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Salty Bet


Video Game Streamer / Unpublished Indie Game Dev
Have you guys heard of Salty Bet?

For the uninitiated, it's a live stream where you watch a video feed of randomly selected CPU-controlled characters fighting each other in MUGEN. The guy running the show has over 2,000 characters installed, everybody from Ronald McDonald to Akuma to Goku to Barney to Colonel Sanders to...well, you get the point.

Watching random characters endlessly fight each other is a neat novelty, but there's something else that makes it incredibly fun: you get to bet on the outcome of the match. The currency you're betting (Salty Bucks) is fictional, of course, but nonetheless, it's thrilling to bet everything you've got on an underdog, see him win against all odds, and rake in tons of cash.

There's a surprising amount of skill involved. You have to learn which characters are good, which characters suck, who can glitch their opponents, who is too tall to hit a short character, who is vulnerable to rushdown, who has a one-hit-kill move, etc. There are so many factors to consider when placing your bet. It makes the matches that much more intense.

Honestly, I think that Salty Bet might be the future of video game streams. Not that gambling or betting on competitors is a new invention, but interacting with a video game stream is incredibly fun. You don't just sit there and passively watch; you have an actual stake in what's going on, and you either win or lose based on what choice you made - sounds an awful lot like playing a video game! This makes the stream far more enjoyable than any other game stream I've partaken in. I think that every stream should have an interactive element of some kind!

I'm hopelessly addicted to Salty Bet. On four separate occasions, I've stayed up for over 24 hours straight, watching and betting. According to the little emblem next to my username, I've bet on over 4,000 matches. At one point, I had $70,000 Salty Bucks! But even that is pocket change to the high rollers...

So, anyone here watch Salty Bet? Have any exciting stories to tell? Any good betting strategies to share? After landing in the salt mines way too many times, I think it might be time to change my tactics. Let me know how many Salty Bucks you've been able to earn, and how you decide who to bet for!
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I'm already mercilessly addicted.

Japanese Vader just spent half the match flying over Penginitou. It was glorious.
i don't actually go on the site, but i occasionally catch the stream when waiting for the start of other fighting game streams, like last night's cupcakes

its always rather silly and surprisingly fun just to watch the craziness and unexpected weirdness

still waiting for Marie 300% to show up. (as a real question: has anyone from skullgirls been ported to mugen yet? :confused: )
To me VCGW was the first to interact with matches before Salty bets come along. The only thing I don't like is how a lot of people are unrealistic rich so odds are prettying annoying for the poor people lol. I don't think he will be going to FG tournaments anymore.

Last night I lost all my money after coming back from a break :\

Best match ever

Best match ever
ok when i saw the 2v2 version of that i could not stop laughing for like 5 minutes.

on a side note: every version of Cirno i have seen on Salty Bet is super good. even the flame version.

now that i think about it, Touhou characters tend to be really good . . . as long as they are programmed to remember they can fill the screen with projectiles. :eek:
You know you've been watching too long when you lose all $3000 salty bucks from Cell Jr's OHKOs, then you make half of it back in a day.

Salty's been great while Skullheart was down. Now let's see where the hype's REALLY at.
Always bet DBZ :cool:
Well it's Mugen, of course the DBZ characters will be overpowered.

Also I'm curious
Has Omega Tom Hanks been in any of these yet?
Well it's Mugen, of course the DBZ characters will be overpowered.

Also I'm curious
Has Omega Tom Hanks been in any of these yet?

On the contrary they lose more often then they win because over half of their matches are them charging all day, in the air attacking nothing, and 100% relying on their beam attacks for the big damage. They are either terrible because of the above reasons or less often stupidly powerful like Perfect Cell lol.

Not sure on Tom Hanks, but saw Omega Tiger Woods in one of the matches.
Omega Tom Hanks was in the Salty roster at on point, but he was removed because he kept glitching and breaking everything.

Any battles that were keepers, so far?

Oh man, let me tell you a story.

A few days ago, Salty added hundreds of new characters to the SB roster. Newcomers started showing up that nobody had ever seen before. People tried to bet logically, but there really was no logic. I mean, Tingle from Zelda showed up, and everyone expected him to be a pushover, until he started spamming meterless unblockable screen-wide one-hit-KO attacks...

So anyway, a new match pops up...Ronald vs Aleti, some chick that nobody has ever seen before. Ronald is an SSS-tier character; he's won almost every fight he's ever been in, and the only people he's ever lost to were the ridiculously overpowered joke characters. But, this Aleti...nobody really knew what to expect. Was she trash? Was she as godlike as Ronald? Was she another joke character with one-hit-kills, like Tingle?

