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Who do you think DLC characters 3 and 4 will be?


Hidden Variable
Mar 1, 2021
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Cerebella Valentine
You may not have heard this, but Annie and Umbrella are joining the playable cast! Shocking I know!

There's also two more characters in the Season 1 Pass. Who do you think they'll be? Who do you want them to be?

Season Pass 7 Cards Contents Squared Border No UPDATED.png
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Characters I think it would be: I feel like Black Dahlia is kind of a no-brainer. Perfect mix of popularity and lore-importance. I was honestly surprised she wasn't the second announced character. For the other one, it's kinda left-field but I actually think Feng would make sense. She's pretty popular, got a interesting gameplay mechanic that shouldn't be too challenging to implement (cough Aeon cough).

Characters I want it to be, but kinda doubt it would happen: Both Black Dahlia and Marie due to lore-importance. The reason I don't feel like Marie would make it is due to her being the "boss" character, she is someone that the devs might want to leave until a bit later. Additionally, we already have 2 aesthetically "young girls" characters in the pack and I feel like they will want to mix it up a little bit, with more older female characters or male characters to keep it interesting.

Characters I really want: ADAM MY BELOVED
I'm expecting Marie and Dahlia TBH. Then again, Alex is no longer involved, so there's no telling what the devs will do.
Remember there's a 5th character too.
They said it could happen if things go well, but I think things are going well enough already :D

My bets are Black Dahlia, Marie and Brain Drain.

But of course I'm team Aeon forever
There's possibly a 5th character. I hope we get Marie next, that way the current incarnation of Boss Marie will be gone forever and ever.

Black Dahlia is a no bainer as stated before.
And I kinda wish we get Venus as the possible 5th character. She'd be like Double in her cutscenes (flesh and mouths everywhere).

Also unrelated but it would be nice if we get a sort of Double 2 in the future, with reused/unused animations of all the post-release characters (Squigly, Band, Fukua, Eliza, Beowulf, Robo, Annie, Umbrella, and 2 more)
I'll go against the grain and say I think it's going to be Black Dahlia, but I don't think the 4th character will be Marie. I actually think we'll see a male character as the 4th DLC, either Brain Drain or Stanley.
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I've heard talk that the old story plans aren't set in stone and we shouldn't just assume Black Dahlia and Marie. I fully expect it'll be someone else just for the sake of being unexpected.

If one of the two gets in, I'd say Dahlia is more likely, simply because I don't think they need an alternate version of Marie to tell the story. There's already precedent for just letting you play as the boss in Challenge Mode.
I hope to get Adam and Stanley, but let's settle for something real.
So, my guesses are The Skeleton and Filia's Banana Phone.
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I'm still hoping Minette is one of them, but I'm open to any of the other characters being 3 or 4.
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Minette/Feng, Brain Drain and Black Dahlia.
I’m thinking it’ll be Marie and Minette. I’m 2 for 2 on guessing dlc so I’ll obviously continue to be right.
I don't think they'll go for Black Mariah this early and will probably try to keep the pass diverse, but I also didn't they'd release Annie and Umbrella back to back, so I guess anything's possible.
I don't think they'll go for Black Mariah this early and will probably try to keep the pass diverse, but I also didn't they'd release Annie and Umbrella back to back, so I guess anything's possible.
Not sure if you're talking about Black Dahlia or Bloody Marie lol, but I get the sentiment.
You may not have heard this, but Annie and Umbrella are joining the playable cast! Shocking I know!

There's also two more characters in the Season 1 Pass. Who do you think they'll be? Who do you want them to be?

View attachment 15645
I think Ajna from Indivisible could be a cool guest character if you could work her in some how.
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I think Ajna from Indivisible could be a cool guest character if you could work her in some how.
If you'd asked me a year or so ago she would've been at the top of my wishlist, but... I'm not so sure it's a good idea now...
Beatrix hopefully maybe B Dahlia if she plays like mastodon sentry, I wanna shoot projectiles.

Venus is also a choice

Minette would be funny only because I hope her attacks are very clumsy

Stanley 'cause even though his character design is underwhelming, his inspirations are not.
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Marie - we got Skullgirls 2 boss Eliza, so why not get Skullgirls 1 boss playable?
Venus and Aeon - get Skullgirls 3 bosses in here too while your at it (warning: this is a package deal, you can't add one without the other).

