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Weird or Unusual headcanons

Your post is fine and well thought out.

Its just we mainly throw goofball ideas around here.
- When Nadia was six years old, she stated that she wanted to marry a "fishman" (Dagonian) when she grew up, so that she could rear little catfish babies.

Kidding but the mental image of that scars me

kinda like fortune :PUN:
FINALLY, someone noticed that! I was about to go back and emphasize that one... XD

This is where I got that idea from... :D
- When Nadia was six years old, she stated that she wanted to marry a "fishman" (Dagonian) when she grew up, so that she could rear little catfish babies.
Kidding but the mental image of that scars me

I could only imagine what that would look like.......


You're Welcome. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Anyways, here's some Weird/Unusual Headcanons!

Painwheel's voice has always sounded loud and hoarse even before her transformation.

Before the events that took place in SkullGirls, Filia and Carol were having a conversation at school where they told each other their worst fears; Filia's worst fear was being kidnapped by a mad scientist and being experimented on, while Carol's worst fear was being attacked by some unknown creature and getting amnesia, because in her words; "THeN I WoULDn'T BE aBLE TO ReMEMbEr yOU, FiLIA!!"

A widely accepted headcanon is that Valentine is an Otaku, but there's one thing that I like to add in to that one:
She's okay with watching a many types of Anime, but Valentine's preference are ones with Yanderes in them. (Or other Anime with blood and gore in them.)

When Brain Drain saw Filia for the first time, he got really obsessed with her... He sends out camera drones to follow her wherever she goes, he has a secret file on his personal computer filled with nothing but pantyshots of Filia, and the real reason why Brain Drain made Fukua was because he wanted to...........uh......well......Y'know... ...Although Fukua never let him, and now she's working as one of Brain Drain's many agents.
Tl;dr: Brain Drain's a big ol' creeper!
Moar hedcannon! XD

- Squigly didn't get the idea of using her voice as a destructive weapon until she played Killing Floor and got owned by a Siren.
- All alternate character palettes are really Double in disguise, or they're Brain Drain clones.
- Robo-Fortune thinks in Dubstep.
- Ms. Fortune can't resist putting captions on all of her selfies, before posting them.
- Stanley's a vegan.
- Valentine is a walking petri dish. She's immune to disease, but she carries diseases.
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I have some ! :D
1. Sometimes when Samson is feeling like a real dick he smacks people's asses when they walk by and then quickly returns to "normal-hair mode", making it look like Filia did it and leaving her to deal with the consequences. Filia has been slapped her fair share of times.
2. Due to Annie's show serving as valuable anti-skullgirl propaganda (and also because a certain ruler likes it) its creation is funded entirely by the government. Some people complain about their tax dollars being used to make children's shows. These people are never heard from again.
3. Both Parasoul and Peacock write self-insert Annie fanfiction and post it on the internet. Peacock's writing involves a lot of capslock, exclamation marks, run-on sentences and sound effects like WHAMMOO!!! and KABLOOIEEE!!!. Parasoul's writing has very overly ornate language, a huge amount of stupidly long words (Parasoul keeps a thesaurus on hand when writing to make sure she sounds smart) and a forced "mature/dark" tone as if she's compensating for being an adult writing fanfics about a show for little kids. Peacock and Parasoul have both read each others works and both think the other's stuff absolutely sucks, and say so all the time in the comments section. Annie, being a little bit egotistical, likes to read Annie fanfiction and so is familiar with both of their stuff. She thinks both of them are awful writers.
4. Parasoul and Valentine both know each other, but not because they were colleagues or anything. They were classmates when they were kids, and Parasoul would always give Valentine wedgies and make fun of her anime shirts. They have had a rivalry with each other ever since.
5. Beowulf will go down in history as the world's first furry.
6. Being forced to deal with Umbrella has caused Adam to go gray prematurely. He is 25.
7. Tommy Ten-Tons is actually a very thoughtful, artistic and philosophical type. He loves classical music, badminton, and fashion design. He is the one who made Peacock her dress. He dreams of opening his own boutique one day. His skin care routine, which he does every morning and night, is an arduous 9-step process.
8. Ms Fortune is extremely popular with the ladies, as showcased by Eliza, Valentine and Minette. Though undetermined if she is gay herself, there are certainly a lot of girls with their hearts set on her. But what can I say? Of course lesbians love pussy im so so so sorry really

I was waiting for someone to post some more on this thread so that I could post some more without double-posting.

But anyway, here we go...

- This is what Brain Drain looked like when he was a kid...

