• As part of the relaunch of Skullheart, ALL previous threads have been archived. You can find them at the bottom of the forum in the Archives (2021) section. The archives are locked, so please use the new forum sections to create new discussion threads.

Skullgirls: Get GR8 (NA) with N and Three Dog


trying not to suck at SG

So, about two months ago, the praised stream Get Good ended. The community was torn by this abrupt ending of GG, as they enjoyed it.

A friend and I made Get GR8 as sort of a spiritual successor. As first time streamers we really didn't know what to expect, so we tried some things that didn't work. You'll see a few examples of this if you look at our Youtube channel and our Twitch channel. We tried an EU stream; that didn't work out at first, although we were able to get it working again. We tried having multiple commentators; they all left us. So that leaves me and TheCrankMachine and sometimes Joshb.

We host the stream every Saturday at 4 PM ET. We post signups to www.reddit.com/r/skullgirls and I'm going to assume to here as well, although I may make new threads. I'm entirely honest when I say that I really don't use Skullheart that much and I need to learn how it works...

Anyways, signups are posted usually on the Sunday or Monday of the event and they end on Friday at 5 PM.
TCM and I (just call me N; I know my username is freaking weird) will join the steam chat for our group (linked below) and we expect you to be there on time for your signed up matches. An annoucement will go off at 4 PM for each stream, so if you completely forget about it, a short little steam notification will appear if you're a member of our group. There are some rules and guidelines, as well as FAQs and tips in our Steam group's discussion board. You'll play 3 games with your opponent, we commentate, you leave, you watch, you learn. Isn't it magic?

The stream is every Saturday at 4 PM EST. Open lobby starts after the stream and lasts for about 20-30 minutes (or shorter or longer, depending on the time we have left).

Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/sgggr8/

Twitch: http://www.twitch.tv/skullgirls_get_gr8/profile

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRva9qa99aa3Xz9XDylOMdA
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Thanks for creating a thread here! I think you probably should just post the new signup form as a reply to this each week, I BELIEVE that's how skullbats and funkyhellboy weeklies handled it. It also makes it easier since players can just watch the thread, and they get an email notification everytime something is posted here.

Just my opinion :P
Thanks for creating a thread here! I think you probably should just post the new signup form as a reply to this each week, I BELIEVE that's how skullbats and funkyhellboy weeklies handled it. It also makes it easier since players can just watch the thread, and they get an email notification everytime something is posted here.

Just my opinion :P

That's a fantastical idea. You're a cool guy B)

...but really though, sounds good.
Posting here is a good idea, but just remember that Get Good was very much a /r/Skullgirls thing. I don't remember there being much crossover from Skullheart.
Posting here is a good idea, but just remember that Get Good was very much a /r/Skullgirls thing. I don't remember there being much crossover from Skullheart.
You're right, but we were told to post here. So far I think it's a good idea, considering that a lot of people miss the signups on /r/skullgirls and our steam group... somehow.
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I dont wanna be weird but i'd like to sign up but i dont want to enter the gender thing or twitch thing lol

Alright, well... we're sorry that you found an issue with our application; however the identification of gender is necessary to use proper pronouns. If you don't want to fill out the Twitch section, just say "N/A" in the box. As for gender, it is entirely confidential; nobody but I and the other members will see it.

Alright, well... we're sorry that you found an issue with our application; however the identification of gender is necessary to use proper pronouns. If you don't want to fill out the Twitch section, just say "N/A" in the box. As for gender, it is entirely confidential; nobody but I and the other members will see it.

thats ok don't say sorry! I'll just go with something random then.
I'm excited, hope ping wont be too much of an issue since i'm from EU
all the waifus belong to me.

It was a super fun stream! I'll make sure to join in again next time uvu
That's awesome! We're glad that you had fun! Be sure to come back this week!

