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Tabletop Games Thread (And Roll20)

So today I found a cool looking Outer Space RP, pretty rad.
What was less rad was looking at the art style, and immediately realizing that all the art was done by a prolific specific kink artist.
I mean, glad they got work outside of sexy art, but it was...quite jarring.

Also, Chronicles of Darkness: Dark Eras companion is out, if anyone wants to play that.
Date/time undecided yet. We're talking in a Discord group dm if you have that. Post your accounts and I'll invite you.
Uhm, I kinda don't know how to do that.. I don't Discord enough... I think it's #8811 Ӄit ßallarɖ
Hrm. Quite a few interesting bundles over on Bundle of Holding right now. They've rezzed the 13th Age bundle from a couple years ago and added bundles based on Vampire the Masquerade 20th Anniversary Edition and East Texas University for Savage Worlds. They also had a Rocket Age bundle rezzed, but that expired just a little while ago.
This sounds like it'd be entertaining.
I'm schedules to play in a short Tokyo Nova campaign after finals, alongside Ruin's dnd oneshot and our Nechronica game.

Also I just want to say that Nechronica is a wonderfully designed game on every level. Combat is incredible, balance is incredible, pick up and play factor is incredible. Wonderful game, and our gm has taken it to wonderful places <3
There's also a sequel to previous Fading Suns bundles, this time with the actual corebook they promised last time around. (They screwed up and got a later edition than intended last time.)

What's Tokyo Nova? I saw it's Cyberpunk and that's it.
It's a Japanese cyberpunk RPG that uses cards instead of dice, kinda like Deadlands or Castle Falkenstein. Found a breakdown for it here if you're interested.
There are cards and dice. I think there are combos too.

High resource management game with rules for playing everything from an almighty corporate executive to a vampire race car driver from space.

Anime as fuck with crazy stunts and stand offs thanks to the cards. They become a helluva thing with "miracles" in the mix. Gun-slingers Hol Horse bullet miracle for instance:

>Miracle: Coup De Grace
>You may instantly declare another player or npc "dead". Nothing can stop this but another miracle.

Woo lad

Play your hand well motherfuckers.
There's a couple new Bundles of Holding available for your perusal. One of them's a bundle full of printable terrain from Fat Dragon Games, another focuses like a laser on the Malifaux miniatures game (to the point of having both the 1.5e and 2e core books as part of it), and the third, which just dropped today... is animu as heck. Seriously, there's stuff like Tenra Bansho Zero, OVA, Kagegami High, Sparks (for those who love magical girls), Teenagers from Outer Space, and a not-Pokemon supplement for Pathfinder in there.
That fucking works for me, I was looking at all those recently too.
Bundle of Holding making sure my new Tablet gonna have some dankass reading material
I'm interested in giving Tenra Bansho Zero a try. I've heard good shit about it mechanically, and I love sci-fantasy settings.

Tokyo Nova goin' great! I played a succubus street racer and got arrested after critically failing a stealth check and falling through a door.

Meanwhile, the rest of the players started a barfight and ended up trapped in a massive Mexican stand off involving everyone present. That's where we left off.

Good shit. Also mechanically it's really fun, the playing card over dice system is great, as is the combos and emphasis on intrigue and political/social string-pulling over constant combat. The way the players are not necessarily in a party and focus switches back and forth between them as they do their own thing in different parts of the city is also very interesting and fun.

Also currently on the run from a giant centaur god made of blood and flaming swords in Nechronica.

Since the Tokyo Nova game is started, I should start working on my character sheet for Ruin's game. So much fucking programming to do though fuck!
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Wow, looking at that Anime Bundle, it has such a diverse set of genres/types of anime in there.
Ya got dramatic, ya got tragic, you got comedy, you got shonen, you got torture porn, magical girls, and throw some damn weirdass school anime in there too, why not.
Defintiely getting that.