Yes, I'm implying he was Brainchild from The Tick.
- Venus was born with a couple of birth defects... one of which was a teratoma*, which was removed immediately. It would eventually become sentient and eventually grow up to become Double.
- Beowulf is also the world's first "wolfaboo".
- Little does anyone know that every hole Peacock rips in the space continuum causes the entire Skullgirls dimension (and all associated universes/dimensions) to slowly fall apart.

* Viewer Discretion Is Advised.
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The Skullheart serves as a nuclear launch code of the gods, much like the irl second coming was supposed to wipe the earth clean so we can all meet our maker and put a dot behind our own existence and the project that god himself has started.

As stated on the wiki of Venus: "She grows tired of waiting for Mother's plan and calls upon her unwilling foothold on the outside in a small act of rebellion."

Her "Mother" created the Skullheart after Nefarus' shenanigans. Double mentioned how Eliza was the reason of the death of both Venus and Aeon, hinting that the god is inept trope is highly active when it comes to my headcanon and canon lore.

Who is Double? Most will say that Double might be the mother of Venus and Aeon (Lets be honest, the Double/Robo ending was probably crack.) But I suggest that she was actually an angel send by Mother to make sure the "second coming" will happen, which will allow them to wipe clean the earth, originally angels were actually terrifying beings with 500 eyes and 1000 faces. No wonder the first thing they always said when meeting prophets/other humans was "Fear not." Angels are terrifying beings.

Despite me believing that Robo-Fortunes ending is crack, there is always a core of truth somewhere! Both Aeon and Venus were pretty glad when the robot apocalypse happened, despite the Skullheart being removed. They got what they wanted, the end of the world. A rapture.

Conclusion: The Skullheart was created by the Trinity, Double is an agent/angel send by the trinity to make sure their plan succeeds. Aeon and Venus were both killed off in their own world, resulting in disappointment by the trinity causing them to make the decisions to just nuke the entire place just kill it oh my god.

Sorry for typos ;____;
Double mentioned how Eliza was the reason of the death of both Venus and Aeon, hinting that the god is inept trope is highly active when it comes to my headcanon and canon lore.

It's good to find someone else who agrees with me that this "trinity" is a crock. :D

Aeon and Venus were both killed off in their own world, resulting in disappointment by the trinity...

After Aeon and Venus are killed, wouldn't that mean that only the Mother remains to be disappointed, rather than the entire trinity?

...causing them to make the decisions to just nuke the entire place just kill it oh my god.


Also, wasn't it already a given that Double is an agent of the trinity? Doubtful she's an angel, but she's definitely trinity material...
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I like this one. :D

Your confidence... needs more confidence. XD

Just got one, thanks to Shorydouken... :D
- Samson is a really knotty head of hair. :PUN:
Sometimes I think Eliza's skin and dress are sticky, like drying blood, which is why she's so easy to hit.

What's that? Salt? I have no idea whatever you could possibly mean...
Sometimes I think Eliza's skin and dress are sticky, like drying blood, which is why she's so easy to hit.

What's that? Salt? I have no idea whatever you could possibly mean...
Why would that make her "easier to hit"?
Why would that make her "easier to hit"?
'Cause she's sticky. Ever notice how anything and everything that can stick to a ball of sticky tack, will stick to sticky tack? No wonder she loves baths, very hard to keep a ball of sticky tack clean.
Just because she's sticky doesn't mean she's easy to hit. Being sticky does not automatically make one easier to hit. It just means that if something actually lands on them, it'd stay on their body for a longer time. And I doubt the blood is too sticky, if it is at all. I theorize that if it does begin to get sticky, that blood will go to her center, and "moist" blood will be cycled to the outside.

Alright, more headcanon!

Parasoul was not the daughter of King Franz. Queen Nancy was her mother... but her real father was Lorenzo Medici.

An affair in a moment of weakness.

Queen Nancy passed Parasoul off as being King Franz's child.

Parasoul is half-Medici.
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I've no idea exactly what face Clint Eastwood is making there, but I can assure you, I agree with all such implications. :D
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Since it's a frozen frame, he's just making a face. Here's what I got from that...

"The hell have you been smokin'?"
"You sure 'bout this, son?"
"Dude. No. Just... no."
"This ain't happening."
"Get outta town."

Did I kinda get that right? XD

-In some random AU Valentine would be Painwheel's mother figure


Me lieks. But is this the place to post AU stuff? I would think it could be going off on a tangent... but I do have a buttload of AU stuff to post.

By the way... since the other headcanon thread is practically dead, I'm gonna have to post more of my other headcanon here. Good thing is, most of my headcanon is fairly weird/unusual... :D
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I see.

