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Why do some people consider Valentine a bad character?

If I knew Val was a "bad" character from the beggining I never would had spent over 300 hours playing it.

I picked one character from day one and just kept playing it because I thought they where all balanced.

I am committed to Val now.

I don't want all those hours going to waste,

Oh w3ll...
hint: She is not a bad character
That one is never gonna hit no matter what I do to the hitbox, they're already completely behind you when it goes active.

Then please whatever you do don't break mine. I have alot of tech with this interaction in particular.

Haven't seen my computer in like 2 or 3 days so I have no idea. If anyone wants to test then please do. You can set it up with just the first hit of mpx2 and get cross up shuriken+assist but I don't know right now.
Uh yeah, that should have been fixed by s.MPx2 dragging them downward. Although the behind c.HP would not have changed if I improved the hitbox. :^)
  • No back dash/back airdash cancellable into normal
  • No instant overhead
But hey, this is my opinion
Uh... Maybe you need to see it as...
  • Back dash that shuts down low throw setups, cancels into neutral jump and another air dash to avoid resets on landing
  • Any normal is an instant overhead from backdash xx air dash, allowing for dumb shit
"Instant overhead" with an additional 2 dashes worth of startup, on normals that are 18F in the first place... yeah, sounds great.
Because I used to play her, and have spent about three weeks playing Eliza instead?

I've spent more time with Val than any other character, even though I don't play her now.
"Instant overhead" with an additional 2 dashes worth of startup, on normals that are 18F in the first place... yeah, sounds great.
You have proven yourself to not know what you're on about already and I didn't say anything, but this is egregious.
"2 dashes worth of startup" Since when have dashes in SG had significant startup?
"Overhead" doesn't require it to be j.HP.

Val's j.LP is 7f. Her backdash requires 7f to go by before you can airdash. ALL airdashes allow you to act after 1f. Adding that up that's...what? Sorry, I can't quite hear you. Fifteen, is that what you said? A 15f overhead? I do believe that's faster than Filia!
And if you want to do one that doesn't whiff up close on crouchers you can use j.LK, which makes the total 17f. That's still faster than Filia.
And if you want to do one that doesn't whiff up close on crouchers you can use j.LK, which makes the total 17f. That's still faster than Filia.
Jump start = 4f
Min IAD height = 5f
j.LK = 7f

Wouldn't that be a 16f overhead on Filia?
But why would you not bomber?
"I can't put Double on my team because if I used Cilia Slide, I wouldn't be using Hornet Bomber, so I have to put Valentine on my team instead of Double." Is that pretty much your thought process here?
Uh I actually like team Para/Val/Dubs now in beta. The s.mk val fix actually let's it function as lock down and the short hit stun on the final hit allows for a low throw if you aim for it
But whether or not these player will do anything with her is the question. And are you actually thinking her beta damage is making it in to retail, because I main Val and even I know thats (probably?) not happening
I have no idea if the damage will make it, the ability to improvise is what is really cool, though. I don't think she needs the damage, I'm playing her in beta at the moment because I just really really like how the new combos work, not really anything deeper than that.

I didn't ever think she was bad, you can find evidence of me saying completely the opposite all over the place haha. I'm kinda surprised there is anyone who thinks/thought she is bad.
I main Val and I think she's pretty awesome. I don't mind her not doing 8k damage as long as I get to keep my corner to corner carry which it seems a couple people forget she can do.
New Bypass isn't just amazing because you get more damage in the beginning of the combo (and do note you're sacrificing corner carry for this). It's getting confirms off certain assist calls while you're not even near the assist, and getting an easy reliable confirm from any air-to-air hit, no matter how high.

Honorable mentions to silly burst baits and stylish combos.
I wouldn't necessarily call Valentine a bad character, I think she's quite amazing; key reason why she's leads my team. With that being said, I don't think Val has solid assists compared to the rest of the cast. Other than that, she's a solid character, especially with what I've seen with her recent changes in the beta.
Before I make some content outlining exactly why I believe Valentine is an amazing character, I'd like to get some concentrated feedback from disappointed Val players about why they don't consider Valentine a strong character. I'm making this a thread so that I don't have to scour the forums and pick out where people say things.