Already got myself the Shadow of the Demon Lord bundle, who knows maybe I'll be able to run this
Hey guys, so I'm setting up a game with my mates, and I want it to be Horror, but not Call of Cthulhu because I'll make a separate group for that.
Are there any good Horror TTRPG systems out there I should know about?
One friend wants sorta Biopunk/Space Horror, or at least interesting horror, and another is deadset on having something Silent Hill-y, or Corpse Party-y, you know, BUNCH of people stuck in a ultra haunted place where they might end up killing each other.
Recommendations/tips for how to wrangle this all up? As well as some system recommendations
Due to a gm travelin', I ran a horror oriented Nech session involving a trip down a foggy road and exploration of an abandoned building. Was praised quite a bit for the atmosphere (though not the boss which was a mess, mechanically).

Asked some gm's I know about your question!
R4k4r45-Today at 3:46 PM
Honestly. The System does not make the Horror. You do.

EvilChildren-Today at 3:47 PM
I dunno, perhaps Don't Rest Your Head?

CYBER[ロリ」APOCALYPSE-Today at 3:47 PM
Unknown Armies is okay for the mindfuck. Otherwise, I'll channel 4no and Say GURPS: Horror

EvilChildren-Today at 3:48 PM
Don't Rest Your Head fits all the things you asked for.

CYBER[ロリ」APOCALYPSE-Today at 3:48 PM
Also I can double vouch for DRYH

EvilChildren-Today at 3:49 PM
I do gotta say though, that that guy better be planning for a RL game. Setting an atmosphere is much easier and better in real.

Squire Grooktook-Today at 3:49 PM


EvilChildren-Today at 3:49 PM
Have you heard the story of Awake?

Squire Grooktook-Today at 3:49 PM

don't think so!

EvilChildren-Today at 3:50 PM

Ctrl-f for the tripcode !!5frcmwAIRBT(edited)

The Warmonger's Wife-Today at 3:51 PM

R4k4r45-Today at 3:51 PM

Squire Grooktook-Today at 3:54 PM

oh nice, I'll take a look later then, bit busy at the moment!

I'll recommend him head resting adventures

R4k4r45-Today at 3:54 PM


EvilChildren-Today at 3:55 PM
Just make sure to remind him that a game doesn't make horror, you do.

Make sure he knows his players and can set up a good atmosphere.

So there you go! Don't rest your head!

Also they told me to bully you for not wanting to play Nech, and I am now contractually obligated to do so.. So here goes:

You're a nerd!!!! A neeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrdddd!!!!!

(we kid, we kid)
I sadly CANNOT make this an IRL game, one persons in Alaska, the others in Florida, and the other is all the way over in Jordan (That's close to Arabia), so I'll just need to double down on atmosphere.
I will look into Don't Rest Your Head though.
If that doesn't work I'll keep looking.
Silent Legions is something I found that looks neat
I'll try

Anyway, Bundle of Holding Update.
You like knights? You got a massive hard-on for the tales of King Arthur? Look no further. You get
Not One
But TWO bundles
About Pendragon, a game about roleplaying knights and ladies in the time of King Arthur, if you're so inclined.
It certainly looks interesting, but I am not too sure myself if I would invest in a third or fourth bundle in a row.
Bundle of Holding updated with a special 4th of July bundle.
Wanna do some weird (Possibly action-y) horror in the late 1700s-1800s in Colonial Times in America?
Look no further. Have Colonial Gothic.

Looks interesting and fun, but I don't think I know anyone that'd wanna play this with me, guess I could consider it if a Skullheart Group wanted to play it
I just noticed there was a "tabletop" thread.

