theory.
We really need to know what is the deal with this guy.

Also, I forget to put it in the OP but my own (very loose) criteria for including characters as nodes are meeting at least 2 of the following:
- Named characters
- Has some story dialogue
- Important to the plot somehow
I'm sorry, but I want to make a joke about adding Lorenzo's third son :PUN:

I decided to exclude the other Circus characters, ie. the Ringleader, the other strong man and the joker because of that. Although I also excluded the Last Hope nurses even though they technically fit the bill, but I feel like the "Last Hope" group node already cover them enough that they don't need their own individual nodes.
Which makes a lot of sense, considering that the included Circus characters are the potential DLCs.
Maybe Christmas is worth mentioning too. Maybe.

Yeah new 2E stories can also reveal prior relationships so I would definitely add to it as we get more stories where it makes sense.
Makes me think about Valentine's remark in Beowulf's story, that she "lived that war".
We definitely need more information about this.

Also, the Last Hope was apart of the ASG Labs. They were part of Lab 7.
In SGM there's a moment when they are clearly seen to be taking orders from Brain Drain. I think it's safe to say they were working for Lab 0 prior to being eradicated.

Having said that, I did make an exception for Robo and Fukua who were supposedly made after the start of 2E, but them being playable characters I feel justify them being on the map. I debated with myself whether to add Fukua for a long time because she is so dubiously canon lol.
Not a problem with Robo-Fortune being fully canon now, mwahaha :PUN:
Fukua is supposed to be in the chart anyway. It would be very impolite otherwise. And, you know, if you're impolite, she's gonna get you...
I'm sorry, but I want to make a joke about adding Lorenzo's third son :PUN:
Lol that's a fair criticism. I did say it was a loose criteria. :P But I was making the Medici family connection and I feel like him being part of the Medici actual family was important enough to at least include.

Which makes a lot of sense, considering that the included Circus characters are the potential DLCs.
Maybe Christmas is worth mentioning too. Maybe.
While Christmas was the leader of Last Hope, relationship-wise I don't think she is more important than the other dead nurses, so I think I would either include none or include all, and I'm leaning towards none right now.

Makes me think about Valentine's remark in Beowulf's story, that she "lived that war".
We definitely need more information about this.
My guess is she's a war orphan like a lot of the other characters but yeah, that's speculation territory.

In SGM there's a moment when they are clearly seen to be taking orders from Brain Drain. I think it's safe to say they were working for Lab 0 prior to being eradicated.
Yeah, timeline-wise Lab 7 was already gone so they had to be working under one of the still-existing labs, and based on all evidences it was under Lab 0.

Not a problem with Robo-Fortune being fully canon now, mwahaha :PUN:
Fukua is supposed to be in the chart anyway. It would be very impolite otherwise. And, you know, if you're impolite, she's gonna get you...
I'd like to keep my face skin thanks.
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Lol that's a fair criticism. I did say it was a loose criteria. :P But I was making the Medici family connection and I feel like him being part of the Medici actual family was important enough to at least include.
I hope it's important enough to appear in canon too :PUN:
I think there could be a reason to add some information about the Renoirs usurping the kingdom from the Medicis, but it might not be that essential. Yet.
Just like with the both families working together to ensure Grendel's defeat. It's kind of important, but the are questions about how to put it on the map.

And let's not start about the whole Life Gem thing. It's probably vital to the overall story, but we don't know about it yet. Right now there's just hints, and nothing more.

My guess is she's a war orphan like a lot of the other characters but yeah, that's speculation territory.
Yes, everything is pure speculation at this point.
But I suppose this part of dialogue could hint towards Valentine already working with the Labs during that time, and maybe even actively participating in war. Maybe she even was a part of the Labs as a kid; we know they really don't have a problem using children as test subjects or operatives (although, Dahlia's line at the end of Peacock's story mode is indicating of something else).
Anyway, we only surely know that Valentine had a very tough childhood. Anything else needs confirmation.

Yeah, timeline-wise Lab 7 was already gone so they had to be working under one of the still-existing labs, and based on all evidences it was under Lab 0.
The same scene kind of implies that Valentine was helping Brain Drain with his "experiments" for quite a while. Another point in favour of that idea.