Seriously though, this is tough to predict. The Indiegogo voting was us fans picking what we liked. This is HVS and others picking characters partly on what they like, but also as a business decision (what will make tons of Canopy coins for the company).

The voting process that lead to Eliza had three rounds:

TOP 16
  1. Aeon
  2. Annie
  3. B. Dahlia
  4. Beowulf
  5. Brain Drain
  6. Eliza
  7. Feng
  8. Isaac
  9. Marie
  10. Minette
  11. Molly
  12. Panzerfaust
  13. Scythana
  14. Stanley
  15. Umbrella
  16. Venus
  1. Aeon
  2. Annie
  3. Beowulf
  4. Eliza
  5. Isaac
  6. Minette
  7. Panzerfaust
  8. Stanley
  1. Aeon
  2. Annie
  3. Eliza
  4. Minette
The Beowulf voting process was handled differently, with 10 characters being knocked out each round until there was one final 10:

TOP 10
  1. Aeon
  2. Annie
  3. Beowulf
  4. B. Dahlia
  5. Feng
  6. Isaac
  7. Minette
  8. Panzerfaust
  9. Stanley
  10. Venus
Do you think the voting patterns of 8 years ago are still valid?
Let's have another Waifusbando Wars for the 5th character

Aeon army assemble!
Do you think the voting patterns of 8 years ago are still valid?
I got a feeling that people really like The Science Shark.
Isn't it sweet?
Si nos basamos en interacción con los personajes ya jugables sería así:

Beowulf - Annie
Parasoul - Umbrella
Ms. Fortune - Minnette
Cerebella - Feng

Pero si nos basamos en acontecimientos en general

Black Dali y Panzerfaust
Son los que resaltan más en la trama

Los que me gustaría que incluyeran Sería a
Leduc y Taliesin
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If you'd asked me a year or so ago she would've been at the top of my wishlist, but... I'm not so sure it's a good idea now...
Why not take a poll and if the game does well, she can fill that last slot?
They're going to pull out Marie as the special last one after the last two are shown off.

for the actual predictions... Dhalia and Minnette.
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Why not take a poll and if the game does well, she can fill that last slot?
It's not so much if she is popular or not, but she's from a game owned by a completely different company which seems to want nothing more to do with the IP.

In any case, I'm personally not a proponent of adding guest characters into the game at this point. We have so many cool potential in-universe DLC characters (30+ of them in fact) (yes, even Minette) that I'd rather see a majority of them getting in first before they start considering guest characters. One more guest character made is one less Skullgirls character made. A character takes 3-6 months of Future Club/HVS teams working full-time on it; it's definitely not something trivial enough that they can just add just because.
If we get that bonus fifth character I'd be fine with letting a guest have that spot. We're still getting four Skullgirls characters this season, which is four more than I ever expected this game to get.

I just don't think Ajna is a good pick anymore because she'd kinda be reopening old wounds tbh. I've seen enough comments under SG announcements from people blaming HVS and FC for not finishing Indivisible, this would only add fuel to that fire from people who don't understand what actually happened there.
It's not so much if she is popular or not, but she's from a game owned by a completely different company which seems to want nothing more to do with the IP.

In any case, I'm personally not a proponent of adding guest characters into the game at this point. We have so many cool potential in-universe DLC characters (30+ of them in fact) (yes, even Minette) that I'd rather see a majority of them getting in first before they start considering guest characters. One more guest character made is one less Skullgirls character made. A character takes 3-6 months of Future Club/HVS teams working full-time on it; it's definitely not something trivial enough that they can just add just because.

I absolutely agree
If we get that bonus fifth character I'd be fine with letting a guest have that spot. We're still getting four Skullgirls characters this season, which is four more than I ever expected this game to get.

I just don't think Ajna is a good pick anymore because she'd kinda be reopening old wounds tbh. I've seen enough comments under SG announcements from people blaming HVS and FC for not finishing Indivisible, this would only add fuel to that fire from people who don't understand what actually happened there.
Maybe this is a way they could show their support to their fans by adding her to Skullgirls. Since future DLC was cancelled in Indivisible. I know it costs money and time to develop a character. This would be giving back to the fans. I too was looking forward to the future DLC and I was only left with getting Ramzi's Challenges. I followed and was waiting on that game for YEARS to be released. I know there's some issues with the companies, that shouldn't keep them from adding a cool guest character. It seems the issue is with what happened and not whether the character fits and would be wanted in Skullgirls. I do understand that everyone needed to let things settle. I love the forum relaunch and it looks like it's cleared up some. If everyone has a moment please take the poll.