I also want to say I've re-fallen into the deep abyss that is 40k because 8th edition just came out.
Speaking of Warhammer, the 40K Tabletop RPGs are dead, but the rights to Warhammer Fantasy, and Age of Sigmar have gone to Cubicle7, known for some really good games and for being based in Europe.
You don't gotta play the Age of Sigmar TTRPG Game, though.
No word on who got the 40K TTRPG rights yet, though.
spent the night assembling my dudes in 40k (actually its tyranids, so it'd be "my bugs")

still disappointed that hive fleet leviathan is no longer their "MAIN FACTION" like they've been the last few editions.

they got robbed from finishing off the blood angels by khorne
Me: I want to pick picket a random tavern patron
*Rolls a 2 (total 10)*
Dm: as you reach out, kind of patted a dwarf on his ass
Dwarf: Lassie, do you really want to try that?
Me: *with out missing a beat* I'm terribly sorry. I didn't know you don't swing that way.
*Dm stares at me with the best "pissed dwarf" face*
This week end I'm going to DM for the first time ever =D Even going to be a custom one shot that I tossed together ^_^ Based on that image I posted a bit back of the DM having the char sheets and the players learning about their chars. I'm calling the area the "Forgotten Lands" (yes, it's a joke on "Forgotten Realms" XD) and when creatures arrive there, they loose all their memories. So far I'm hoping it'll be fun, as I have some really fun sounding events in it, like a battle with an Adult Golden Dragon at the start! Ok you don't fight it... It comes in, kills the Crawling Claws then takes a 1 round action, but it's stopped by the mayor, who's the dragon's Dragonborn daughter.
Update on my game.
I gave my players 10 games to vote on, gradually eliminating them until we had one.
I had 8 Horror games and like 2 Anime games in case my players were weenies.
The anime game won.
We're playing Ryuutama now.
I'm not making the mistake of offering solace for the weenies again.
So I did my custom story with the amnesia thing and my 3 friends LOVED it! I'm so happy! They even said they'd love for me to continue when we're done with the dungeon (the game ran late)

edit: The thing I loved about the whole thing was the way I wrote the story, I was aiming for certain reactions. Pretty much every part that I was aiming for was perfect. I'm glad it worked out so well.
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So, what's everyones opinion on Numenera?
I'm curious because there's
of Numenera on Bundle of Holding right now for 20 days.
Pretty much already sold on it, but can anyone vouch for how it plays, and more importantly (to me), the Setting?
I know it's pretty well loved, but why is that? Is it the setting, the system, the ideas, or is it 'cuz it's made by Monte Cook?
I know it's pretty well loved, but why is that?

It's not, actually!

/tg/ kiiiiiinda fucking hates it. I've seen like several major threads and the opinion was 90% "this shit's tryhard as fuck and not half as interesting fluff or crunch wise as Monte makes it out to be."

I asked /jtrpg/ about it and the response I got was...

It's a setting that tries to be interesting and kind of is on paper, but sort of fails on execution.

Mechanics are serviceable, but nothing special, and are kind of anachronistic.

Old school game design trying to integrate modern ideas.

Basically it's mediocre on all ends.
Would anyone like a copy of my One shot (and any additions when I write em)? It was amazingly fun and the looks on everyone was so great. Mind you that you have to keep the character's sheets private (they can use a blank sheet for notes), and you're welcome to adlib anything I wrote or didn't write. Like, for one char I told them their name and he goes "How do you know my name?" I told him (as the nurse) "It was writen in your underware"

Mind you, if you do want a copy it's rife with spelling errors and bad grammar. And a few notes. I totally wished I recorded the session. It was a hoot. Tomorrow I think we'll finish what I got and I might write the next chapter for it (as I already have an idea =3 )
^^^Ah, I'm too far into zombie h.r giger girl hokuto no ken hell right now. I'm gm'ing a side plot for our main game, it's great. Maybe run that stuff for some of the other peeps around here! Glad your having a great time, I am too!

