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What is your current status in the game?


So the game has had a soft release for almost two weeks now, and I figure this is as good a time as any to check in with how people have been progressing in the app. This is not so much a bragging aboit how high leveled you are or how many unlocks you have, but just a check point.

Do you think it's too easy to unlock everything? Is the difficulty curve high enough in the events? Was any of it challenging? Did you ever feel the need to buy any Theonite? Give any reactions you've had so far!

My feeling so far: there's been plenty to do, but I went through it really quick. I've already finished all of the story modes on all difficulties except for the quests that require Eliza, the Expert quests that require Bronze only, and that last Cerebella prize quest in Ascent of a Woman.
I'm assuming there's going to be a weekly ranking thing down the line like most phone games that will give a repeatable infinite reason to play, but right now I'm already down to daily events. Maybe that's a normal rate of content completion for phone games, I dunno.

The amount of Theonite and relics I've gotten so far is reeeally generous. I've had a constant stream of character unlocks and have had more than enough of all resources to progress through basically everything without much thought. I'm so used to mobile games being really stingy with these things that it feels genuinely bizarre!

Here' s my current unlock status:
Game is starting to feel repetitive after completing everything in story mode. Now I just play for the gold moves you get from expert daily events and to level up characters in quick play. Hopefully they'll update it soon with a new game mode or something to keep things fresh.

It's weird to see how the characters you got so far are almost the same as mine. And I agree Skullgirls is generous with the free Theonites from completing the story and levelling up. One interesting thing to note, all the good characters I got were from the free Theonites and completing reward relics. I bought a bunch of Theonites and spent it on that Parasoul relic hoping to get Princess Pride, but all I got was No Egrets and a ton of duplicates. I saved up a bit of Theonites from completing daily missions and used it on the Cerebella relic and was lucky enough to get Gray Matter and Armed Forces.


It becomes significantly harder to level up gold characters when their fighter score is very high. Especially when the combined fighter score of quick play opponents can never be higher than 11-12k. The ones I usually get matched against range from 7k to 10k and winning fights like these barely gives any XP.
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Wow, the spread is remarkably similar there! It's probably just standard RNG, but have any character duplicates stood out to you? I think I've gotten 4 Parasite Weave Filias so far.
Wow, the spread is remarkably similar there! It's probably just standard RNG, but have any character duplicates stood out to you? I think I've gotten 4 Parasite Weave Filias so far.

I don't remember, but I get the feeling certain gold characters have really rare chances or are probably not even in the drop table at all.
The Theonite rewards are generous enough to get a nice amount of characters, I believe special characters like Oh Mai Valentine should be available by Relics events (limited time only) and by microtransactions. Personally I have used Theonites for 3 sets of 5 Relics, 2-Parasoul and 1-Valentine.

I agree with moisterrific the game feels a little bit repetitive after the story mode, Sg needs some alternatives events / game modes.

The Theonite rewards are generous enough to get a nice amount of characters, I believe special characters like Oh Mai Valentine should be available by Relics events (limited time only) and by microtransactions. Personally I have used Theonites for 3 sets of 5 Relics, 2-Parasoul and 1-Valentine.

I agree with moisterrific the game feels a little bit repetitive after the story mode, Sg needs some alternatives events / game modes.

Wow lucky you got Princess Pride Parasoul, I spent thousands of Theonites on the Sunday Parasoul relic and never got it. Did you get yours through that or the Premiere relic?
Wow lucky you got Princess Pride Parasoul, I spent thousands of Theonites on the Sunday Parasoul relic and never got it. Did you get yours through that or the Premiere relic?

I got her through Parasoul Relic :PAR:.
Wow lucky you got Princess Pride Parasoul, I spent thousands of Theonites on the Sunday Parasoul relic and never got it. Did you get yours through that or the Premiere relic?
I dropped 2500 on Big Band relics. No golds ;_; RNG's a bitch yo.

Honestly though, I'm really not annoyed by the drop rates when trying to get one specific character. It's so easy to get a stack of gold characters with the absurd amount of currency they give you for clearing the initial story chapters. I'm content to be surprised when I eventually get those guys I'm missing.

Obviously once you've cleared those chapters there's a sudden drop off in currency unlocks, but by that time you probably have several teams that are capable of getting you through most of the quests in the game.
I dropped 2500 on Big Band relics. No golds ;_; RNG's a bitch yo.

Honestly though, I'm really not annoyed by the drop rates when trying to get one specific character. It's so easy to get a stack of gold characters with the absurd amount of currency they give you for clearing the initial story chapters. I'm content to be surprised when I eventually get those guys I'm missing.

Obviously once you've cleared those chapters there's a sudden drop off in currency unlocks, but by that time you probably have several teams that are capable of getting you through most of the quests in the game.

I think I got around 7,000 free Theonites in total from completing the story and doing some daily missions. And that was when I already had 4 gold characters from the chapter completion relic rewards. The randomness for me was either very generous or very unlucky. Spent like 1,000 Theonites on the Cerebella relic and now I have every Cerebella character. But I spent around 6000 on the Parasoul one and got so many duplicates and no Princess Pride.

Now I'm just gonna save up for Eliza…