Please include things like character matchup issues, offensive options, defensive options, your opinions on Valentine's playstyle, and anything else you can think of.
I don't necessarily think she's a bad character, you just have to find the right setups to bring out her real strengths. For example, I've developed a single combo using Valentine and Big Band that can, if performed to a T, can nearly remove half of an opponent's health (it requires 3 levels of Tension).
s.LP (all three hits if possible) > c.LK or s.LK > s.MP > s.MK > c.HP > j.LP > j.MK > EKG Flatliner > Strike Up The Band
If you can precisely nail each hit of this combo, it results in a fairly devastating amount of damage and sometimes 100+ hits.
I don't necessarily think she's a bad character, you just have to find the right setups to bring out her real strengths. For example, I've developed a single combo using Valentine and Big Band that can, if performed to a T, can nearly remove half of an opponent's health (it requires 3 levels of Tension).
s.LP (all three hits if possible) > c.LK or s.LK > s.MP > s.MK > c.HP > j.LP > j.MK > EKG Flatliner > Strike Up The Band
If you can precisely nail each hit of this combo, it results in a fairly devastating amount of damage and sometimes 100+ hits.
She can actually do a lot more damage than that, the combo you posted is very basic and only has two chains with one on the ground and one in the air, it uses very little or your available undizzy and scales pretty badly early on.

You see that little green bar that sometimes fills up below your health bar? That's called 'undizzy' or 'drama', and it exists in order to limit the length of your combo. It fills up as your attacks connect and form a combo under a specific parameter and with a certain limit, if you surpass that limit and start a chain after the bar is full the opponent will flash green and is allowed to burst and end your combo. An optimized combo will fill up that entire bar and can sometimes take 50% of the opponent's health even without using any supers. The game also has an Infinite Protection System (IPS) that prevents repetition in combos and has to be taken into consideration when making longer combos.

Your combo also doesn't take into account a thing called 'damage scaling'. That means that, as your combo gets longer, the attacks will do less and less damage until it reaches a minimum of 20%. To optimize with that in mind you have to use attacks that do high damage and have as few hits as possible early in the combo, and after the 20% cap is reached you can go for attacks that have lots of hits before finishing the combo or try to reset the combo and start over with no damage scaling (but the undizzy stays there even after a reset!).

For more information on combos or really anything about Skullgirls gameplay make sure to check the Beginner Resources Thread, it has a ton of stuff that can help you level up your game. :)
Off the top of my head, here's Duck's air bypass route that is p optimal and universal, IIRC, with that DHC tacked on.

- cLK cMK1 cHP jHP HBypass jHK1 MBypass adc jMK2 jHP rejump jLP jHK2 HBypass adc jMPn sLP3 (sLK here would be finnicky IMO) sMPn cMK2 sHP HBypass EKG > Strike
- 12111 dmg @ 1.0 ratio (2v2 test)

and, on Filia...

sLP1 (rest whiffs on her crouching, also, this hits mid, so she blocks it for free) sLK sMPa (scaling is awful now) sMKa (even worse) cHP jLP jMK2 EKG, then quite a delay to DHC to Strike Up The Band to even get it to hit Filia falling to the other side of the screen, and damage varies by as much as 500, easily.

- sLP1 sLK sMPa sMKa cHP jLP jMK2 EKG delay Strike (fullscreen hit)
- 6200~6500 dmg @ 1.0 ratio (2v2 test)

Here's a video comparison for you @FinestFantasy13 of your combo vs a combo that is maximized for damage and has a proper starter.


Short combos are ok! Until you can maximize on stuff later. You need to learn combos and strings that grow along with your skill level, execution wise. You're not expected to do MAX DAMAGE OPTIMAL COMBOS every time or right off the bat!
But your combo isn't even beginner friendly, IMO, due to the weird DHC you can easily drop. Strike up the band is best when DHC'd into from the ground, if you can help it.
By simplifying your combo..

cLK cMK1 sHP HBypass EKG SSJ does 6681 damage @ 1.0 ratio (2v2 test)
cLK cMK1 sHP HBypass EKG Strike does 9007 damage @ 1.0 ratio (2v2 test)

See, by doing single, hard hitting moves, and not pumping up damage scaling, I can do a simpler combo than yours that does more damage, actually.
The SSJ combo beats your strike combo, and is cheaper, and the strike combo here also beats your strike combo, by over 2k~ more damage.

Good luck! Don't let the game's systems scare you off, they may look slightly intimidating at first, but they're very easy to understand, actually.