I have a fun poll to check interest.

ADD Ajna as Skullgirls * 5th DLC Character * POLL​


Thanks all,

"Go team Ajna!"​


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Given that this unused banner intended for Beowulf's stage is currently in the game files, as of a patch from this year (it was always hidden in the game but it used to depict a crude sketch instead of her action shot), I think this is probably a strong indicator that Marie is going to be one of them.

Or maybe it's a deliberate red herring. That's also possible considering we're in the age where game devs surely know people are going to poke into the game's guts. A bit of a troll, if you will.
View attachment 15706
Given that this unused banner intended for Beowulf's stage is currently in the game files, as of a patch from this year (it was always hidden in the game but it used to depict a crude sketch instead of her action shot), I think this is probably a strong indicator that Marie is going to be one of them.

Or maybe it's a deliberate red herring. That's also possible considering we're in the age where game devs surely know people are going to poke into the game's guts. A bit of a troll, if you will.
Good catch! But yeah, I think apart from being a red herring, another potential explanation is that it could just be made to support in case they put a boss Marie challenge in the NMO stage (although as far as I know none of the existing challenges that involve Marie are in this stage). I certainly wouldn't mind if Marie is one of the Season 1 characters though.
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I advocate for Scythana, since I believe she can bring interesting themes that's not shared by other fighters. Prisoner+Gigan flavor combat would be great, for lore as well.
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Third slot will be Dahlia because I want it to be
I'd love for Brain Drain to be the fourth slot. He's got a pretty nifty design and he's not a complete nobody in the SG universe like the bee chick or Minette.
View attachment 15706
Given that this unused banner intended for Beowulf's stage is currently in the game files, as of a patch from this year (it was always hidden in the game but it used to depict a crude sketch instead of her action shot), I think this is probably a strong indicator that Marie is going to be one of them.

Or maybe it's a deliberate red herring. That's also possible considering we're in the age where game devs surely know people are going to poke into the game's guts. A bit of a troll, if you will.
The wiki says that Annie has an unused voice line for switching out with Marie, so I believe she is likely to be the third character. I feel like the 4th character will either be Black Dahlia or someone original we don't know anything about.
Wasn't she intended to be in the main roster at some point? Hence the poster and the voice lines (not just Annie's, most characters have voice lines for Marie).
Judging by Umbrella having similar "artifacts", I presume that we'll see Marie as playable pretty soon.

Still bitter he's not in the roster. The best character ever.
Well, maybe we'll see a bit of him, if Marie would be playable.

I advocate for Scythana, since I believe she can bring interesting themes that's not shared by other fighters. Prisoner+Gigan flavor combat would be great, for lore as well.
She has one of the most interesting concepts, that's for sure. And I'm pretty interested for her story mode (even if I feel that it would be incomplete without playable Isaac and Adam).
But I suppose she wouldn't appear during this season.
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Wasn't she intended to be in the main roster at some point? Hence the poster and the voice lines (not just Annie's, most characters have voice lines for Marie).
Judging by Umbrella having similar "artifacts", I presume that we'll see Marie as playable pretty soon.
Based on the unused voice lines people found, it seemed like the original planned DLC characters were Squigly, Umbrella and Marie, yeah. The fact there is an unused Annie voice line (which has obviously just been recorded recently) for Marie though does seem to be a very strong indication she will be here very soon. But I ain't gonna get my hope up too much lol.
You may not have heard this, but Annie and Umbrella are joining the playable cast! Shocking I know!

There's also two more characters in the Season 1 Pass. Who do you think they'll be? Who do you want them to be?

View attachment 15645
Marie seems like an easy choice. I'd love black dhalia as well. Aeon is my #1 hope but I'm not expecting it this season :')
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Marie seems like an easy choice. I'd love black dhalia as well. Aeon is my #1 hope but I'm not expecting it this season :')
Aeon is my top pick too, but I feel like Aeon wouldn't be coming without Venus in tow. Though, if the last two characters for this season were Aeon and Venus, then...

Nah, just kidding. Unless...