I'd like to keep my face skin thanks.
I'm sure your face skin is safe, unless your name is Filia.
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I hope it's important enough to appear in canon too :PUN:
Lol with any luck. It would be weird to have his portrait so prominently and never put him in the story at all

I think there could be a reason to add some information about the Renoirs usurping the kingdom from the Medicis, but it might not be that essential. Yet.
Just like with the both families working together to ensure Grendel's defeat. It's kind of important, but the are questions about how to put it on the map.
Best I can think of is having a group node for the Meridian Kingdom/Empire, and linking the Medici to it as being the inheritors of the land, and linking the Canopy Kingdom as having conquered it. But with the lore around how the Canopy Kingdom came to conquer the land of New Meridian in the first place being so vague still, I don't feel like it would add much value. Right now I'm happy with the connection that the Medici are enemies to the royal Canopy government without needing to elaborate on the reason, unless it becomes more important to the overall story.

And let's not start about the whole Life Gem thing. It's probably vital to the overall story, but we don't know about it yet. Right now there's just hints, and nothing more.
Yeah without more clarity around the Life Gem, I'm happy with just the connection that Fortune stole if from Lorenzo.

Yes, everything is pure speculation at this point.
But I suppose this part of dialogue could hint towards Valentine already working with the Labs during that time, and maybe even actively participating in war. Maybe she even was a part of the Labs as a kid; we know they really don't have a problem using children as test subjects or operatives (although, Dahlia's line at the end of Peacock's story mode is indicating of something else).
Yeah, I think it seems more likely that when the Labs were officially sanctioned, it was much easier to get hold of willing adult test subjects, especially those injured in the war. Now that they have gone underground, taking in kids "rescued" from the slave trade seems to be the best they can do.

Having said that, Val is 27 so when the war ended she was about 20. Since the war lasted about a decade then she would have been around 10 when it started. If she joined the Labs around the middle of the war, then she would have been in her mid-teens - around the same age as Leduc and Hive right now.

Peacock is even younger than that though so that probably would have felt weird to even Dahlia. Keep in mind also that Dahlia left the Labs long ago so at that time they probably weren't as desperate as they were during the tail end of the war or at present.
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Lol with any luck. It would be weird to have his portrait so
At the sister forum people are waiting for new Origin stories. Maybe this third son has a chance to appear in the prequels, like Marcus.
Really, it would be horrible to waste that opportunity of a storyline.

Best I can think of is having a group node for the Meridian Kingdom/Empire, and linking the Medici to it as being the inheritors of the land, and linking the Canopy Kingdom as having conquered it.
I think that's enough.

Now I wonder if there's a chance to add to the map Marie's encounter with Filia's family. Or her unsuccessful attack of Lorenzo. I mean, is it important enough?

Yeah, I think it seems more likely that when the Labs were officially sanctioned, it was much easier to get hold of willing adult test subjects, especially those injured in the war. Now that they have gone underground, taking in kids "rescued" from the slave trade seems to be the best they can do.
Still, the "willing" part is debatable. At least in regard to Panzerfaust, who was pretty much brainwashed.

And that thing about freedoms being restricted and government thugs running rampant during the time when Franz was the king...

Having said that, Val is 27 so when the war ended she was about 20. Since the war lasted about a decade then she would have been around 10 when it started. If she joined the Labs around the middle of the war, then she would have been in her mid-teens - around the same age as Leduc and Hive right now.
The Canon Info Thread states that she entered the Labs "early on, for training purposes". We don't know the details, though.

Peacock is even younger than that though so that probably would have felt weird to even Dahlia. Keep in mind also that Dahlia left the Labs long ago so at that time they probably weren't as desperate as they were during the tail end of the war or at present.
Yeah, Dahlia wasn't a part of the Labs for a long time at that point. And, I suppose, being the first ever made ASG unit, she has a different perspective.
Though, we don't exactly have a timeline for her. She already seems to be working with Lorenzo at the beginning of the war.
Still, the Labs' methods surely were very different back then.

Actually, I have an impression that things were way less amoral before the war. Then the Labs got more and more desperate as the war progressed. Dahlia herself was stated to be a victim of a Skullgirl attack. There's no mention that she was kidnapped, or brainwashed, or anything similar. We really need more of her backstory (or Panzerfaust's, for that matter) to make any conclusions.
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Now I wonder if there's a chance to add to the map Marie's encounter with Filia's family. Or her unsuccessful attack of Lorenzo. I mean, is it important enough?
I'm leaning towards no since they didn't even end up fighting. Marie left before doing anything. Hell, Filia ends up not even remembering her because of the amnesia.