In the first round of the fight, she was absoluely destroyed, before she could even land one blow. In the second round, Ronald beat her to the brink of death, but she made a comeback and defeated him! In the third round, Ronald took massive damage and was one combo away from death, but then he busted out his one-hit-kill super and took the round. In the fourth round, she defeated Ronald with more tan her health bar remaining!

The final round began! The two of them were COMPLETELY even throughout the entire fight, trading health at a 1:1 ratio. Soon, both of them were one hit away from death. They kept leaping at another, attacking, blocking, teleporting, parrying, nobody landing a blow. It carried one like this, both fighters one hit away from death, for what felt like an eternity...

Then, Ronald landed a lucky hit, and won the fight! The crowd went WILD.

It was considered one of the most hype matches in Salty Bet's history, and got a mention on the SB facebook page. The next day, Salty Bet ran a tournament. After the tournament was over, Salty (the guy who runs the show) asked people if there were any matches they wanted to see.

Everyone cried out, "RONALD VS ALETI REMATCH!"

And so, Salty made it happen. A runback of the most hype match of SB history!

This time, it was best of 9 instead of best of 5. Ronald was only able to take ONE round off Aletti. After he had his one win, Aletti destroyed him 5 rounds in a row. It was clear that she was out for revenge.

I can't believe how ridiculously excited I got over watching CPU characters fight.
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I thought Salty Bet was so dumb when I first saw it, but then I kept watching. Then I started betting. Then I got my friends betting. Then I realized I should never EVER bet on Erika.

My favorite characters to root for are Alex, Beast, Thing, and Frieza (the one with the good sprite that trolls during the betting clock). I've also seen the Real Blob in action a few times, and he's pretty scary.

One day it'd be nice to get my Salty Bucks up to 5 digits, but right now I'm not willing to wager this 3k I got from betting against Flandre. I'm not going back down into those caverns!
I'll probably watch this at some point really soon.
One more question.

Are there joke/troll/shitty characters in the roster?
I'll be honest: first time I saw a Mugen SB stream, I thought something was broken, because Player 1 was always winning.
This time, it was best of 9 instead of best of 5. Ronald was only able to take ONE round off Aletti. After he had his one win, Aletti destroyed him 5 rounds in a row. It was clear that she was out for revenge.
is it wrong that I knew who "Aleti" was before Salty Bets?
She's the Advent Cirno version of Letty Whiterock from Touhou. So her name probably should've been written out as "A. Letty".
My favorite characters to root for are Alex, Beast, Thing, and Frieza (the one with the good sprite that trolls during the betting clock). I've also seen the Real Blob in action a few times, and he's pretty scary.
I'll always root for Cirno. She is the strongest. :D
Why you no link to saltybets in first post? @EvaXephon?

D'oh! Sorry. I was so excited to talk about it that I forgot to drop a link...I edited my first post to have a link.
Steal code for betting system. Uses the FGC for personal gain then doesn't give anything back. Streams MUGEN.
Why do people even like SaltyBets again?
Steal code for betting system. Uses the FGC for personal gain then doesn't give anything back. Streams MUGEN.
Why do people even like SaltyBets again?
Because the fights are all broken as fuck, and you almost never know who will win.

Kneel before the one true god that is Alter Amiba

Bonus points if this match doesnt make you have a seizure EDIT: pop out the video in the spoiler. For some reason skullheart made it mini as fuck
Because the fights are all broken as fuck, and you almost never know who will win.
I was more trying to point out the fact on how big of a jerk SaltyBets is, not the so called "entertainment" of his streams.
I was more trying to point out the fact on how big of a jerk SaltyBets is, not the so called "entertainment" of his streams.

I never heard about this. Who did Salty steal code from?
Streaming mugen is subjective to hate on.
Yeah what's wrong with MUGEN, really?
Seems like harmless fun to me.
Even I played it once or twice when I was younger.
It's fun to watch always though, definitely.
There was once a site called Bipson Bank. As far as I know it was the first fake betting site and service for the FGC and was commonly seen on the poverty streams of tournaments and events.

SaltyBet was copied from this, which was fine at first. But then they kept taking all the ideas Bipson was implementing and was getting all the credit for it. SaltyBet was also able to get into the main subscriber-only chats.

There's also the fact that SaltyBet is making money from both Illuminati memberships and Twitch subscriptions.