DSyplex vs. Penumbra

demenz vs. Mr.VampirDancer

gigaman18 vs. Gorgonblarg

Sunset Radiance vs. BlueFeena

Bubbabolly vs. Jewvia


ブラン vs. Tido

Mega Missingno. vs. TheCrankMachine

Yorrick vs. N0837


Gorgon vs WingDings
DS vs Penumbra
demenz vs TheCrankMachine
AlchohlicRobot vs Vampir


Avionn vs charredasperity
Mav. J vs Avionn
ブラン vs MegaMissingno
Sunset Radiance vs N0837


See you in two hours (;
UPDATE February 22nd, 2016 - I have just been informed that there is no EU stream this week. We apologize in advance for any confusion this may have caused.
We go live at 4 PM ET, hope everyone is ready! Here are the match-ups:


  • goolord vs sg1simmons

  • speedySonic vs Danmk89

  • BlueFeena vs Mr.VampirDancer

  • Dethklok300 vs demenz

  • ブラン vs Nuclear "Mashed" Potato

  • New World Pope vs TheCrankMachine
The NA/EU signups for the week of 3/5/2016 are here, and the links are at the bottom! We had a great turnout last Saturday, and everyone enjoyed the stream!

Quick note that we will be sticking to a full-sized open lobby for the After-show. Anyone who'd like to join in, can! Hope to see you all this Saturday!

Hello. Someone just told me about this group, and I got excited when I heard what you all are about. I went ahead and signed up, and have asked to join the steam group. I don't have the Discord program yet (I just found out what it was). Could someone tell what all I would need to do to be ready for tomorrow if I was able to get in?
what all I would need to do to be ready for tomorrow
Welcome! Glad you decided to join us!

All you have to do is be in the steam group chat at 4 PM ET (just click "Enter Chat Room"), and tune in to twitch here. Based on your information, you will probably be one of the first matches, so try to be on time!

I personally recommend a few things:
  • Play a couple of matches to warm up before the stream starts.
  • If you are showing any signs of lag, turn off the stream just for the matches, it will help you play at your best. We will be commenting on what you can improve in your play, so in this case be sure to watch your matches in the VOD after the stream!
  • Be aware of who your opponent will be! We will post match-ups early tomorrow.
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I'll make sure to get Discord, and subscribe to the twitch channel this evening to be completely prepared. I have no problem with being ready right at 4EST. I will most likely be too early. And I'll probably spend all evening and night getting ready.
How important is the reddit part of this group? I never use it, but if more information is there i will use the site more. I just dont want to miss anything...
How important is the reddit part of this group?

Signups, Match-ups, and cancellations will be posted EVERYWHERE. The Steam group, the Reddit, and this Skullheart thread. Basically, anything that you NEED to know to participate will be available here.

However, every Monday when we post signups, we make a new post on the subreddit, and if there are any minor changes, announcements, etc. those will be there.
We go live at 4 PM ET, hope everyone is ready! Here are the match-ups:

  • goolord vs Beverly Hillbill

  • Maverick J vs rockboo16.j2

  • Dethklok300 vs ブラン

  • Vamp vs TheCrankMachine

  • frig vs Sunset Radiance
The NA/EU signups for the week of 3/12/2016 are here, and the links are at the bottom! For everyone who participated, be sure to check out the VODs of your matches if you didn't catch all the tips!

A small announcement:
  • NA and EU have been merged into a single stream. The attendance is simply to low. We had zero participants from EU this week. If the participation regularly picks up again, we'll see what we can do. This mean, EU stream is at the same time as everyone else's stream: 9 PM GMT! We will edit the overlays to reflect this change as soon as possible.

  • Any announcements we make will be posted everywhere from now on (i.e. Reddit, Skullheart forums, and Steam Group as well). We were already basically doing this, but I wanted it to be clear since the question came up recently; you can follow any of these three and get the same news. New posts every Monday and Sunday.
We had a very important message from N. For those of you who couldn't join us this week, the following is his message to you:
I just wanted to say that to me, this stream is the most fun I've had in a long time. But due to college and other time constraints, along with my friends moving on from Skullgirls, I will no longer be apart of Skullgirls Get GR8.

Let me start with saying that 430 hours in Skullgirls trumps any other game that I have in my library, which is shocking to me. I started from square one, just like everyone at one point or another, and at first the game was really weird to me. I laughed at the character designs, I laughed at some of the moves… but I mean, it was fun. I played with my brother, who is my best friend, and we essentially had an “arms race” to see who could be better than the other. Every day for weeks on end, we'd play at least three games or more. Some days, he would win; some days, I would win… We were pretty evenly matched.

