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Skullgirls FAQ (Updated to not be ancient!)

Updated to add question about console art gallery ETA, edit info about IGG backer rewards, and change Eliza's ETA to three days away wooooo
I'd like the dates characters have to be gotten by in order to grab them for free to be added. That's the only thing I feel like I want to know (when trying to tell people about which characters are still free) but never know for certain which characters are still free on which platforms.
Removed Eliza's ETA and replaced with Beowulf's, added a question regarding issues with SG and antialiasing.
Updated to add the sad news on the High-res Sprite Pack. We hardly knew ye.

Also, updated Beowulf/R.Fortune's ETAs, as usual.
I know the PS Vita version hasn't even been released yet, but will that version of the game get a physical copy at some point or will it only be available in the console's store?
I know the PS Vita version hasn't even been released yet, but will that version of the game get a physical copy at some point or will it only be available in the console's store?

Lab Zero hasn't announced anything about physical releases yet. I have my fingers crossed, though!
Lab Zero hasn't announced anything about physical releases yet. I have my fingers crossed, though!
I see! Well, I will also keep my fingers crossed! Here's to hopefully getting a physical copy in the future!
Since Beowulf will be released in mere hours, it doesn't make much sense to have his ETA here anymore. We're in the final stretch!

Also, updated the GGPO question because Mike.
Added several new questions regarding 2nd Encore, updated ETAs for Hobo-Fortune and PS4/Vita releases.
-Will PC get 2nd Encore content?
Lab Zero Games wishes to release 2nd Encore content on Steam as paid DLC, and are currently in talks with Marvelous/Autumn to see if this is possible. Stay tuned!

If the paid DLC thing doesn't go through, will steam version never get the bonus single player content, like the last gen consoles?! :(
If the paid DLC thing doesn't go through, will steam version never get the bonus single player content, like the last gen consoles?! :(
Yes, that is correct. It was financed to encourage people to buy the PS4/Vita versions, after all, so if the people who paid for it are not OK with us putting it out on PC, it won't be released on PC...that's business.
(It seems like they'll be OK with it, but just so you know why we have to ask 'em.)
I want to know how much is the Ps4/Ps vita versions are gonna cost?

It troubles me since you guys announced the 2nd Encore title.
This seemed as good a place as any to ask

When consoles get lobbies, will the voice chat be dropped, or is it gonna stay with 2/more people
This seemed as good a place as any to ask

When consoles get lobbies, will the voice chat be dropped, or is it gonna stay with 2/more people
HEY it's a question I wanted to ask the community!
Should it be everyone in the lobby at all times, or should it just be each group who is fighting each other?
Or should it be everyone when not playing, and then just the 2 of you when playing?
I'm sort of learning toward "everyone all the time".
HEY it's a question I wanted to ask the community!
Should it be everyone in the lobby at all times, or should it just be each group who is fighting each other?
Or should it be everyone when not playing, and then just the 2 of you when playing?
I'm sort of learning toward "everyone all the time".
Everyone all the time, please and thank you.
Don't know if this was implemented already or not since I play local more then online, but since we are on the subject of lobby voice chats: Is there/will there be/ an option for muting specific players? So I don't have to turn off my game volume if sudden CoD online tier voice chat [where it's not even annoying funny chat, but annoying period] happens in my/others game which isn't particularly an enjoyable experience for me.

Also another one for everyone since more the merrier.
Don't know if this was implemented already or not since I play local more then online, but since we are on the subject of lobby voice chats: Is there/will there be/ an option for muting specific players?
Would you still be for everyone if that option did not exist?
Would you still be for everyone if that option did not exist?
I would want to give the benefit of the doubt that I would run into less annoying voice chat players on SG compared to other games I came across so if muting isn't possible I would still be for it because I still have the option to turn my game volume off while at the same time it wouldn't ruin any potential fun that can be produced by allowing full reign of voice chat.
I would want to give the benefit of the doubt that I would run into less annoying voice chat players on SG compared to other games I came across so if muting isn't possible I would still be for it because I still have the option to turn my game volume off while at the same time it wouldn't ruin any potential fun that can be produced by allowing full reign of voice chat.
OK. On PS4 I think you can also just mute voices separately from the hold-Home-button->"Adjust Devices" menu, or something...
Will players be able to type in PS4/3/pc lobbies if they don't have a headset?
Nnnnnnnnnnnoooooooooooooooooooooooo....? Voice chat's natively supported by PS4, so we use it. If text chat also is, I think it was on PS3(?) then you can do whatever that does.
Should it be everyone in the lobby at all times, or should it just be each group who is fighting each other?
Or should it be everyone when not playing, and then just the 2 of you when playing?

Why not both? Make it a lobby option!
Why not both? Make it a lobby option!
Because implementing it both ways is more work, and we do not have time for more work. And testing, we DEFINITELY don't have time for more testing.
-Will 360/PS3 get 2nd Encore content?
Skullgirls 2nd Encore won't be releasing on 360/PS3; Lab Zero Games doesn't have the time or resources to release these features on last-gen consoles.

Fortunately, 2nd Encore's versus game modes will maintain parity with Skullgirls Encore, so last-gen console players won't be playing "an outdated version of the game"; only one which lacks a few single-player game modes.

Come on this is crap i was really looking forward to the new update but no. But they did release Robo-Fortune for the xbox 360 but the 2nd encore content has been updated and all im stuck with is and the very first version of the game and ...yea.. The only new gen console i have is a ps 4 but i dont want to have to buy the game again for that.....they need to update it all that money i spent would just go straight down the grain...
Come on this is crap i was really looking forward to the new update but no. But they did release Robo-Fortune for the xbox 360 but the 2nd encore content has been updated and all im stuck with is and the very first version of the game and ...yea.. The only new gen console i have is a ps 4 but i dont want to have to buy the game again for that.....they need to update it all that money i spent would just go straight down the grain...

What crap? you have all the same versus/ online gameplay and gave you all the DLC chars, balance patches, pallettes colors for FREE! chill out dude!
What crap? you have all the same versus/ online gameplay and gave you all the DLC chars, balance patches, pallettes colors for FREE! chill out dude!
Not really i had to buy them plus the very first version of the game is abit slower and i dont get the dlcs and the moves are different but i just wanted the update but im stuck with this i can still play but ...meh.. Besides when i just had encore online thing didnt work for me only once ever it worked but otherwise not really