On the Samson side, it was interesting that in that encounter Marie seemed to recognise Samson, but that's too unexplained for me to comfortably add a connection. Is it Marie's own memory or maybe a memory from the Skull Heart? So I think I'm leaving it for now.

In any case I don't want to include any errant meetings and just ones that seem more important to the plot. For example, I originally had a connection between Zane and Florence since they have met before ("He's always so sleazy!"), but I ended up taking it out since it seemed too minor and just added clutter for not much value. The fact Annie had worked with Beo implies that Florence and Zane would have crossed path anyway.

Still, the "willing" part is debatable. At least in regard to Panzerfaust, who was pretty much brainwashed.
I'm thinking more of Big Band and Ileum. But yeah there are other subjected who were obtained in much less ethical manners, so I'm not saying all the subjects were willing from back in the days.

The Canon Info Thread states that she entered the Labs "early on, for training purposes". We don't know the details, though.
If she joined as a teenager I think that still counts as early on given she's in her late 20s now. But yeah it's not clear when Val actually joined the Labs.

Yeah, Dahlia wasn't a part of the Labs for a long time at that point. And, I suppose, being the first ever made ASG unit, she has a different perspective.
Though, we don't exactly have a timeline for her. She already seems to be working with Lorenzo at the beginning of the war.
Still, the Labs' methods surely were very different back then.

Actually, I have an impression that things were way less amoral before the war. Then the Labs got more and more desperate as the war progressed. Dahlia herself was stated to be a victim of a Skullgirl attack. There's no mention that she was kidnapped, or brainwashed, or anything similar. We really need more of her backstory (or Panzerfaust's, for that matter) to make any conclusions.
I think the earliest time we have her confirmed to be working for the Medici was during the Contiello massacre 14 years ago, which would have been in the midst of the Grand War. In Band's flashback, we did see him and Irvin arresting some Medici bunny girl assassins. If we assume that they were trained by Dahlia, then that could mean that Dahlia had defected even before 16 years ago, but I am not 100% sure that's the case.

It was said that she was "always rough around the edges" but she turned insane during her time with the Labs. I think her being traumatised from a battle(s) with a Skullgirl while working for the Labs could make sense, but it's hard to say at this point. I think maybe she just got increasingly jaded with the Labs' unethical ways.

It also was said she was injured in a Skullgirl attack originally and Geiger put her back together, and that she was created even before the ASG Labs was formally established, so it was a long, long time ago. It's not clear if her original injuries from the Skullgirl attack is due to her being some sort of anti-Skullgirls fighter to start with or was it as a civilian and she only became an ASG after Geiger fixed her.

Either way, I think she probably "volunteered" in a similar situation to Big Band and Ileum, who had been left so disabled and/or disfigured that they were willing to sigh up for experiments that could potentially restore a bit of their quality of life.
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On the Samson side, it was interesting that in that encounter Marie seemed to recognise Samson, but that's too unexplained for me to comfortably add a connection. Is it Marie's own memory or maybe a memory from the Skull Heart? So I think I'm leaving it for now.
I suppose, we'll get an answer. Someday.
Personally, I believe it was the Skull Heart's memory. It doesn't look like Marie had a chance running into Samson somehow. She definitely wouldn't forget someone like him.
And there's the implication that Samson has some sort of connection with the Skull Heart, which is unexplained.

For example, I originally had a connection between Zane and Florence since they have met before ("He's always so sleazy!"), but I ended up taking it out since it seemed too minor and just added clutter for not much value. The fact Annie had worked with Beo implies that Florence and Zane would have crossed path anyway.
Makes sense.
The same dialogue implies that Annie and Zane met each other too. Which is kind of obvious, considering everything we know about them.

If she joined as a teenager I think that still counts as early on given she's in her late 20s now. But yeah it's not clear when Val actually joined the Labs.
We still need more information, but I think there is a clear implication that Valentine joined the Labs during the war.

