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Skullgirls is coming to Mobile!


Get ready for a Showstopper!
You heard it here with new stuff too such as new content and story

At a live panel at Anime Expo, mobile game developer Hidden Variable Studios, alongside Skullgirls franchise developer Lab Zero, announced that a Skullgirls mobile game is launching later this year. Created for both iOS and Android, Skullgirls distills the essence of a complex fighting game into a more casual, accessible mobile experience with RPG elements.
The mobile game is designed to tell complimentary stories to the console game, with the game’s first “season” acting as a prequel to the Console game. The mobile game features dozens of characters and special moves to collect and upgrade - from Parasite Weave Filia to Epic Sax Big Band. In addition, Skullgirls will have RPG progression, customization, team/deck building mechanics and a Fight Assist feature that lets players take on a more turn-based, tactical role in combat.
In light of the fact that the Skullgirls franchise has one of the most passionate fan bases in gaming, the team also announced a Closed Beta where fans can sign up today for a chance to download and play the mobile game in advance and provide feedback.
“I’ve always been a huge fan of Skullgirls, so the opportunity to bring this amazing cast of characters and unique fighting mechanics to mobile has been a labor of love for all of us over the past two years,” said Charley Price, Co-Founder and Creative Director at Hidden Variable Studios. “I think hardcore fans of the console game will really love the way we’ve captured the essence of fighting gameplay in a simpler, mobile-friendly package, whereas more casual fans will be able to enjoy an awesome accessible experience that explores new stories set in the Skullgirls universe.”
“Over the years, we've seen no shortage of proposals to do a simple mobile puzzle game with Skullgirls assets, and that's not what Skullgirls is about,” said Peter Bartholow, CEO of Lab Zero Games. “But it was immediately clear that Hidden Variable understood the nuance, creativity and depth that made Skullgirls so popular, and we cannot wait for fans to check out the mobile game.”
Critically acclaimed for appealing to both hardcore fighting game fans and casual gamers, Skullgirls made its triumphant return to fans in 2013 after its developer Lab Zero’s successful Indiegogo crowd funding campaign. Most recently, Skullgirls 2nd Encore launched on the PS Vita on April 5th of this year. The global hit franchise has sold millions of copies across console and PC.
Skullgirls will launch later this year on iOS and Android. The mobile game is developed by Hidden Variable Studios and published by Autumn Games. Lab Zero developed the Skullgirls franchise.

...go nuts
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100% also it says that it is desgined for more casual audince and will tell more compentery stories. which is cool so those who don't have an IOS or Android device wont miss out on some huge story thing that unravels the mystery. it will most likley be cute little side stories, like an RPG.
Please just promise me it's not one of those games. Any time I see the word 'mobile' I automatically assume the worst, since 99% of them are full of bullshit. I'm all for a spinoff if it's a real game I can buy once (maybe plus DLC if there's like actual real DLC and not nonsense) and play forever with no bullshit. But if I see any energy, timers, smurfberries...

i uh... I really don't know how to feel about this.



cause you know... SG2 on the mobile devices... remember that?

the trailer is a tad flashy and over the top too. reminds me of that old old commercial for the Sg back in 2011. The one that was all cheesy and went with a comic book style that made no sense.
Lotta people seem salty about it coming to moblie, but Im going to look at the glass half full: it wont affect Skullgirls as a whole in any major way and will be more of a cute little fun app on the phone for casual people to play, no one will be missing out at all if they decide to skip it. Well I hope at least.
I don't care. All I care about is if this thing is going to have freaking Deadly AirFields.

Please I begging you Mike please say yes to this. It will be the greatest inside joke.
Fair point and too be onest I really dont like Moblie games either, although I want to see what this "new story content" is before buying. is the app worth my money? if it is free with microtransactions like a lot of "free games" is that worth my money?

At a live panel at Anime Expo, mobile game developer Hidden Variable Studios, alongside Skullgirls franchise developer Lab Zero, announced that a Skullgirls mobile game is launching later this year. Created for both iOS and Android, Skullgirls distills the essence of a complex fighting game into a more casual, accessible mobile experience with RPG elements.