As a result, SaltyBet got bigger and more well known. Bipson, feeling that he was doing all this work for Bipson Bank just to have it stolen by SaltyBet, quit.

SaltyBet was largely hated as a result until they switched from FGC coverage to the MUGEN CPU betting of today. Some still hate them to this day, flying under the banner #FuckSaltyBet.

You could read Bipson Bank's side of the story here.
There was once a site called Bipson Bank. As far as I know it was the first fake betting site and service for the FGC and was commonly seen on the poverty streams of tournaments and events.

SaltyBet was copied from this, which was fine at first. But then they kept taking all the ideas Bipson was implementing and was getting all the credit for it. SaltyBet was also able to get into the main subscriber-only chats.

There's also the fact that SaltyBet is making money from both Illuminati memberships and Twitch subscriptions.

As a result, SaltyBet got bigger and more well known. Bipson, feeling that he was doing all this work for Bipson Bank just to have it stolen by SaltyBet, quit.

SaltyBet was largely hated as a result until they switched from FGC coverage to the MUGEN CPU betting of today. Some still hate them to this day, flying under the banner #FuckSaltyBet.

You could read Bipson Bank's side of the story here.
Thank you for explaining this.

I would also like to say to people still supporting Salty after reading all of that, there is the fact he used the FGC for his own gain. He gets all sorts of exposure during Curly Mustache and EVO, actually starts to get viewers, and then abandons the FGC immediately afterwards once his audience was established while he gathers more and more subscribers that devour his meaningless 'content.' Ever since his Mugen idea became a success, do you know how many FGC streams he covered? None. Why bother actually doing work and keeping up with FGC majors, when you can just stream Mugen all day and get high viewers with little effort?

Saltybets is just another self serving scumbag piece of shit trying to rob the community. He doesn't give a shit about the community now that he has his subscribers and his max CPM. Worthless husk of a human being if you ask me.

If you still enjoy his streams, i got no problem with that. I just hope people reading this will think twice before subscribing or donating to this scumbag.
there are three very specific characters that i'd like to see made for mugen (heck they may already exist)

note that i don't know a thing about mugen

1. Actual Shuma Gorath - as overpowered as Rare Akuma or better. eats a universe whenever he wins a match. should always end every victory with "This is canon."
2. Overture Ky - a version of Ky Kiske from Guilty Gear that uses the Liam O'Brien voice acting from GG2.
3. Anyone from Skullgirls. :cool:

any mugen authors are welcome to use these suggestions.
Anyone willing to send charactures can do so via e-mail (saltybet@gmail) and at twitter I believe.
I love that Alice is in this she was one of my favorite fighters growing up its a shame that the place I went to play RotD no longer exists and its imposible to find the Mugen alice anywhere( :( )
To bad we can't easily get Skullgirls in there and have them reck sh!t, a well time will only tell also (Aleti vs Ronald never forget)
I plan on trying to submit Shadow Devil from MMX5 to Salty for the lols (actually fight like he does in game) along with other characters as well (varying from crap to near god level >:3 )
its always disappointing to see mugen guilty gear characters where its pretty obvious those who programmed their AI don't really take the time to implement their proper play style

i saw a Dizzy that never threw ice fish. i saw an Aba that never tried get into Moroha mode. Every Ky I've seen never goes for charged stun edges on wake up. Robo-Ky doesn't lay out electric mats.

and then out of nowhere there's a freakin' bridget doing proper yo-yo set ups and wrecking everyone. :confused:
Man, watched like four hours of Salty Bet when I was at work today.
It's kinda neat seeing how creative people can get with characters (Magical Girl Rika?), but the amount of DBZ and Naruto is kinda a glaring issue.
98% of the DBZ characters are complete ass. ALL of the naruto characters except for the team labeled as "sasuke-kun" are worse than that. All about Alter Amiba, Ghetto warmachine, Blaze Agent, and Captain Caveman.

Honestly i havent watched it in a while. Theyve been mostly doing really bad matches lately. Marie 300% needs to make a debut
98% of the DBZ characters are complete ass. ALL of the naruto characters except for the team labeled as "sasuke-kun" are worse than that. All about Alter Amiba, Ghetto warmachine, Blaze Agent, and Captain Caveman.

Honestly i havent watched it in a while. Theyve been mostly doing really bad matches lately. Marie 300% needs to make a debut
Eh, I enjoyed it.
Got a good glimpse of Ghetto Warmachine though, THAT was a fucking treat.