I might GM my own game of Nechronica sometime. Our gm recently translated a new splat, but probably won't be introducing it to our current game. Might run that sometime myself.
Oh man I laughed so hard this week.
So, last week, the guys went into the dungeon and killed stuff. in room 2 they was attacked by Kobalds and the monk punched a hole in a barrel which poured out oil. The dwarf paladin decided after killing the 2 nearest him to not move and goes "I'm going to heroicly flex!". I had him roll, and so he did. With the result I go "as you pose, suddenly, a shimmering light in the same exact pose that you are in appears behind you, casting light to the whole room. It fades almost as quickly as it arrived." He passed his next turn due to being shocked about what happened XD After they cleaned up the next room, (this week now) they took a rest then searched for loot. They found the hidden chest I had and the dwarf took a gemstone that he identified as a ruby. He showed it to the others and before they could respond, I told them that it looks like a piece of coal to them. They all laughed and pretended it was a ruby XD Next floor they found the Wand of Wonder I laid for em. They tripped off the Shreaker like I was expecting so they fought off 8 goblins now. After an amusing interrogation, they move on to the next room. I goofed my notes but it was still great, as they walked into a room that has 4 armor standing in 4 corners of the room and a rug in the center. The dwarf knew what was up and tossed his "ruby" onto the rug. Nothing. So they inspect the armor and as the dwarf attempts to take the helmet off of one, it bitch smacks him and starts the fight with 4 Animated Armors. As no one's triggered the rug, it's just sitting there and I took one of the armor suits to try and lure someone to the rug. The last armor standing is now on half of the rug, teh monk finally steps on the other half and it instantly grapples onto her head XD They now have a Rug of Smothering! She easily escapes the rug but it latches onto the barbarian. He fails to escape and the monk takes a bit of the rug and traps it in the door, with the barb still in it. The dwarf gets a "great" idea and sets the rug on fire with a torch. With it now on fire, half of the fire damage it was taking is now being sent to what ever it's smothering XD Everyone was laughing so hard. Well, cept the barb haha. They finally put the rug down and enter the next room with 3 chests. here's where it gets fun. They trigger the 2 mimics in this room and the dwarf runs back to the previous room, having the other 2 leave.. They do so and he targets Mimic 1 with the wand of wonder. I roll and look at the dwarf and go "As you point the wand at the mimic, you concentrate and feel the magics happen. The Light Stand that you made earlier appears behind you, shreaks, and dashes at the mimic. It then upper cuts it into the air followed by attacking it with high speed punches. After a few seconds of this, the mimic explodes into confetti." The guy looks at me and goes "Ok, so what did it really do?" and I read the effect "You are now stunned untill your next turn because you thought you saw something awesome." Everyone busted up laughing. They asked if they saw it and I told em it was only the dwarf and they can still see the very much alive mimic. Everyone's laughing harder now. We had to take a short break due to how much we was laughing from that XD after we did that, the monk falls back more and the Barb takes the wand and tries to use it himself (I forgone attunement, as it's more fun). I roll. "As you point over the dwarf at Mimic 2, you consentrate and for a moment, you suspect nothing happened. Suddenly *poof sound effect* 600 oversided butterflies are now flittering in a 30' radius from the mimic." Everyone busts up laughing again. Now there's 600 fucking butterflies XD "Since the mimic is still in it's object form, it is now completely covered in butterflies." Laughter insues again. But this also makes mimic 1 unseen. I remove it's marker from the map. The guys (cept the monk, who's actually a lizard folk, as she's eatting butterflies) kill mimic 2. after snapping the monk out of her trance, they all re-enter the mimic room. By then, 5 turns has passed and they can't see the mimic after entering (and that's not because of the 600 fucking butterlies lol). So the Barb tries to do a perception check and crit fails. "A swarm of butterflies has landed on you and you're now completely covered in butterfies." The dwarf's walking around tiles trying to find it. The barb tries again with disadvatage from all the butterflies and fails again. "Even more swarm and land on you. There's so many on you now that you're now prone".

After a few more hilarious things, they find the mimic, which when the guys couldn't see it dissolved the door and took it's place, and killed it (since it was also covered in butterflies XD). We ended there since it was late but my god that was the best thing ever XD I'm glad I've decided to try to DM. They look like they've never had so much fun in a dnd session in a while. I mean, the ones I was a PC in was hilariously fun but I think this "campaign" tops their faves list XD