The mobile game is designed to tell complimentary stories to the console game, with the game’s first “season” acting as a prequel to the Console game. The mobile game features dozens of characters and special moves to collect and upgrade - from Parasite Weave Filia to Epic Sax Big Band. In addition, Skullgirls will have RPG progression, customization, team/deck building mechanics and a Fight Assist feature that lets players take on a more turn-based, tactical role in combat.

In light of the fact that the Skullgirls franchise has one of the most passionate fan bases in gaming, the team also announced a Closed Beta where fans can sign up today for a chance to download and play the mobile game in advance and provide feedback.

“I’ve always been a huge fan of Skullgirls, so the opportunity to bring this amazing cast of characters and unique fighting mechanics to mobile has been a labor of love for all of us over the past two years,” said Charley Price, Co-Founder and Creative Director at Hidden Variable Studios. “I think hardcore fans of the console game will really love the way we’ve captured the essence of fighting gameplay in a simpler, mobile-friendly package, whereas more casual fans will be able to enjoy an awesome accessible experience that explores new stories set in the Skullgirls universe.”

“Over the years, we've seen no shortage of proposals to do a simple mobile puzzle game with Skullgirls assets, and that's not what Skullgirls is about,” said Peter Bartholow, CEO of Lab Zero Games. “But it was immediately clear that Hidden Variable understood the nuance, creativity and depth that made Skullgirls so popular, and we cannot wait for fans to check out the mobile game.”

Critically acclaimed for appealing to both hardcore fighting game fans and casual gamers, Skullgirls made its triumphant return to fans in 2013 after its developer Lab Zero’s successful Indiegogo crowd funding campaign. Most recently, Skullgirls 2nd Encore launched on the PS Vita on April 5th of this year. The global hit franchise has sold millions of copies across console and PC.

Skullgirls will launch later this year on iOS and Android. The mobile game is developed by Hidden Variable Studios and published by Autumn Games. Lab Zero developed the Skullgirls franchise.

It's said to be real time combat, with combos, blocking, and timing for combos (meaning you can drop them). It's said to be very different from the Injustice mobile game and the Marvel: Contest of Champions game.

I'm not mad, just confused. Very, very confused. I thought Lab Zero was done with Skullgirls except for the lobby patch? I thought they were tired of it, and trying to focus on Indivisible? And I thought Mike Z's only mobile plan was some sort of puzzle game, so where did this come from? Who decided it's a good enough idea to foot the cost of development? How would a fighting game work on a tablet, anyway? If the Vita had trouble storing the assets and displaying them without lag, how on earth can this work on tablets? RPG elements? Deck building? 2016?

Was this announcement intended for three months ago? 'Cause it really sounds like an April Fools thing.

Hopefully it'll make lots and lots of money and help the franchise gain popularity in Japan. And I guess lots of people love the franchise but aren't into fighting games... but a mobile app?

Again, not mad, just confused.
(In light of the fact that the Skullgirls franchise has one of the most passionate fan bases in gaming,)
Man we really are rabid aren't we?

I'm not mad, just confused. Very, very confused. I thought Lab Zero was done with Skullgirls except for the lobby patch? I thought they were tired of it, and trying to focus on Indivisible?

This looks like it's being made by Hidden Variable, and not handled by Lab Zero mainly.
Nice. I mean I kinda like the fighting game mobile genre because of games like KoF and BlazBlue but Skullgirls on mobile? Sign me up! Also it means I can finally play Skullgirls again.

How would a fighting game work on a tablet, anyway?