I didn't think this past headcanon was "beyond usual"... as a matter of fact, I thought it was quite the opposite. I played off of a classic cliché here. I've seen this situation in a bunch of places... even in the history of China's first emperor, Qin Shi-Huangdi.

EDIT: Here's more headcanon!

- Before Black Dahlia became the right-hand hitwoman of Don Medici, she was part of an ultra-radical environmentalist gardening group of women. They all took on names of flowers, and then added on the word "black" before said names. So, there were members with nicknames like "Black Rose", "Black Violet", "Black Orchid", and of course "Black Dahlia". While she's obviously not part of the group anymore, she does keep in contact with its members.
Brain Drain, jealous of the sense of community in Lab 8 and on a particularly lonely night, attempts to create superior lookalikes/clones/counterparts of the Lab 8 cast. It goes terribly wrong and he never speaks of it again. Some say they're still locked up in his basement.

Leduc, obsessed with the outside world's culture, regularly tries to get everyone in Lab 8 together for Family Fun Nights. He makes Big Band buy board games while he's out on the field and urges everybody to join in for a good time "Like the commercials! See the people on the box? They're having fun!". Hive reluctantly joins to support him as his friend, while Peacock is an avid cheater and uses her argus unit look behind the other player's backs to see what cards they have during UNO/Mahjong or takes advantage of her detachable robot limbs during Twister. Big Band and Stanley sometimes join in, Stanley because he wants to look cool and fit in with the Lab 8 subjects and Big Band because Leduc asks him 80+ times. Ileum is too busy watching the Lab 8 children.
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Eef it I got my own crazy head canon: Skullgirls is real. We are all trapped in a vr expirement and Mike Z is secretly brain drain. Or maybe it's like Inception and any second now Alex (he created SG right?) will wake up hereby causing all of us to cease existing and him thinking to himself "what a vivid dream" before continuing his life as a citizen of new meridian.

I got some stuff...

- Painwheel is slowly becoming a masochist... and is absolutely hating it.
- Valentine has a lot of strange fetishes... her biggest one is that she's a sapiosexual, meaning she's sexually attracted to smart people (ok... to me, that one isn't so weird). Her second biggest one seems to be toward men of power. And her third biggest one seems to be toward disfigured cyborgs... :|
Nope! Nobody comes to mind! :PUN:
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Here's something, what if Parasol had another sibling, before umbrella.
Or what if the kingdom runs a mercenary business beyond the walls, and recruiting child soldiers to increase their numbers and the profit goes to the city ( New Meridian running on a war economy)

from a small red barn in the middle nowhere
Man theres fun little headcanons or simple jokes but you people a straight up going into crazy/illogical territory.
I would think such headcanons would be accepted in a Weird Or Unusual Headcanons thread, based on their weird/unusual nature. I never got "fun little headcanons" or "simple jokes" from the name... XD

I did have a tiny little simple aesthetic something, though...

- Dagonians have higher mucus content in their tears. Their tears are about as viscous as human saliva.
Speaking of illogical territory, skullgirls and the rocketeer take place in the same world. Granted I barely remember as I haven't seen it forever hearing about the sequel reminded me about it.
Holy cow... it's like Iron Man and Tomorrowland had a baby that went back in time to spawn those two movies... :O
These are just some I've thought of randomly so sorry if it contradicts any canon!

Brain Drain is really into anime, but gets really really defensive and takes it way too seriously and if someone makes fun of him he lectures them for an hour about why Attack on Titan is actually a really good show

He could have attached Painwheel's mask in a less painful way, but the stapler was nearby and he didn't feel like getting up.

Valentine had a lot of illnesses when she was younger and had to spend a lot of time in hospital, which piqued her interest in medicine. She has a lot of scars on her stomach from surgeries and dislikes showing her midriff. Because of surgeries she can't have children naturally, and she has distanced herself from the idea of being a mother or caregiver and doesn't really know how to act around kids.

Valentine's also kind of a furry, she's really attracted to Ferals

Squigly's parents trained her in classic ballet but she secretly loves hip hop and urban dance.

Parasoul is a closeted lesbian

Beowulf is asexual

Whenever Cerebella hoovers the apartment she wears vice versa and picks up the furniture to hoover underneath it rather than just move i to the side, even if Feng is currently sitting on it.

Filia got thrown out of private school (paid for by her rich mafia parents) just before she got Samson'd. She went to the local school instead afterwards, her attendance is terrible but no one really cares as a lot of kids from troubled families go there.