At around 300 hours in the game, my brother shortly retired from Skullgirls. This hit me pretty hard. Imagine losing the best sparring buddy you could have ever asked for; he plays the game with you every single day, he tells you what you did wrong, he never gets salty… truly, doing the stream after he left was kind of hard. This community thrives on these people who want to play the game with their friends and get better than the other, and having just lost the best SG sparring buddy I could have asked for... it wasn't the same understandably.

I mean, I had to think to myself, “Am I really having fun anymore? Is this stream thing enjoyable to me, not just these players?” I had to factor in a few other things; college, high school, etc. and after thinking about it, I came up with an answer. I have decided that I'm going to retire from Skullgirls and that I'm going to resign from the Skullgirls Get GR8 team.

I really had fun with you guys. I had fun watching you guys grow and have fun, but I think it's time for me to move on and to a.) take a break from streaming for a while and focus on school and b.) learn a new fighting game.

I'll still be around, just not contributing as much as I used to. TheCrankMachine will be taking my place and will be managing everything from here on out.

This has been one of the best times of my life. I hope you guys enjoyed me as much as I enjoyed you.

It is very sad to see N leave, he has done so much for us and the rest of the community. However, this is not the end of Get Gr8!

Without further ado,

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Hopefully, Get GR8 is able to survive. I think it's awesome what you all have done and continue to do. Its a shame I just bought the game and found you guys so recently. Ill be there on Saturday
So Get Gr8 start at 9GMT tomorrow, correct? If so, I believe that's translates to 1pm PST and 4 PM EST. Are these times correct?
We go live at 4 PM ET, hope everyone is ready! Here are the match-ups:

  • Beverly Hillbilly vs TheCrankMachine
  • dweebo vs Vamp
  • Sunset Radiance vs mad_man4
Bit of a small turnout this week, try to encourage other players to join! Don't feel like you're too bad [or too good ;) ] to sign up for next week! If you want to improve, we will give whatever advice we can!
The NA/EU signups for the week of 3/19/2016 are here, and the links are at the bottom! We had a great stream with a very active chat! We had a bit of a small turnout this time around since many regulars were busy this weekend. I hope everyone can make it next week!

Try to encourage other players to join! Don't feel like you're too bad [or too good ;) ] to sign up for next week! If you want to improve, we will give whatever advice we can!
We go live at 4 PM ET, hope everyone is ready! Here are the match-ups:

  • Scrwnames vs The Beverly Hillbilly
  • Duck vs speedySonic
  • Bubbabolly, Über Weeb vs demenz
  • Laughnchill vs TheCrankMachine
  • Maverick_J vs Penumbra
  • NuclearPotato vs Dethklok300
  • Mega Missingno. vs {SR} Vamp
  • deweebo vs Sunset Radiance

An AMAZING turnout this week! I am so excited to have everyone here, new faces and old!
We go live at 4 PM ET, hope everyone is ready! Here are the match-ups:

  • Ranigad vs Kasu
  • Res_Renzo vs Peakek
  • Scrwnames vs wafflemaker878
  • The Beverly Hillbilly vs Duck
  • Wingdings vs Penumbra
  • Dethklok300 vs Mega Missingno.
  • Erki vs Vamp
  • deweebo vs OPEN/TCM
  • Sunset Radiance vs くやじ

WOW! We keep on growing!!! This is fantastic, and I know it's gonna be a great event!
  • Like
Reactions: ???
The NA/EU signups for the week of 4/2/2016 are here, and the links are at the bottom! Last stream was a blast, with a record of 19 registrants!!! We can't thank you guys enough for helping the stream grow!

We go live at 4 PM ET, hope everyone is ready! Here are the match-ups:

  • SafetySack vs ScrwNames
  • Wafflemaker878 vs speedySonic
  • Bubbabolly vs The Beverly Hillbilly
  • demenz vs OPEN/TCM
  • Erki vs Vamp
  • Penumbra vs OPEN/TCM
  • Ryik vs Dethklok300
  • I'm Actually a Living Mey-Mey vs N0837
  • Sunset Radiance vs くやじ

I am so glad all of you wonderful players could make it this week, let's have a fantastic event!