I think the earliest time we have her confirmed to be working for the Medici was during the Contiello massacre 14 years ago, which would have been in the midst of the Grand War. In Band's flashback, we did see him and Irvin arresting some Medici bunny girl assassins. If we assume that they were trained by Dahlia, then that could mean that Dahlia had defected even before 16 years ago, but I am not 100% sure that's the case.
I'm sure it's way before 16 years. Big Band's Origin in SGM outright shows us Black Dahlia hanging out with the Medici goons. And it looks like she already had a pretty high position in the mafia.

Either way, I think she probably "volunteered" in a similar situation to Big Band and Ileum, who had been left so disabled and/or disfigured that they were willing to sigh up for experiments that could potentially restore a bit of their quality of life.
Looks exactly like this.
At least we don't have the evidence to the contrary.
Her getting a story mode would largely help to sort the information.
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I'm sure it's way before 16 years. Big Band's Origin in SGM outright shows us Black Dahlia hanging out with the Medici goons. And it looks like she already had a pretty high position in the mafia.
Oh right I forgot that you actually see Dahlia in the story. Yeah in that case it 100% confirms she defected at least 16 years ago and likely more.

Her getting her own story mode would largely help to sort the information.
Hopefully not too long to wait now. :PUN:
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Oh right I forgot that you actually see Dahlia in the story. Yeah in that case it 100% confirms she defected at least 16 years ago and likely more.
SGM is a gift from above when it comes to lore :PUN:
Especially Cerebella's Origin Story :PUN:
Come on, we've got to see Taliesin, Hubrecht and Regina :PUN:
They actually got some speaking parts.
Roxie, for example, still doesn't have even a line in a script.
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I think it's time to add even more changes to the graph :PUN:
Right now the only change I think I could make based on Umbrella's story is updating Franz's status and possibly change his portrait. Any other suggestions?
Any other suggestions?
No, that's basically everything we got.
Maybe, adding Hungern and his connection to Umbrella would make sense too. Just like Umbrella's connection to Painwheel.

I wish there was any sort of explanation about Samson and Eliza's previous encounters with Hungern, to add something more.

Also, is Graham-o-Tron important enough to add it to the graph?
No, that's basically everything we got.
Maybe, adding Hungern and his connection to Umbrella would make sense too. Just like Umbrella's connection to Painwheel.

I wish there was any sort of explanation about Samson and Eliza's previous encounters with Hungern, to add something more.

Also, is Graham-o-Tron important enough to add it to the graph?
I think Hungern appearing to be a lot more sentient than the other Living Weapons could be a good argument for adding him to the chart. However, apart from his connection to Umbrella he doesn't really have any other strong connections so I'm not sure if it's worth it.

I'll probably leave him out for now just to be consistent with how none of the other Living Weapons are listed, but this might change in the future if we learn more about him and if he has had strong connections with other characters.

From what we can see, Samson and Eliza only know Hungern by reputation only, and there isn't really enough good evidence that they have personally interacted before. That level of relationship isn't strong enough to qualify, since then I would need to add, say, everyone who knows Parasoul by reputation which would literally be everyone in the Canopy Kingdom, which isn't very helpful lol.

Umbrella's relationship with Painwheel only started after the story mode which is non-canon so it doesn't really meet the criteria to add it. They are both connected to the Skull Heart of course but I think their respective links to the Skull Heart is enough to show this.

Graham-o-Tron is just a tool, not a character, so it doesn't really qualify either. Same reason things like the Hurting isn't on there.
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Posting this more-or-less as a reminder for myself, but it looks like the website that I made this in has gone bust. The DNS seemed to have gone down a couple of months ago, and after checking it today it's still down, and their social media are completely silent, so I assume they have stopped paying for the server.

I'll remake this in another software at some point, although I'm thinking that I'll wait till after all the Season 1 stories are out to have the most "updated" info. If anyone knows a good free software that lets me do something similar to this, please let me know.
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Posting this more-or-less as a reminder for myself, but it looks like the website that I made this in has gone bust.
I’m so sorry dude, that sucks. Best of luck remaking the thing if you decide to.
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i love that beowulf's only connection to the cast is that he worked with annie once
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I expected there to be a connection between Minnette, and Riccardo and Lawrence, since they kidnap her. However, since I think that only happens at the end of Ms. Fortune's story mode, I can see why it was left out.