Probably like how KoF 2012 works, i.e a movement pad/circle on the left side of the screen, while kicks, punches, and special moves have buttons on the right side of the screen.
nah Lab Zero did a mobile game April Fools joke before @The Dave

remember Pumpkin Kart?

but really I think this is an okay way for Lab Zero to dip their toes into the mobile market. Using SG like this [and thank god they were working on it to make sure no BS happened. Cause really I hate BS Mobile games that either don't work or just have a crappy pay to win system in place]

Crossing my fingers that this is actually okay
Same here. Even with lab zero Ip its still handled by another company, could suck, could be fun. Im going to keep my judgment till the game comes out.
Yeah, this is probably Hidden Variable and Autumn's work for the most part, with Lab Zero there for quality control. It doesn't look like it plays like normal Skullgirls either. Movement might not even be as much of a thing. I won't be able to play it either way, so oh well.

I heard there might be new characters added though, and that it might lead to new characters that could appear in a potential SG2. That makes me curious!
I wouldn't get too hyped. it might be reused assets (Minus maybe some story portraits.) and if it is new characters playable in the mobile version...

...well I'll be honest that would kinda be a jerk move to put exclusive characters on mobile and no the main platforms. but I doubt it.
When you sign up for the Closed Beta, it asks you what characters you'd like to see in the future...pretty cool. ^.^ When's Minette? Fortune? Annie? TwT
nah Lab Zero did a mobile game April Fools joke before @The Dave

remember Pumpkin Kart?

but really I think this is an okay way for Lab Zero to dip their toes into the mobile market. Using SG like this [and thank god they were working on it to make sure no BS happened. Cause really I hate BS Mobile games that either don't work or just have a crappy pay to win system in place]

Crossing my fingers that this is actually okay
What was Pumpkin cart? BTW are you literally everwhere? You were all over the youtube comments
Look I hate mobile game as much as the next enlightened gamer *tips Half-Life 2 Fedora*

but if this is something that can help Skullgirls 2 be made, I'm gonna play it. Hell, I might even put money into it, fool that I am
Look I hate mobile game as much as the next enlightened gamer *tips Half-Life 2 Fedora*

but if this is something that can help Skullgirls 2 be made, I'm gonna play it. Hell, I might even put money into it, fool that I am
Can somebody photo shop goku with Mikes face gathering up all our money to make himself more powerful? I remember i saw it with Gabe Newell face
...well I'll be honest that would kinda be a jerk move to put exclusive characters on mobile and no the main platforms. but I doubt it.
We'll have to see the video of the panel, but supposedly this was mentioned by Peter.

I guess depending on how the game works, they might not need to be complete characters to work within the game. It might just be a character with limited hitstuns and a couple moves, with more moves added later over the course of time, or it could just be an Assist character like in MvC1. Either way, it might only need to be 50% or less of a finished Skullgirls character, but perhaps still a decent head start for work on a future title. Hopefully they can let us know more if/when it happens.
I'm not opposed to mobile games in theory. In theory, it should be possible for a developer to make a good game if they actually wanted to. Unfortunately it's so much easier to just make a manipulative skinner box and gouge whales for absurd amounts of money that way.

But hearing that L0 has some sort of involvement supervising them has me a little more hopeful that they won't let that happen. I was worried this was gonna be all Autumn Games trying to make a quick buck.
I wouldn't get too hyped. it might be reused assets (Minus maybe some story portraits.) and if it is new characters playable in the mobile version...

...well I'll be honest that would kinda be a jerk move to put exclusive characters on mobile and no the main platforms. but I doubt it.
Mariel cartwright tweeted that they (lab0) will work on some new animations
I heard a rumor somewhere that the success of the mobile game MIGHT help make it easier for Skullgirls 2 to be a reality? And that this question was addressed during the panel? Can anyone confirm?
It's said to be real time combat, with combos, blocking, and timing for combos (meaning you can drop them). It's said to be very different from the Injustice mobile game and the Marvel: Contest of Champions game.
Where is this blurb from?

You say it's real-time combat, but the blurb you posted says it's turn-based.
I updated the first post with a link to the official page at Hidden Variable's website which has a link to the closed beta application.
Where is this blurb from?

You say it's real-time combat, but the blurb you posted says it's turn-based.
@render linked me to a copy-paste (the blurb) which I guess has/is/was going up somewhere at some point. idk where it is now (outside of my email). Render also explicitly told me it was real time combat.